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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 20-Nov-2024 11:06:53
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal



I have approval from DJ Nick, if you want, message him, he will conirm.
I give it to ApolloOS, AROS m68k, AROS ARM and PPC32, AROS derivates,
Linux with AROS and OS 3.2,
OS 4 and System 5x are out of lack, because I can.

That's not what I said, what I said was that AROS doesn't have at the moment what it takes to present that theme as it is shown in the screenshot. That's why I suggested that a bounty for implementing those features. I have no doubt DJ Nick have no problems whatsoever with you converting to AROS... I never implied it.
Crystal theme for AmigaOS4 by djnick

I see round corners*, I see transparency being applied to the window

* It seems AROS can do round corners
AROS Themes

There's also some neat themes you can try to port to AROS on

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
The Illusion of Choice | Am*ga

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 20-Nov-2024 11:29:00
#62 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


I know, can you downgrade theme to AROS?

Boith DJ Nick tried, and he also has some themes
bgs and artworks at look, but we failed.

We agree someone else does it, I ll first give 10e contribution

Last edited by vox on 20-Nov-2024 at 11:30 AM.
Last edited by vox on 20-Nov-2024 at 11:30 AM.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 20-Nov-2024 12:26:57
#63 ]
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pixie wrote:

I see round corners*, I see transparency being applied to the window

* It seems AROS can do round corners
AROS Themes

If I could change in round corners for a well integrated directory/drawer view in Wanderer with:
- auto-update: if directory content changes (missing until AOS3.5)
- thumbnail: preview (Drawers with JPEG, PNG, ...)
- mime types: for Viewers Editors (Binding a file type to an executable)
- pulldown menus at pointer:pull-down opening on right click wherever the mouse actually is.
- tools menus: can be integrated easily into the pulldown menus

Last edited by OneTimer1 on 20-Nov-2024 at 12:27 PM.

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 20-Nov-2024 13:09:32
#64 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


pulldown menus at pointer:pull-down opening on right click wherever the mouse actually is.

Interesting that UI UX wise, studies says it otherwise. I remember Jacob Nielsen. It is mainly to do with the speed you access the top down vs having to slow down to pick the pull down. On top down you have an edge you cannot pass, you just throw your mouse over the top and always to the same place. It fosters muscle memory, where if you use pull down you have to slow down, and pick carefully, most often in a different place. Things have been worsening with windows where sometimes you have different menus altogether. Not all prefer it therefore if you have an option it's also good. I never use it though

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 20-Nov-2024 14:16:25
#65 ]
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- mime types: for Viewers Editors (Binding a file type to an executable)

These things are already there on AROS one x86/68k ...

AROS One recognises many file types even if they do not have extensions, many of these files are not recognised by OS4 and MOS, these are some of the recognised file types with tools to run them



AC3, AIFF, FLAC, MP3, M4A, OGG, S3M, WAV, WMA, WEBM, S3M, MOD, MED, MID, XM, 8VSX, SID, m3u and pls ( Online Radio playlist)

LZX, LZH, LHA, TAR.GZ, TGZ, ZIP. RAR, TAR, BZ2, 7Zip, CAB (2 types)

And many other types of files, such as DMS, ADF, MS-DOS files, ISO, and many more, just try them out.

A few video examples of what is described!


- pulldown menus at pointer:pull-down opening on right click wherever the mouse actually is.

Pulldown menus at pointer you must set it from "IControl Preferences" (SYS:Prefs)


- auto-update: if directory content changes (missing until AOS3.5)

auto-update of Windows works if the file has an Icon of course ! without an icon if "Show all files" is set

From what you write it seems that you have never used AROS One !

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 20-Nov-2024 at 04:38 PM.
Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 20-Nov-2024 at 04:37 PM.
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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 21-Nov-2024 23:00:02
#66 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


This and customizable menus is something AmigaOS really lacks of

Also auto update contents is badly needed.

Dockies, while flexibile, are poor replacement for some sort of start - prefs menu.

and its about time we have multi user at least, its not SMP.

Last edited by vox on 21-Nov-2024 at 11:01 PM.
Last edited by vox on 21-Nov-2024 at 11:00 PM.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 22-Nov-2024 21:21:22
#67 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


OK dear Pixie, can you take over spreading the word, organizing bounty and finding suitable AROS people, hopefully MorphOS too :D ApolloOS too :D
Blacklisted are OS 3.2 due to Hype, System57 due to Dick and surely CommodoreOS.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 22-Nov-2024 22:33:39
#68 ]
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Besides being able to customise every single application, on the next version of AROS One also Wanderer will have its own default themes, I've created 4 "light" themes to make the Application windows more pleasant, to replace them just click on the icon and the script will do the rest, again no system reboot is necessary.

In the screenshot you can see the 4 themes created on Zune that will be used by default by all Applications, except those where the user has already chosen and saved the "custom" theme.

MUI/Zune works like this, if there is a preference the Application will ignore the system setting, furthermore customised Zune configurations for individual Applications can be edited and saved without any problems, while customising and saving Wanderer configurations is more complicated, to do this you first need to delete the configuration file in ENV and in ENVARC.

AROS One Home Site
AfA One Amiga OS 3.9

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 27-Nov-2024 7:56:23
#69 ]
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Almost there, AROS One 2.7 if there are no unforeseen events will be released in the coming weeks.

In this new version I've set as default a ZUNE/MUI configuration with a "White marble" background that will be visible on all System Applications and most third party applications, 90% of the AROS One software makes use of ZUNE/MUI.

I write ZUNE/MUI because many applications have been ported from the Amiga and therefore always carry the MUI entry in the Menus.

Of course, as mentioned above, the user can replace this Zune configuration by simply clicking on a pre-configured Icon, where he can also choose to set the standard White default of Aros One, a native AROS Grey background, or a slightly striped White background.

For some Applications such as HDToolBox and others that you see in the screenshot the general Zune configuration change will not work because these Applications have a custom ZUNE/MUI configuration, to change this requires a special procedure, explained in the previous post.

From the screenshot you can see the change I made on the InstallAROS GUI and the AROS One Info GUI!

AROS One Home Site
AfA One Amiga OS 3.9

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 28-Nov-2024 5:09:59
#70 ]
AROS Core Developer
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Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 29-Nov-2024 7:25:15
#71 ]
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Spent a good couple of hours trying to adapt the "Cristal" theme to AROS, except for the rounding of the bar, otherwise everything went well, added the AMiGA logo on the top bar, the Transparent Pointer, the background, and the missing parts useful for ZUNE Gadgets, the arrow to navigate in folders, and even Amistart adapted to the black transparency.

Of course I don't want any donations proposed by RasVoja, but also by others, if they want they can make them to some AROS developer.

The Theme is also compatible with AROS 68k, so it should also be compatible with ApollS if this OS is still AROS 68k based

This is the Cristal Theme in AROS One version

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 29-Nov-2024 at 07:26 AM.

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 29-Nov-2024 9:06:02
#72 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


Really like the thinner borders!

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 29-Nov-2024 18:25:49
#73 ]
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From previous versions I had added "Early Startup" in the GRUB Menu for Emergences to run uCommander from the Shell.

uCommander is a small Menu that allows you to run some Applications including Dopus4, this is to be able to intervene in case AROS doesn't start, most of the functions of Dopus4 are available even without the support of the started Operating System.

Now, as someone had difficulty understanding how to start uCommander I have modified the string and it should now be better understood, see screenshot.

Any advice is welcome to improve the string so that it is better understood.

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 3-Dec-2024 14:19:09
#74 ]
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In the coming weeks, as soon as some software 'in the works' becomes available, I will start building the ISO of the new AROS One 2.7.

By now there are too many updates even on the Core, and it is not worth waiting for the brand new Core that will arrive in January, these are all the updates at the moment.

Update AROS One Core
- Camdusbmidi.class
- IconDrawerList.mui
- IconList.mui
- IconVolumeList.mui
- i8042.hidd
- pc105_s
- pcnet32.device
- rtl8139.device
- ahci.device
- ram-handler
- camd.library
- crt.library
- debug.library
- muimaster.library
- stdlib.library
- workbench.library
- Update Catalogs
- Wanderer
- WBRename (Wanderer)
- DiskInfo (Wanderer)

Update AROS One Apps:
- OWB v2.1
- Acuario Final Version
- AmiTranslate v0.4
- BeeBase v1.1
- Image2PDF 2.7
- SilkRAW v3.0
- IconSplitter
- Legadon v0.2
- VAMP v3.10
- AGet (Version UHC-Tools)
- Unshield v1.51
- GLFW v3.4
- RayLib 5.0
- Malibu.hwp v1.5
- Rapagui.hwp v2.2
- Sid.hwp v2.0
- Neandertaler (Demo Scene)
- Organica (Demo Scene)

Update AROS One OS System:
- SMB2 (Update Script)
- Amiga-Games (Emulation Games)
- Amiga-Games (Amibridge)
- New Transparent Versions of Pointers
- CAB-I (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- CAB-M (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- M4A (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- MKV (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- WEBM (Descriptor Datatypes + Def_Icons)
- AmiStart (Update Config)
- Aros One About (Update Theme)
- InstallAROS (Update Theme)
- ArosPDF (New Buttons)
- DOpus4 (Update Config)
- MPlayer (Update Theme)
- ZuneARC (Update Config)
- Set ScreenMode
- Config-Apparence (Update)
- Config-Wanderer (Update)
- Config-Zune (Update)
- Wanderer Themes (Update)
- New Config Folders (Skins-Apps, Patterns-Skin)
- WeatherBar (New Theme Prefs)
- WGetGUI (New Theme)
- DOSBox (Manual Multilanguage PDF version)
- aMP3ToWAV (New Theme Prefs)
- AROSAmp (New Theme Prefs)
- AyPlayer (New Theme Prefs)
- MeteMP3 (New Theme Prefs)
- ModExplorerCE (New Theme Prefs)
- ModExplorerNG (New Theme Prefs)
- RNOTunes (New Theme Prefs)
- ZAMP (New Theme Prefs)
- ZuPaPlayer (New Theme Prefs)(New Theme Prefs)
- VAMP (New Theme Prefs)
- AmiFox (New Theme Prefs)

Update AROS One Games:
- AmiFish
- BlackIvan (Update anf KeyReg)
- BlackjuanPoker (Update)
- Sqrxz 1-2-3-4 (4 Games)

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AfA One Amiga OS 3.9

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 6-Dec-2024 17:47:23
#75 ]
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I have been notified by retrofaza of some problems with 3 Games included in AROS One, these Games are part of the Contrib package, and for some reason have not been recompiled correctly in the latest version of the Contrib package.

The games in question are LBreakout2, Soliton/Freecell and NewMasterMind, for "LBreakout2" I recovered the previous version that works fine, for "Soliton/Freecell" instead I managed to find a newer version on Aros Archive, where I totally renewed the graphics, new backgrounds and Card Sets in high resolution in HQ PNG format (see screenshot), the originals were low resolution native Amiga IFF, also the MOS and OS4 version. 1 have the old IFF format Card Sets.

On Soliton, I have also created 3 Scripts that allow you to change the background and Card Sets of the game on the fly, and added more Catalogs.

Concerning NewMasterMind actually there was no Crash, in the recompiled version of the Contrib the data was missing in the Icon Tooltypes, place where the game saves the configuration, not being able to save the configuration crashed the game.

For Italian users, but probably also for Spanish users, I have manually created a set of Italian Cards in good quality, in particular the 'Neapolitan Cards'.

In Italy each region has a different pack of cards, but the Neapolitan ones are the most well-known and used not only in Italy but also in many countries where there is an Italian community.

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 06-Dec-2024 at 05:48 PM.

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 9-Dec-2024 7:44:48
#76 ]
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At the request of a RasVoja and with the permission of the developer I ported the "Crystal" native OS 4.1 skin to AROS One.

The covering has been done manually Pixel by Pixel with the addition of some MUI/Zune Gadgets not present in the theme, the only particular change has been done on the window bar, eliminated the round part because Wanderer doesn't support transparencies yet at least on VESA screens, I didn't have the world to test them on a PC with well supported native Video Card.

Crystal can be set automatically by simply clicking on the appropriate Icon via scripts in Prefs in the 'Themes' folder. As with the other 35 Themes available on AROS One, the scripts will also install the Background and Pointer el MUI/Zune Preferences (App windows).

If instead you want to install only the Windows Theme you can use either the "Appearance" App, or "ThemePrefs", the latter allows you to preview the themes, with these 2 Apps you can also see and install other extra Themes available on AROS One

AROS One Home Site
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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 12-Dec-2024 10:39:46
#77 ]
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From AROS One 2.7 (soon to be released) USB images will be created on 8GB Pendrives, by now AROS One with included 'Development' software has exceeded 3.7 GB space no longer supported by 4GB PenDrives.

On the positive side, the user can now add data to the pendrive, perhaps to test software or games.

New Theme created for AROS One name "ArosOne-BlueWave", see screenshot !

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 12-Dec-2024 at 10:47 AM.
Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 12-Dec-2024 at 10:42 AM.

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 6-Jan-2025 17:01:23
#78 ]
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For those who prefer Magellan, from the next version of AROS One, Magellan can not only be run from Wanderer, but can also be started autonomously.

In practice, there is no difference between the two modes; Magellan still makes use of Wanderer preferences even when started autonomously.

In practice, when Magellan displays a file in "Icon" mode, it will use Wanderer's settings, whereas if Magellan is used in "Detail" mode, it will use its own settings.

Example, if a Music, Graphic or Video etc file is clicked in "Icon" mode, the file will be executed by the default tool in Wanderer's Def_Icon

If on the other hand you click on the same File, but in "Detail" mode, then the tool set to Magellan will display the file.

Also in "Detail" on Magellan you will be able to see "All Archives" supported by AROS One, as if they were normal folders, just click on the archive file LHA, LZX, ZIP, RAR, 7Zip, bz2 etc... to turn it into a normal folder.

This function is also available on Dopus4, but only on the Amiga version, on the AROS x86 version it is unfortunately not available.

In addition, LHA and ZIP archives can be created on Magellan with a simple click

A few demonstration videos on what is described will follow.

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 06-Jan-2025 at 05:01 PM.

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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 11-Jan-2025 15:54:35
#79 ]
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Improved Magellan configuration, same configuration as Dopus4, recreated all buttons and changed the icons to AROS One style!

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 11-Jan-2025 at 03:54 PM.

AROS One Home Site
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Re: AROS One x86 In Progress
Posted on 22-Jan-2025 7:12:49
#80 ]
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I enclose a good quality Video created by a Polish user, showing the installation of AROS One 2.7 in Native mode on a Desktop Computer with Graphics, Sound and Network Card support.

I thank this user for the nice video created!

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AfA One Amiga OS 3.9

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