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Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 10:42:18
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 20-Nov-2008
Posts: 1544
From: Marston Moretaine, England

Email your questions to me at before the end of March 2019
Please share every where

Sorry I put April.

Last edited by clusteruk on 13-Mar-2019 at 09:30 PM.

Amiga 1000, 3000D Toaster, Checkmate A1500 Plus

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 13:20:05
#2 ]
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Joined: 20-Sep-2007
Posts: 111
From: Unknown


The Batalina's mission is to block to Amiga Classic : nothing good will never come from him...

Waste of time !

Wake up all !

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 13:47:34
#3 ]
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Joined: 20-Nov-2008
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From: Marston Moretaine, England


Is there a question there ?

If so, please email it to me

Amiga 1000, 3000D Toaster, Checkmate A1500 Plus

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 14:02:38
#4 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11663
From: In the village


Your post on
I am visiting Michael in just over two weeks

If so, I don't understand why you would be taking questions through the end of April.
The wording would indicate your interview would be well over by then.
Can you clarify?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 16:02:45
#5 ]
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Joined: 29-Jul-2013
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From: Greater Los Angeles Area

Hi clusteruk,

Here's few questions I have for Michele Battilana.

a) Given the recent ( and no so recent) court / legal actions, is there any new development regarding the "Discourse on Possible Futures" specifically open source?

b) The Amiga Forever includes most ROM and ADF for the various classic KS + WB. Are there any plans to incorporate the complete set for each versions? Or will it be necessary still to buy the diskettes / rom chips for other vendors?

c) What is the status of Amiga Forever KXLight.? Are there any plans to have a better / full working emulator and expand its support of HD, diskettes, USB, network etc.

d) On the subject of the A1000 - It feels like the A1000 users are always left out in the cold, in terms of both HW and SW. Does he have any specific plans for those users?

e) Amiga Mini - what is the talk all about and can he expand / give more details on that?

f) Is he coming to Las Vegas in August at CommVex?

Also where and when exactly are you going to do the interview?

Thank you for doing this.

P.S. I know some of the questions / subjects have been answered directly or indirectly, but it would be nice to hear it from him.

Last edited by Nonefornow on 13-Mar-2019 at 04:09 PM.
Last edited by Nonefornow on 13-Mar-2019 at 04:05 PM.
Last edited by Nonefornow on 13-Mar-2019 at 04:05 PM.

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 19:30:53
#6 ]
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While being famous from a historical demo, the "Boing Ball" was never used by Commodore as a logotype for actual products. That came later, with post-Commodore OS products (like those based on ported/rewritten/cleaned source code by Olaf Barthel), most noticeable is the OS4 published by Hyperion (who were the one that really put that logo in the spot-light). As you are aware of, Hyperion did also quite recently put it on the Kickstart boot screen of their "3.1.4" (that change was mentioned as one of the features in the release notes) that they published in parallel to the 3.1 published by Cloanto, who continued to use the rainbow checkmark symbol on the boot screen that has been there since 2.0 in 1991.

IMHO the "Boing Ball" is today very strongly associated with the OS4 operating system for PPC computers, while the checkmark symbol has been visible in the kickstart of the 68k OS since Commodore put it there almost three decades ago, and is still present in your published versions (2.0+) today.

Undeniably, the OS4+ PPC OS and the 68k OS are two distinctly separate products, for different hardware, with different goals and ambitions and different purposes. Apparently you wish for THEM BOTH to be actively developed in the future.

So with this in mind: 1. What is your view on the checkmark vs. the boing ball symbols in the future versions of these two products?

I think this question is interesting given how much importance and focus some people (most noticeably by people following the "OS4" path) has given brand names and logotypes.

Also: 2a. Will you consider scrapping Hyperion's unorthodox (in an Amiga context) versioning scheme with three placeholders ([major].[minor].[revision] or whatever they mean) and go back to the Commodore versioning scheme outlined in the RKRM's with two placeholders? 2b. If the 68k OS is to be further developed, wouldn't the next version (i.e. a re-release/update of "3.1.4") containing updates on par with 2.0->2.1 or 3.0->3.1 deserve a proper version bump to, say, 3.2?

And: 3. Apparently Amiga developers has been snared by Hyperion contracts with bad intent clauses that have unintended consequences. You seem determined to try to solve this dangerous threat to Amiga evolution. Could you elaborate on how this could be done?

Also - keep up the good work! Your efforts are truly amazing and the results will be something that many Amiga supporters (and C64 etc) has been dreaming of (but not daring to hope would come true) since the Commodore bankruptcy gradually split up the platform(s) and the legacy to pieces and scattered it more and more in different directions. Thank you! You are an Amiga Hero!

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 19:46:05
#7 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


IMHO the "Boing Ball" is today very strongly associated with the OS4 operating system for PPC computers,

In animated form I'd say Writers' Group Film Corp (now WRIT Media Group). heh


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 21:31:11
#8 ]
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Joined: 20-Nov-2008
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From: Marston Moretaine, England


Sorry for the April error.

For everyone else, only questions emailed will be used.

Amiga 1000, 3000D Toaster, Checkmate A1500 Plus

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 13-Mar-2019 23:26:00
#9 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


All my questions are probably in the "I can't comment on that" and "time will tell" categories, so I won't ask them, but I'm looking forward to the interview.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 14-Mar-2019 5:10:38
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


thanks for doing this for us Steve!

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 15-Mar-2019 2:53:51
#11 ]
Joined: 6-Nov-2014
Posts: 27
From: Unknown


The Batalina's mission is to block to Amiga Classic : nothing good will never come from him...

Maybe you should ask yourself who fed this misinformation to you and to the community.

Hyperion and Individual Computers obviously are accomplices in depicting Cloanto as litigious. However, I see only one lawyer-owned company that has no time or money to file its accounts or pay its developers, yet has been filing one lawsuit after the other for more than 10 years. And who engages in populist behavior (shouts and accusations via its site, press releases and forum statements) to distract from the true issues. You prefer to believe them?

AFAIK, it was Hyperion's rushed release of 3.1.4 in the middle of the court case that was problematic (and blocked by Amiga, Inc.), not Cloanto having anything to do with that. Of course it fits the populist dynamics, to give something to the public (which Hyperion did not even develop), and then blaming others for trying to take it away.

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 15-Mar-2019 7:50:47
#12 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: United Kingdom


Scroll down the above page, this version naming isn't new to Amiga. There was a 1.3.1, 1.3.2, etc.

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 15-Mar-2019 8:23:27
#13 ]
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From: United Kingdom

So with this in mind: 1. What is your view on the checkmark vs. the boing ball symbols in the future versions of these two products?

I think this question is interesting given how much importance and focus some people (most noticeably by people following the "OS4" path) has given brand names and logotypes.

Not really. The ball started being used as a logo way back in late 90s by Amiga Inc. It was a better fit than the checkmark with the Escom logo I guess and was used with 3.5, 3.9 and XL.

The check mark was largely ignored after Commodore collapsed, it was dropped from packaging, labels and manuals by Amiga Technologies. It remained on the kickstart screen probably as no one bothered updating it and was rarely seen anyway as 3.5 onwards came on CD -ROM and needed to be installed on a hard drive therefore the old 'insert disk' screen became largely irrelevant.

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 15-Mar-2019 9:28:50
#14 ]
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From: Glasgow - UK, Irish born


Indeed, and the 2.x naming convention is yet another strange system (2.04 and 2.05 both being prior to 2.1), so it's hardly like Commodore had consistency in their release naming convention. But some people won't let minor inconveniences like that ruin their perfectly good bashing session

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 15-Mar-2019 10:16:05
#15 ]
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From: Norway

old news

Last edited by noXLar on 15-Mar-2019 at 10:18 AM.
Last edited by noXLar on 15-Mar-2019 at 10:18 AM.
Last edited by noXLar on 15-Mar-2019 at 10:16 AM.

nox's in the house!

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 16-Mar-2019 4:08:03
#16 ]
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From: Alberta, Canada

Ask Mike if he likes Alberta rats...

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 16-Mar-2019 6:01:41
#17 ]
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From: St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA


Will there be an Amiga Mini or would they be willing to work with Emubee for the furtherance of their Amiga X project?

Will there be new 3.X AOS versions in the future? How will the lawsuit effect that?


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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 16-Mar-2019 6:28:08
#18 ]
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From: St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA


Will there be an Amiga Mini or would they be willing to work with Emubee for the furtherance of their Amiga X project?

Will there be new 3.X AOS versions in the future? How will the lawsuit effect that?


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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 16-Mar-2019 8:02:47
#19 ]
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Joined: 29-Oct-2012
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From: Germany

@CosmosUnivers Quote:
CosmosUnivers wrote:

The Batalina's

You don't even know the name of your "enemy"...
mission is to block to Amiga Classic :

Prove it! Without FACTs, this is a big lie.

Michele clearly stated that his wish is to open source the Amiga o.s.. Do you know what this means? That you're not anymore forced to reverse engineer it to optimize it. Doesn't it help on your hobby?
nothing good will never come from him...

It's quite evident that you don't know at all Michele.
Waste of time !

That's your, that continuously are complaining an whining about a person inventing stories to discredit him.
Wake up all !

Are you part of the Illuminati?

OK, what's next? Is Michele a Reptilian?

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Re: Michael from Cloanto Interview and Q&A from public, please share!
Posted on 16-Mar-2019 9:57:38
#20 ]
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Joined: 12-May-2010
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that is crap

up to now there were three companies involved: Cloanto, Hyperion and Amiga Inc.

Cloanto bought more and more including Amiga Inc.

Now it is still Cloanto against Hyperion

If Cloanto wins that battle and unifies everything and is not supporting development (as far as I remember they wrote they want to open source 3.X) then you can attack them

at the moment (as long the legal battle is not decided) they cannot do anything

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