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A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2 (Solved)
Posted on 31-Dec-2021 19:35:07
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
Posts: 3070
From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


While I'm still awaiting my ordered copy of the enhancer pack from A-EON (no, mySFS/2-partitons still don't show up on WB), I've been doing some installing stuff:
- OS 4.1
- OS 4.1 update 2
Both are doing very well, except for:

Q1: can NGFileSystem (NGF/0) be used for booting?
I suspect not, as I've installed a version using that FS and it does not show up when selecting a bootpartition in UBoot.
The only FS that I can use right now is FFS (DOS/3).

Q2: I'm currently stuck with a very low res screenmode: 1024 x 768 or so, where I was used to 1920 x 1200.
And now even after a reboot I get 'BootVGA:Productivity', which is even more horrible!
How can I get my beloved 1920 x 1200 (@60Hz) back?

Q3 and beyond: may com in due time...


Last edited by OldFart on 15-Jan-2022 at 07:59 PM.

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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 31-Dec-2021 20:23:59
#2 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 13-Jun-2003
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From: Unknown


No AFAIK you should only use SFS

Make sure Radeon drivers are installed.


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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 31-Dec-2021 22:08:57
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Sydney (of course)


The old SFS won't run on the X5000, you need the updated version included in the Enhancer pack.

Q1: It depends on the platform. The newer machines like X1000, X5000 and A1222 all use AmigaBoot instead of the old "slb", and AmigaBoot certainly can boot NGFS partitions, but some machines had only an old (pre-NGFS) AmigaBoot installed.

I've installed a version using that FS and it does not show up when selecting a bootpartition in UBoot.

You can't "select a partition" in U-Boot. Do you mean AmigaBoot?

AmigaBoot supporting NGFS booting has only been released as a demo version for the X5000. Is that your case? If so, contact me privately and I'll help you update. NGFS is now mainstream and more-or-less final.

Q2: I can't help you with that. I get the same problem every time I update. Is it because you have only the "HD Lite" version of RadeonHD.chip?


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 1-Jan-2022 8:18:32
#4 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Q1: It depends on the platform. The newer machines like X1000, X5000 and A1222 all use AmigaBoot instead of the old "slb", and AmigaBoot certainly can boot NGFS partitions, but some machines had only an old (pre-NGFS) AmigaBoot installed.

I've got installed what was available for the developers release of the board (hey, I even got my name printed on its backside!).
You can't "select a partition" in U-Boot. Do you mean AmigaBoot?
Probably. When the process reaches the point where a lightflash comes from the boingball on the L/H side of the screen all the way to the R/H side, crossing the 'X5000' horizontally in the middle, I hit that space oddity and I get a menu from which I then choose 'Boot Options...'. Next I get a screen titled 'AmigaONE Boot Options' and again a small menu from which I choose 'Boot From Hard Disk'. In the L/H corner of the screen some sort of shell seems to appear. It presents me with the text 'Running Hard Disk Boot' and on the next line a prompt 'X5000> 'at which I type 'boota'. I get a Kickstart configuration menu from which I select the one which provides me with OS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2.

Kickstart module:
RadeonHD.chip is version 0.65 (12-08-2016)
ATIRadeon.chip is version 53.29 (3-11-2017) (c) .....
PCIGraphics.card is version 53.18 (16-11-2019)
graphics.library is version 54.248 (23-02-2020)

Q2: I can't help you with that. I get the same problem every time I update. Is it because you have only the "HD Lite" version of RadeonHD.chip?
I used to have full 1920 x 1200 resolution with the developers release of the OS...


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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 1-Jan-2022 8:27:41
#5 ]
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Joined: 15-May-2005
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From: Sacramento, CA


I guess Your dealer added the video driver for you.
I hope you got the disk to re-install it.. and I hope you didn't lose it too (grin)

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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 1-Jan-2022 8:48:56
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


I hope you got the disk to re-install it.. and I hope you didn't lose it too (grin)
Yes! Yes! I stored it safely! On a partition that, OOPS, I can't reach (yet) (wry grin).
Here is eagerly awaiting a parcel from A-EON...


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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 1-Jan-2022 9:02:32
#7 ]
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Joined: 15-May-2005
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From: Sacramento, CA


I understand that having backup should be in three parts..
one on a external hard drive
two on a usb stick
three on a cd

All external to the device.. just in case of "issues"

Maybe a future thought?

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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 1-Jan-2022 22:25:23
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 3240
From: Sydney (of course)


That's a rather long-winded way of booting. Try typing twice: the first time to interrupt the shooting match, the second to select "Start AmigaOS".

That then runs AmigaBoot which shows you the boot options. When you get really brave, you can set the variable "amigaboot_quiet Y", which will do it all quietly for you.

If you have recently updated with "Update 2", what may have happened is that your Kicklayout and Startup-Sequence have been over-written. You may have to re-edit or replace them.

When you get into AmigaBoot (with the 5-second countdown), you can stop the countdown by hitting the space bar. On the top line it should tell you the version of AmigaBoot. Can you tell me what it says?


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: A bunch of questions about OS 4.1 u2
Posted on 2-Jan-2022 8:16:49
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


When you get into AmigaBoot (with the 5-second countdown), you can stop the countdown by hitting the space bar. On the top line it should tell you the version of AmigaBoot.
Well, that 5 second countdown affair doesn't really work here: I can go shopping, go into a bar (if I were allowed to...) and stay the night over not in my own house and the the computer is still waiting...

Often, however, when going your above described 'short cut way', I get a series of messages, reading:
"Timeout poll on interupt endpoint"
A reboot is neccessary.
The long-winded way keeps me from these messages.

However, the title reads:
"Amiga OS 4.x U-Boot Bootloader V53.10".
I think that's what you're after.


Edit 1:
P.s.: When in the 5 seconds countdown, I can hit any key I want. The only thing that changes then, is the countdown value: from 5 to some 5 digit value...

Edit 2:
It also states that the default option is shown in green. Well, black then must be the new green, as all options are shown in black.

Last edited by OldFart on 02-Jan-2022 at 08:21 AM.
Last edited by OldFart on 02-Jan-2022 at 08:18 AM.

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