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The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 15-Feb-2024 10:18:45
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 29-Oct-2012 Posts: 4127
From: Germany | | |
| English: Following the bankruptcy of the parent company, some companies or groups of enthusiasts have tried to give continuity to the Amiga platform, presenting new ones based, for the most part, on new hardware. Some have coined the term "Amiga NG" for such systems, as if they were a "Next Generation", but in reality they are ports or re-implementations that carry the same flaws as the original.
Italian: A seguito del fallimento della casa madre, alcune aziende o gruppi di appassionati hanno cercato di dare continuitĂ alla piattaforma Amiga, presentandone di nuove basate, per lo piĂą, su nuovo hardware. Alcuni hanno coniato il termine "Amiga NG" per tali sistemi, come si trattasse di una "Next Generation", ma in realtĂ si tratta di port o reimplementazioni che si portano dietro gli stessi difetti dell'originale.
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 15-Feb-2024 11:26:28
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2101
From: Cheshire, England | | |
| @cdimauro
Well the term AmigaNG really came about from Gateway, when they where making the AmigaMCC and Amiga "QNX" OS. Had it came out that really would of been dropping a lot of the legacy, that when my website started.
Now you could say what came after never had the same ambitions and was just taking what Commodore had left and pushing it as far forward as they can.
For me what makes a Next Generation Amga, is what allows me to still do modern tasks, like HD or higher OS resolution, being able to play modern media, mp3, hd video, pdf etc. Access the internet and play more modern 3d games.
Now a high-end Classic Amiga can do the above to certain levels, I suppose by my rules you can call that a next generation Amiga.
But different system do it better than others, I think AmigaOS4 and AmigaONE X1000 and above can do these tasks even better.
I mean to me now the system that gets closest to my dream is, Amikit XE setup with Rabbit Hole so you can access modern apps on your Amiga desktop, ok it not native and not ported apps, but I think (and i said this before) unfortunately there not enough developers left to port all the needed modern apps, that nothing ageist the efforts, I would love it to be all native and ported and integrated. But I think we have to be realistic with what the community of our size and resource can do. _________________ AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 15-Feb-2024 12:12:14
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-Sep-2004 Posts: 3070
From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat! | | |
| @amigang
For me what makes a Next Generation Amga, is what allows me to still do modern tasks, like HD or higher OS resolution, being able to play modern media, mp3, hd video, pdf etc. Access the internet and play more modern 3d games. | The system-of-choice for this to accomplish is called "RaspberryPi" i.c. model 4 and the latest, and currently the greatest, model 5. And add some emulator if existent, for playing those games that made Amiga great.
It's a hell of a lot cheaper then anything currently marketed as "Amiga" with whatever pre- or suffix.
What it lacks though, is the Amiga look-and-feel.
OldFart_________________ Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you'll have the time of your life! |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 15-Feb-2024 14:15:19
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Joined: 24-Aug-2003 Posts: 4843
From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition! | | |
| NG is just a label, really. I don't have an issue with that as misleading as it sounds to say it.
It's clear to anyone that has any experience with them that they are not generational leaps over 3.x/68K, they are an evolution of the same generation with all the same fundamental limitations. _________________ Doing stupid things for fun... |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 15-Feb-2024 17:15:37
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 5-Jan-2006 Posts: 377
From: The Ford Galaxy | | |
| The acronym should be referred to as "NGH". Next Generation Hobby. And I approve the following post of yore.

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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 15-Feb-2024 22:15:44
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Joined: 5-May-2010 Posts: 65
From: blaine minnesota usa | | |
| With the price of tiny PCs and stuff like Pimiga 4 with rabbit hole function you could setup a distro that controls other emulators on the host system like Basilisk, sheep shaver, even qemu and VirtualBox and Linux now that would one powerful little system for under $400 for something with a rysen 5700. I have to build one next year just to sell all ready working on basilik and sheepshaver image just need buy little pc for a project after I get my 2 other computers built. No its not next gen Amiga but it a lots of platforms and software control by an Amiga for not much money.
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 2:10:38
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 27-Dec-2003 Posts: 5116
From: New Zealand | | |
| @cdimauro
Some have coined the term "Amiga NG" for such systems, as if they were a "Next Generation", but in reality they are ports or re-implementations that carry the same flaws as the original. |
There were grand plans and great roadmaps to take us from AmigaOS 3.x to a fully modern AmigaOS 5. Alas, the road proved rather difficult to travel on, and progress was painfully slow.
One thing that slowed things down, was trying to maintain 100% backward compatibility (both software and hardware) without sandboxing the old stuff. That's like tying lead weights to your legs, and then walking uphill, dragging the weights along with you.
Convincing people to let go of the old stuff is hard too. Want to give WorkBench a modern UI? Prepare for flak from those who feel that anything but the old WorkBench isn't "the real Amiga." They've fallen in love with the old one, warts and all.
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 5:27:20
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Joined: 30-Jun-2008 Posts: 1897
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
| @Amiga4000
A lot can change in 8 years, including how we feel about the things we do with our discretionary moneytime.
_________________ All the way, with 68k |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 6:17:23
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Super Member  |
Joined: 30-Jun-2008 Posts: 1897
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
| @Karlos
Adding to what @cdimauro wrote in his blog post, I also don't think it helps that people lump hw and sw, in particular OS. They also don't take into account how much they ignore actual sw (games AND apps), and lets not forget other hw (peripherals) and other sw (libraries, frameworks, APIs, programming languages, engines).
So a "NG System" should be hw (host and peripherals), os (architecture) and the sw development ecosystem (libraries, frameworks, APIs languages, engines), apps, and games. After all, what good is NG hw if the os is stuck in the previous G, or what good is NG OS, if the APIs and programing language support are throwbacks to the Windows 9x and NT4 era?
A Raspberry Pi 4/5 is more NG than an A-EON X5000, let alone an Acube SAM460 (all systems sold in 2022/23). So why is it not NG to run AmigaOS 3.2.1 on an Amiga 1200 + PiStorm emu68, but it IS NG to run AmigaOS 4.1.x on a SAM460?
Forget for a moment 64bit support and SMP/SMT support. What modern programming languages and frameworks are supported under AmigaOS 4? I got that undeutilised Radeon card in there, can I do some ML? Even open source environments such as AAMP are constructed of old very old versions of MySQL and PHP.
AmigaOS 4 and MophOS are NG operating systems as much as Windows ME is, which is to say not at all. And the apps and games most people run on them most of the time, and some only recently available, have been around on other platforms for at least a decade.
Last edited by agami on 16-Feb-2024 at 06:19 AM.
_________________ All the way, with 68k |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 6:48:40
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 23-Aug-2015 Posts: 985
From: Unknown | | |
| @agami
it was ng up to 2015 with working web browser and mpg player time passed so it is not ng in 2024 new ng lets call it ng 2.0 should be made with amiga gui and graphics on top of unix it should be made by szulc, szonwejs, karlos, agami, dimauro and other morosns that waste time on attack of ppc
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 9:35:33
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 27-Dec-2003 Posts: 5116
From: New Zealand | | |
| @geen_naam
I don't think the situation is that bad. There does seem to be some people attempting to bully others into following their chosen pied piper, which is one of the least effective ways to get people on-board with your "vision." Does anybody really expect anyone to "join the cause" because you told them that their cause (or pet project) is stupid?
What makes it funny is that retro computing is a hobby.
Mind you, for some people arguing and getting others riled up is a hobby too. 
Last edited by Hans on 16-Feb-2024 at 09:47 AM. Last edited by Hans on 16-Feb-2024 at 09:45 AM.
_________________ Join the Kea Campus - upgrade your skills; support my work; enjoy the Amiga corner. - see more of my work |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 9:42:17
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 24-Aug-2003 Posts: 4843
From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition! | | |
| Again, it's a label.
There's no agreed objective definition as to what constitutes a generational leap for something to be "next generation". Mine is based on the terminology that was thrown around at the start, even before PPC came along, when the limitations of the existing OS were understood and acknowledged by pretty much everyone that used the machine for more than playing games from floppy disk.
Last edited by Karlos on 16-Feb-2024 at 09:56 AM.
_________________ Doing stupid things for fun... |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 11:42:15
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-May-2010 Posts: 6472
From: Unknown | | |
| @geen_naam
and it also funny to see how OS4 fans defend their choice by taking OS 3.1 as reference, a OS from 1992. Of course OS4 is a improvement compared to 3.1, it is 10 years ahead in time, based on 3.9 basically running on better hardware including stuff that was 3rd party in the 90s like network stack, RTG, AHI, USB stack. So you basically compare something from 1992, developed for the chipsets without graphic card, no network and of course no USB ports, That is misleading too.
But the problem is not 68k but what was implemented and integrated at that time. You can add all that with third party components and in Aros 68k you have even all integrated already. You can use and configure sophisticated desktops on 68k like magellan. The only area where PPC has some advantages is 3D because amiga hardware not supports it and using modern graphic cards you have plenty of power, if the OS supports it of course.
Finally it is not important, it is hobby. For most users only 68k is real thing, for some even only the old hardware and of course 3.1. I do not understand why it is so important for you to convince everyone how great your choice (X5000) is and how superior to 68k based systems. Last edited by OlafS25 on 16-Feb-2024 at 11:47 AM.
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 16:07:17
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Jul-2005 Posts: 9660
From: Unknown | | |
| @cdimauro
Ah, holy fight against enemy of the "ONE TRUE FAITH" (add your favourite Amiga denomination). Too bad you weren't there during the height of Blue/Red war, your posts would have been really entertaining. |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 18:59:50
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004 Posts: 12960
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 19:51:03
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 23-Aug-2015 Posts: 985
From: Unknown | | |
| @Hans
There does seem to be some people attempting to bully others into following their chosen pied piper, which is one of the least effective ways to get people on-board with your "vision." |
I agree. Karlos instead of attacking ppc should hard work on useful solutions on arm.
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 19:52:18
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 23-Aug-2015 Posts: 985
From: Unknown | | |
| but some cooperation is still possible. one condition no attack on ppc.
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 20:05:41
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Super Member  |
Joined: 6-Jul-2005 Posts: 1704
From: Here | | |
| Amiga systems referred to as next generation clearly are. Captain Kirk and crew on his Enterprise would be clearly outgunned by the Next Generation Captain Picard and his Enterprise.
Still basically the same tech but upgraded. And would still last just as long as the classic crew and Enterprise against the Q.
So there you have it, you can't argue with Star Trek and still consider yourself informed and sane.
P.S sorry for ending the thread. _________________ If your nose runs and your feet smell, you're upside down. |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 20:56:11
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 24-Aug-2003 Posts: 4843
From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition! | | |
| @TiredofLife
So there you have it, you can't argue with Star Trek and still consider yourself informed and sane. |

_________________ Doing stupid things for fun... |
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Re: The non-existent “Amiga NG” systems Posted on 16-Feb-2024 21:08:39
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 29-Oct-2012 Posts: 4127
From: Germany | | |
| @amigang
amigang wrote: @cdimauro
Well the term AmigaNG really came about from Gateway, when they where making the AmigaMCC and Amiga "QNX" OS. Had it came out that really would of been dropping a lot of the legacy, that when my website started.
Now you could say what came after never had the same ambitions and was just taking what Commodore had left and pushing it as far forward as they can.
For me what makes a Next Generation Amga, is what allows me to still do modern tasks, like HD or higher OS resolution, being able to play modern media, mp3, hd video, pdf etc. Access the internet and play more modern 3d games.
Now a high-end Classic Amiga can do the above to certain levels, I suppose by my rules you can call that a next generation Amiga.
But different system do it better than others, I think AmigaOS4 and AmigaONE X1000 and above can do these tasks even better.
I mean to me now the system that gets closest to my dream is, Amikit XE setup with Rabbit Hole so you can access modern apps on your Amiga desktop, ok it not native and not ported apps, but I think (and i said this before) unfortunately there not enough developers left to port all the needed modern apps, that nothing ageist the efforts, I would love it to be all native and ported and integrated. But I think we have to be realistic with what the community of our size and resource can do. |
I don't question if someone enjoy his/her system. My article is more on technical level, regarding the points that I've analysed.
Hans wrote: @cdimauro
Some have coined the term "Amiga NG" for such systems, as if they were a "Next Generation", but in reality they are ports or re-implementations that carry the same flaws as the original. |
There were grand plans and great roadmaps to take us from AmigaOS 3.x to a fully modern AmigaOS 5. Alas, the road proved rather difficult to travel on, and progress was painfully slow. |
Not your fault. Here the problem is the usual: the post-Commodore management.
They (Bill?) decided to port the o.s. to PowerPC and a port is what it is: nothing really new, which solves the atavistic problems.
A new path should have been followed, but probably OS5 required too much effort/investments for what could be done by the IP owners. Quote:
One thing that slowed things down, was trying to maintain 100% backward compatibility (both software and hardware) without sandboxing the old stuff. That's like tying lead weights to your legs, and then walking uphill, dragging the weights along with you. |
Indeed. Exactly the reason which is bringing all systems to the the same status. Quote:
Convincing people to let go of the old stuff is hard too. Want to give WorkBench a modern UI? Prepare for flak from those who feel that anything but the old WorkBench isn't "the real Amiga." They've fallen in love with the old one, warts and all.
Well, then even a 3.1 theme on Linux could satisfy them...
agami wrote: @Karlos
Adding to what @cdimauro wrote in his blog post, I also don't think it helps that people lump hw and sw, in particular OS. They also don't take into account how much they ignore actual sw (games AND apps), and lets not forget other hw (peripherals) and other sw (libraries, frameworks, APIs, programming languages, engines).
So a "NG System" should be hw (host and peripherals), os (architecture) and the sw development ecosystem (libraries, frameworks, APIs languages, engines), apps, and games. After all, what good is NG hw if the os is stuck in the previous G, or what good is NG OS, if the APIs and programing language support are throwbacks to the Windows 9x and NT4 era? |
Consider that new APIs, libraries etc. can certainly be added on any system. We saw it with MUI, for example.
And you can see it as well it Windows: the 3.0 version introduced the Win32 APIs which were then used on Windows '95 and NT, but the architecture of those new OSes were A BIT different in their execution & implementation (and that's the reason why NT deserves this acronym).
ppcamiga1 wrote: @agami
it was ng up to 2015 with working web browser and mpg player time passed so it is not ng in 2024 new ng lets call it ng 2.0 should be made with amiga gui and graphics on top of unix it should be made by szulc, szonwejs, karlos, agami, dimauro and other morosns that waste time on attack of ppc |

geen_naam wrote: @OlafS25
I am just saying that amigaos4 is the next generation amigaos. But apparently I've hit a nerve of insecure OS3 users.
AmigaOS 3 is dead and it failed in the 90s. Amigaos4 is next generation dead and failed in the 10s. |
"next generation" and with the same issues of Amiga OS 3.1: sure, I believe you!
pavlor wrote: @cdimauro
Ah, holy fight against enemy of the "ONE TRUE FAITH" (add your favourite Amiga denomination). |
"Holy fight"? Talking to an atheist?!?  Quote:
Too bad you weren't there during the height of Blue/Red war, your posts would have been really entertaining. |
That was good then: I don't like neither religions nor pseudo-religions. 
NutsAboutAmiga wrote: @pavlor
Yeh… we see it for what it is, high level of misinformation, |
Where? Care to quote AND prove it? Quote:
Same as above: where? Quote:
its not shocking coming from him, but we are used to it. |

I'm used to your non-sense when you don't know how to reply: you just talk, talk, talk...
TiredofLife wrote: Amiga systems referred to as next generation clearly are. Captain Kirk and crew on his Enterprise would be clearly outgunned by the Next Generation Captain Picard and his Enterprise.
Still basically the same tech but upgraded. And would still last just as long as the classic crew and Enterprise against the Q.
So there you have it, you can't argue with Star Trek and still consider yourself informed and sane.
P.S sorry for ending the thread. |
Don't worry: I'm still here to tell you that no, they aren't NG. With good arguments (if you've read the article. Which I strongly doubt). |
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