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Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, Nov. 19, 2023
Posted on 13-Nov-2023 8:59:34
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2006
Posts: 1522
From: Visalia, California

Happy World Kindness Day, C= and Ami aficionados!

The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 2:30+ p.m., Sunday, Nov. 19, at

Panera Bread Restaurant
3590 W. Shaw Ave. (corner of W. Shaw Ave. and Marty Ave.)
Fresno, CA 93711
(559) 271-0104

For discussion, we will talk about the Bay Area Maker Faire (along with injuries that occurred there!), which happened in October, and the future Los Angeles Maker Faire, Commodore Los Angeles Super Show, and Pacific Commodore Expo! We'll also talk about the retirement of Ray Carlsen, our repair tech, who has been repairing our computers for years.

For our presentations, we'll look at the latest games and best demos on the Ultimate 64. On the Commodore 128, we'll look at the brand new C128 (80-column mode) File Conductor. On the Amiga side, we'll check out the Aminimiga distribution running on THEA500 Mini. For the VIC-20, we have the games, Super Monza GP 2, Midnight Crimes, and Train Track.

Also I have a boxes and boxes of 5 1/4" disks -- some filled with programs and some blank -- to give away, courtesy of Sherry, the daughter of a user who passed away.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -

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