Hi everyone,
Versus is a demoscene chart and disk magazine created by two demo groups, Nukleus and Void, for Amiga OCS/ECS and AmigaOS 4. Nine issues have been released so far. The last one, Versus #9, came out in 2019.
Link to Versus #9: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=84366
Versus #10 is on the way, and voting has officially opened!
Cast your vote for your favorite demos, intros, programmers, musicians, and so forth! 🙂 The more votes collected, the more accurate the charts will be. Thank you in advance for your support!
You can find the Online votesheet here:
It is worth mentioning that you are not required to fill out all the fields.
We are very grateful for every vote we receive, and we really hope you’ll spend a few minutes filling out the votesheet as soon as possible. 🙂 Last edited by AmigaOldskooler on 25-Feb-2024 at 08:12 PM.
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