@All Thanks to Max from Acube we just few days away from the release of the new updated Uboot which will allow users at last to have UBOOT output on the RadeonrRX screens, without needs to tinker with Serial Cable anymore.
Of course, you still need to make an update manually once update out, but at least all the newcomers since that time will have no needs for, and it can be a little more appealing to get a board from Acube.
I was betatest it lately (as some other as well), and with permission from Max made a small tease video which some of you may found interesting:
On the video i show not very latest version of updated Uboot: in which there was only ext2fs support, so i had to use my trusty pegasos2 to create ext2fs on USB stick, put updater files on it, and then:
] ext2load usb 0:0 500000 updater50-rx ] bootm
With version which will hit end-users, there are also some more cosmetic changes, but also fat32 support back : so you will be able to put files on win32 and use "fatload" command for.
Of course that all if you want USB update way, but you can go TFTP one or even CD/ISO way, as before. _________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites |