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Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 13-Apr-2024 15:49:35
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-May-2010
Posts: 6381
From: Unknown

Update from Deadwood:

An update on the plan:

1) Release 64-bit version of Odyssey Web Browser for AROS, Linux and Windows
2) Implement first prototype of 32-bit-under-64-bit emulator for AROS [IN PROGRESS]
3) Release new version of ABIv0 refreshed to 20221221 codebase

Work on emulator prototype progresses well. If you are interested in details, please check a thread here on I will be focusing on it in coming weeks. In parallel I'm thinking about releasing first update to 20220318-1 release. There have been a number of fixes since the release so it would be good to package them together and make available to users.

The long term horizon stays unchanged:

"On a longer horizon, there will be a lot of work related to ABIv0 and AxRuntime.

I want to update ABIv0 to be based on latest ABIv11 source code. This will be an enabler to:
1) develop an emulator that will allow running AROS 32-bit programs under 64-bit AROS.
2) develop a version of AxRuntime that is capable of running ABIv0 32-bit programs on top of Linux and Windows

Furthermore, ABIv11 64-bit native will be fixed to provide the same level of hardware compatibility on recommended hardware as current ABIv0 32-bit. On AxRuntime side, the goal will be to develop a working window manager (IntuitionWM) and Linux-native desktop, most likely in form of Scalos.

Once all these things are in place, there will be two development lines available:

For people preferring native AROS we will have ability to use majority the existing 32-bit software base on 64-bit AROS and native 64-bit system working on recommended hardware, which then is an enabler for creation of 64-bit distributions that match current 32-bit distributions in user experience.

For people interested in AxRuntime route we will have a Linux-native desktop and ability to run majority of AROS ABIv0 programs (32-bit), AROS ABIv11 programs (64-bit) and AxRuntime-recompiled programs (64-bit). This way existing distributions could be re-created using Linux as a base without loosing existing functionality for users."

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 13-Apr-2024 15:50:54
#2 ]
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as a demonstration how this could look like:

Intuition and Scalos on Linux


Last edited by OlafS25 on 13-Apr-2024 at 03:56 PM.

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 13-Apr-2024 16:20:47
#3 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway


Just in time as "everyone" is moving away from Xorg to Wayland, AROS jumps in to grasp a last minute dependency on Xorg. Typical :)


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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 13-Apr-2024 19:17:21
#4 ]
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From: 3rd Rock from the Sun!


So AROS will simply become another Linux distro. We don’t have many of those lying around already 😒


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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 13-Apr-2024 19:18:49
#5 ]
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From: 3rd Rock from the Sun!


So AROS will simply become another Linux distro. We don’t have many of those lying around already 😒


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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 13-Apr-2024 22:25:29
#6 ]
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"So AROS will simply become another Linux distro. We don’t have many of those lying around already 😒"

Not at all - whilst AxRuntime will work on tp of linux, this is in parallel with 32 bit and 64 bit AROS native for those of us who perfer to run purely AROS.


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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 14-Apr-2024 2:59:38
#7 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


Most everything is just something else with a new spin. Just like Amiga OS was a spin on TRIPOS. A brilliant spin, but a spin nonetheless.

AxRuntime et al is closer to what Android is to Linux: Uses it as a base, but it is not a "Linux distro".

Here's an idea with some poetry if the thought of Linux is the cause of your blues; Since Jean-Louis Gassée was inspired by Amiga OS in the creation of BeOS, make AxRuntime 64/32 AROS the first Haiku spin.

The key thing here is to keep our Amiga-inspired UI/UX while benefiting from hardware flexibility and affordability. A mission for which I couldn't be more onboard.

Bravo guys. Keep up the great work.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 14-Apr-2024 6:33:04
#8 ]
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So AROS will simply become another Linux distro. We don’t have many of those lying around already

It couldn't have been clearer that the post was about axruntime, not specifically AROS.
Heck, it even makes a point of specifically making distinctions between what axruntime brings vs what new features will be available to AROS.

The ONLY way a person could perceive this as meaning AROS is a Linux distro now is if theyre deliberately chosen to be completely and utterly wrong, just so they can concoct a fantasy narrative for themselves (which is freaking weird).

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 14-Apr-2024 7:37:29
#9 ]
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So AROS will simply become another Linux distro. We don’t have many of those lying around already

Is your comment based on the title of the thread or on reading the content of the first post. If on the content, can you explain which part suggested to you that AROS is going to be linux distro instead of there being two development lines - one AROS native and one AxRuntime. This will help me improve the description to remove any ambiguity for future.


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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 14-Apr-2024 7:55:12
#10 ]
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Ambitous and certainly interesting, but even with ScalOS as in the video it looks too alien for me. Will try it anyway once it is more mature.

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 14-Apr-2024 8:00:17
#11 ]
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As Deadwood explained there will also be AROS native. Do you use it? Have you installed it on any hardware or at least VM? If not your comment would be a little strange

I was the first years ago who experimented with combining aros and amga components on 68k. The interesting part was, you could create something new with it. The same potential I see with Deadwoods projects.

Potentially there could be something offering look & feel of amiga, based on a modern platform combining software of both platforms under one umbrella. And perhaps even useable in todays terms.

Will it be for everyone? No certainly not. But it might be interesting for some, perhaps even for people from outside. Who knows what future brings.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 14-Apr-2024 at 08:02 AM.

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 14-Apr-2024 8:01:22
#12 ]
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alien in what sense?

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 14-Apr-2024 21:58:47
#13 ]
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From: 3rd Rock from the Sun!


I’m generally confused by the AROS ecosystem and all its variants and yes I have installed and played with various flavors of AROS on VMs.

Last edited by AmigaMac on 14-Apr-2024 at 09:59 PM.


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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 16-Apr-2024 6:47:27
#14 ]
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alien in what sense?

Look and feel. Maybe after few hours of playing with it that feeling will disappear and strong sides of this solution will prevail. As I wrote, I will try it to see for myself.

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 16-Apr-2024 9:34:21
#15 ]
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that is like on 3.1 with all the distributions. Not only 3.5 or 3.9 as official updates but also different distributions like BetterWB or Amikit. The same is true on Aros.

X86 based... most active seems to me Aros One, i also read about Tiny Aros. Icaros Desktop was the by far biggest but I have not read anything new about it for a long time. Not sure if it is supported anymore.

And Aros Vision on 68k and ApolloOS on Vampire hardware.

What I wrote about merge with Linux might come in future but is not reality. Then indeed you have different options, native Aros running on X86 or AMD64, Aros 68k running on emulation and partly hardware and Aros running combined with Linux.

But I would not call it confusing but you have choice what you want to use ;)

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 16-Apr-2024 9:36:24
#16 ]
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perhaps try Aros one X86. The maintainer behind is pretty active and more purist using Wanderer as desktop and not Magellan like in Icaros Desktop.

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 17-Apr-2024 16:21:32
#17 ]
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Before judging one should first try it, AROS with Linux has nothing to do, AROS is the most similar system to Amiga OS3.

"Native" AROS is based on the APIs of Amiga OS 3.1, and Wanderer is basically the Workbench.

AROS has many variations, such as using Magellan or Scalos, or being run on Android, or hosted Windows or Linux.

In addition, there are 64Bit versions of AROS that will also be able to run 32Bit applications in the near future.

In addition to the above there is also AROS 68k that can run on Amiga (Very Expanded) on WinUAE, FS-UAE or Amilator.

I attach a few videos showing how AROS One in action, you will find many things reminiscent of Amiga orOS3 !!!

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 17-Apr-2024 at 04:22 PM.
Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 17-Apr-2024 at 04:22 PM.

AROS One Home Site
AfA One Amiga OS 3.9

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 17-Apr-2024 20:16:07
#18 ]
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Before judging one should first try it, AROS with Linux has nothing to do, ....

There are only 2 type of people that will claim otherwise ...

Uninformed that doesn't know better.
Informed that want to influence the uninformed.

Aros68k is AOS3 compatible, runs on Amigas, has the same API and runs the same programs.

It is a reprogrammed AmigaOS just like AOS4 but on 68k.

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 19-Apr-2024 0:11:19
#19 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Its very nice to see ScalOS running under Linux.

So, in future, we will have 64 bit AROS masced as some Linux distro (just for more common hardware kernel/drivers)?

Reminds me of days when Amiga emulators would launch minimal Linux and then take over :D

While these kind of mutations seems strange, I have tried AEROS
and very much liked ablity to run both Linux and AROS apps seemlesly

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: Aros merging with Linux
Posted on 19-Apr-2024 1:46:29
#20 ]
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Joined: 19-Aug-2006
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From: Italia

maybe thank to linux maybe we could emulate gpu acceleration thank to vmware tools


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