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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 11:30:15
#61 ]
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From: Southampton, UK


Finally someone who speaks sense around here. I was in love with the Amiga for six amazing years. I use skills learned in those years today, every day. Two years ago I thought I could recapture some of the magic and bought a SAM460 and OS4. It was a useful mistake to make. I learned that the only improvements of any significance in the intervening *fifteen* years were the introduction of a compositing windowing system and 24bit graphics. On the other hand, the hardware in the PPC based PC standard hardware was only very roughly supported. Graphics was half done, USB would hang on every other boot, networking died under load, the onboard SATA port was half functional. And the machine was about as fast as a 10 year old PC, with a web browsing experience of a 50 pound android phone. Obviously I sold the SAM on. It's in Poland last I heard.

Sorry if the truth hurts.

The sad part is all this has made me less interested in playing with my old "classics". :(

Anyway for Trevor and Hyperion: servicing the needs of hobby computer users should be done as a hobby not a business. There will never be a profit. Of course others run business as a hobby. They are likely very rich and very bored. I don't know if you are in that category, but I very much hope so for your sake.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 11:37:02
#62 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2014
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It's worse than that, Ben seems to think that by having to pay legal bills for a mess of his own making somehow entitles him to evolve his ego. It's more than a hobby he's backed himself into a corner and now his affiliates buy up the forums until what's left? A few old farts lonely in their echo chamber.

Very odd. And all they have done is brought a defunct os onto hardware that has a worse price performance ratio than a raspberry pi with not even a thousandth of the support. Don't demand that we be grateful.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 11:39:48
#63 ]
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From: Westhall, UK


A good summary. More progress and less personal expense would result from making the whole Amiga effort open source. I wonder if any individual has become a millionaire directly because of the Amiga since 1994. There's now more years passed since since the days of Commodore. Everything points to the OS4 project being no more or less of a technical achievement than the MorphOS or Aros projects, despite the millions flouted by Ben and his brethren.

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 11:40:25
#64 ]
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There is always AROS : ) Works on PPC, ARM, 68k and x86.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 11:41:17
#65 ]
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From: Norway


Out of curiosity;

Its quite obvious that for many years pretty much nothing major happened in development (hardware or software).
Do you feel that the energy trevor and matthew (aeonkit basically) has accelerated progression?
So while you are spot on with the lack of much progress since the glory 80-90s, isnt there atleast a genuine attempt to chart a course and stick with it?

If so many people think there have been next to no progress over the years, why are people up in arms when AeonKit tries something different.
It might not be the path you would have chosen if you had the money to do what they do, but at the end of the day, its their money to spend how they think is best.

Thats atleast my impression. (you can ofcourse pick on the choice of hardware platform)

Last edited by Overflow on 26-Oct-2014 at 11:49 AM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 11:48:34
#66 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2014
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No. There's a bottleneck. The os4 development team. Trevor can splash the cash but without a credible plan and credible team able to attract credible apps developers there's no credible marketplace.

It's screwed.

The moodiness doesn't help nor do the stunts. You can put up with the teenage angst from freeware developers but it sticks in your craw when you've paid for an alpha quality time machine.

Aros and morphos are no better.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 11:53:29
#67 ]
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I agree there is a bottleneck with the OS development pace, but my impression its why AeonKit is doing what they do; focusing a storefront, maximising attention towards their products etc.

You need high visibility to keep people/readers informed of developments. Olaf with his AROS and Phoenix with his ARES store are other good examples. They are to increasing degree visible, and if it hadnt been for phoenix being very active on forums I would have been clueless to his developments.

Last edited by Overflow on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:26 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:02:04
#68 ]
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So the glass is half empty for you eh lol My truth is that I'm very happy with all the updates which have drastically improved OS4.1 stability (including USB performance) since I bought my first Samflex @800 in 2009. There has been six updates since then & now the final update is coming soon.

I'm thrilled to use my favourite OS of choice as my main computer at home & look forward to OS4.2 & full 3D for our modern Radeon HD cards & using my 2nd core in X1000. The support by fellow Amiga users on our forums & IRC has always been top class.

My dealings with A-EON & Amigakit have alway been positive and I'm humbled & thankful to them for keeping my favourite OS & new hardware for it alive in 2014 & the future.

Glad you sold your Sam460 (A1-500) to someone who can enjoy it.

Last edited by klx300r on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:06 PM.

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:04:05
#69 ]
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Yep and people like cgutjahr bashing me for talking about that are contra productive : )
(oh he is stomping already.... *duck*)

*By the way:
is the feed the Kitty image still needed on

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:05 PM.

AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:05:32
#70 ]
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You are right... no commercial software developer would invest in the platform at the moment. Even including all UAE users the community is way too small for commercial development.

But the real bottleneck is different...

In my view more chances would be if there would be more cross-platform tools and modern RAD tools and class libraries making it easier to start programming and cross-porting software.

It has nothing (or at least not much) to do with OS development in my view.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:18:32
#71 ]
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If someone has enough dollars for a hobby left he could just hire people. Or just buy 1000 of license of a software prior to the port and resell later to the users.
For instance i don't know why you couldn't just work with other entities together.
Why AEON doing HW if Acube was there already? Why not become a partner (commercially involved) and share investments/works revenue and add knowledge and enthusiasm and invest in Software.

This wold lead to less fraction and more trust from the community.
OSes can't be combined but why should they.. let them flow.

Everblue for example feared as a "new user" that AOS will be only available for AEON HW. This just adds confusion and hurst Acube as well (passively).

It is not to serve the community in any way, it is just to Iive your dream. Ok I understand that and it is great but actually it starts to piss me off totally because it is not a Hobby of a single person. Or is it?

To live and let live. (If working together is not "cool enough" for grannies)

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:19 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:19 PM.

AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:20:11
#72 ]
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Why not become a partner (commercially involved)

Something like this?

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:21:09
#73 ]
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Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:25:02
#74 ]
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Not exactly... this was just about the drivers (i assume).... and has than the same quality like the oil-deals between france and Gaddafi
I meant more "focused" and "community-like".
Let one do the HW. This ensure that he has maximum potential customers.
The other half does the Software.

Now you compete in HW and have no software.

Well know i reached the point were i should silently fade away ; )
I am out.

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:29 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:26 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:35:32
#75 ]
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Now you compete in HW and have no software.


Computers of A-Eon and ACube are in different price and performance leagues.

Last edited by pavlor on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:35 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:39:04
#76 ]
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In that case, your comments are completely irrelevant to anybody from Hyperion.

You are free to express yourself which is fundamental human right.

Just do not expect to be taken seriously ;)

And incidentally, the supposed "goals" you attribute to Hyperion Entertainment and by extension to A-EON or A-Cube are a testament as to why your opinion is not of any interest to us.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:41:02
#77 ]
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Let's think that way: (JUST A MODELL CALCULATION)
Community has 10 interested customer in PPC HW
Company 1 invests in developing a board
Company 1 needs to sell 6 to reach break even

Company 2 does the same...
And now? One makes loss anyway. So they are competing.
Or in other words:
If there would be only one, his risk would be much lower and because he can reach more customers "monopoly style" he could use this to reduce prices.

Hmmm maybe AEON buys Acube : )
Problem solved.

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:42 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:42 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:42:22
#78 ]
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I'll pass of nonsense and childish discussions

Last edited by Fransexy on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:49 PM.
Last edited by Fransexy on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:46 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:45:25
#79 ]
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Well, all those issues I described with my SAM system in 2012 remain unfixed AFAIK. So no, I don't see any progress. Just lots of jabbering on about OS improvements that are fundamentally flawed, or Trevor - with only good intensions - spending money on PPC boards.

SMP had progress announced last amiwest. Nothing came of it. Same for OpenOffice. And 3d. This is a very common pattern. To be fair it's not just the OS4 crowd. The AROS on a linux kernel (ARIX?) looked really interesting but it too seems to have died.

Look, it's really simple. Today, no ordinary computer user wants to use a system that crashes and requires rebooting every few hours. The world moved on from that 15-20 years ago. And the OS will never gain that ability without throwing the lot away (see: OS9 to OSX, or MS DOS to NT to see how massively expensive such a transition is). It is not just about having applications.

As stated, the only thing that could increase the user count would be to open source the lot. But that won't happen. So you have a handful of users living in the past, and some of those users happen to have some money to fritter away on fun projects. Good for them. But it's not good to live in dreamland and think one day past glories will be recaptured.

And the machine I sold was a SAM460, which is an ATX form factor motherboard made out of generic parts in a generic PC case. The only noteworthy thing about it us that it has a PPC microprocessor and costed 10 times the price of an equivilant x86 machine. It's about as amiga as a windows machine running winuae. Arguably that's more amiga because at least it's running commodore code.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 12:47:22
#80 ]
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Even if they did announce something the problems are still there.
2 competing parties is 1 too much for this community.

In two years some of them (I assume Amigakit) will do a pinky and brain-move again and will come to the clue that "emulation AOS4" could bring us a AmigaOS4 Notebook...

you know what... people like you will do dancing bananas. Others will know that this could have been done years earlier.

I have read you post and didn't found it provocating to get angry about... at least not more than mine.

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 26-Oct-2014 at 12:48 PM.

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