Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2108
From: Cheshire, England
Real shame, but glad the community can move else where.
I know it health/money issues on why the site closing but it also feels a sign of the times, forums sites seems to be dying off in favour of Facebook pages / discords which I feel is a bit of a shame, this site and a few other Amiga forums feel a shadow of there former selfs.
All I hate being involved into Psychiatryand having To Deal with People whose Jobs are forcing and giving hazardous trash called Psychotropic Drugs fo strong and sensible People and forbidding AS. Much AS possible To People WHO can. Do nothing Such enourmous dumbness sillyness and sickness used To make me vomit
Status: Offline
Re: AROS Exec shutting down Posted on 5-Sep-2023 0:48:18
After the closure of the portal Aros-Exec, thanks to the support of "amigamia" owner of the portal "Arosword", AroS-Exec with all its contents comes back to life, these are the links to reach the two sites !!!