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software OS4   software OS4 : Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyperion games
   posted by AmigaPapst on 18-Mar-2024 14:44:35 (1545 reads)
We are pleased to announce that we as Alinea Computer will be the distributor of the next two games from Hyperion Entertainment. The cooperation so far has been excellent and we hope that we can continue to realize joint projects.

Our first game as a distribution partner will be Heretic II for AmigaOS 4.

This can be ordered under the link. Dealers should contact us directly as distributor.

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 18-Mar-2024 18:54:02
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales

A 68k version of Heretic 2 is currently being worked on and the next game is SIN which is also a work in progress.

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 19-Mar-2024 15:55:33
#2 ]
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Joined: 12-Feb-2003
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From: Chicago, IL

I'm looking forward to these being released in 2030.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 19-Mar-2024 16:51:37
#3 ]
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Joined: 12-Aug-2003
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From: United States of Europe

Why the f*ck is there only a boxed version??? I don't want one, I don't want boxes lying around; they end up getting thrown away.

I would like to buy digital version.

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 19-Mar-2024 17:40:13
#4 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2010
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


I would very much like to purchase the physical version, but the shipping costs seem a tad high. I'm hoping AOTL will stock it eventually.

As for a digital version, maybe asking nicely would help?

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 19-Mar-2024 20:44:25
#5 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Apr-2009
Posts: 1782
From: UK

When will they make something original instead of really old ports. Amiga needs new content not ports that can be played on 20 year old pc.

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 20-Mar-2024 6:26:59
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
Posts: 3957
From: Belgrade, Serbia

Great there will be a 68k version, too bad fix isnt released for old version making it OS4 compatible.

SiN is old license, waited too long, looking forward to it :D

Whats next? Worms :D

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 20-Mar-2024 7:41:09
#7 ]
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Joined: 30-Mar-2022
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From: Unknown

Very good news.
They will use this money to start paying all the developers, right? Right?

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 20-Mar-2024 8:58:11
#8 ]
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My money was idle for too long time.

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 20-Mar-2024 10:08:46
#9 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 764
From: Unknown


Originally was the plan, then I was told by everyone that they'd prefer a boxed version. Betatesters, Dealers, everyone. So we changed plans.

"Amigausers want boxed games so they have something to put to the book/games-shelf" I am always told.

Note that doing both at the same time makes no sense as doing a boxed version requires a certain cost.

You seem to be the proverbial exception to the rule here.


>I would very much like to purchase the physical version, but the shipping costs seem a tad >high. I'm hoping AOTL will stock it eventually.

I hope too that someone in US or Canada takes it into stock And Amiga resellers in other countries as well.


>When will they make something original instead of really old ports. Amiga needs new >content not ports that can be played on 20 year old pc.

Nobody on Amiga market has that kind of money, to make new games (at least talking about games which are "comparable to PC titles").


>Great there will be a 68k version, too bad fix isnt released for old version making it OS4 >compatible.

Well, just get the new OS4 version. And as I created it it is my decision if I sell it or give it for free. It was a lot of work. There is no "making it OS4 compatible" BTW, it is basically a new port (also with loads of new features).


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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 20-Mar-2024 12:01:14
#10 ]
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Joined: 29-Mar-2004
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From: Australia



>When will they make something original instead of really old ports. Amiga needs new >content not ports that can be played on 20 year old pc.

Nobody on Amiga market has that kind of money, to make new games (at least talking about games which are "comparable to PC titles").

I dont think anyone is expecting anything on par with AAA PC games, but even on PC there's a lot of modern games that could run perfectly on even OS4 hardware and less.
Games like Ion Fury were pretty successful only a few years ago, and they just use an enhanced Build Engine (ie. Duke 3d.).

Im sure lots of people would love a modern, original Amiga game, and more than half the work is already out there to be used freely.
Absolutely doable for very little money. There's plenty of talent out there in the Amiga world still. I have zero doubts graphics, maps, storylines, textures and audio could all be done by people who would just like to work on a quality title. Would "just" need a coder or 2 to make a few code changes to existing engines to adapt.

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 20-Mar-2024 13:29:19
#11 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 764
From: Unknown

>I dont think anyone is expecting anything on par with AAA PC games, but even on PC there's a >lot of modern games that could run perfectly on even OS4 hardware and less.
>Games like Ion Fury were pretty successful only a few years ago, and they just use an >enhanced Build Engine (ie. Duke 3d.).

Well I think Apollo Computer does some of this (though their games usually only run on the Vampire, not on all Amigas - but that's understandable, after all they also produce the hardware). And game-porting since recently they do too (that Robin Hood game). Some others do original games too (Frank Menzel etc).

Still, nothing against those - I still think many older PC titles still have the edge here.

So this exists, but not my kind of thing. I prefer porting PC games (of titles I like). Also I doubt I could manage the time for a complete new game parallel to my job. The porting, that works time-wise.

Just a shame a certain manufacturer of a certain PC game never answered me. They probably thought it was a joke :(


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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 20-Mar-2024 21:05:43
#12 ]
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Joined: 30-Jun-2003
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From: Zlatibor, Serbia

More Monolith game ports maybe?

F1 Srbija

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 21-Mar-2024 6:18:56
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway

They probably thought it was a joke :(

Oh come on! It IS a joke!


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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 21-Mar-2024 8:52:47
#14 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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>Oh come on! It IS a joke!

No, I was entirely serious. The Amiga would have been capable of the specific game and I would have been interested in licencing the game (it was old enough that a percentual-of-profit licence might be possible though of course I did not write this into the initial mail).

A small recommendation for you; Do not write "you were joking" when the person in fact meant it serious. It is actually insulting. I would even say deeply insulting.

Insults have no place on a public forum. I do not care what your ideology or your camp or even your opinion is. I do not want to get insulted on a public forum by you.


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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 26-Mar-2024 20:07:25
#15 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: United Kingdom


I saw the news about the server issues first then this.

I honestly thought the server was regurgitating some old news items.

According to Lemon Amiga Heretic 2 was released for the Amiga in year 2000:

I get this is an updated OS4.1 port but almost a quarter of a century later?

And the price?

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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 27-Mar-2024 6:24:36
#16 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 764
From: Unknown


Here you can read what new things the OS4 port offers:

As you can see it is definitely worth it.

Also you seem to misunderstand the options would have been "releasing it for money" and "releasing it for free".

No, the options for me were "releasing it for money" and "not doing it at all". A lot of people wanted me to do it. And yes, for money.

That's called "Supply and demand". And what you are called I guess is called "Troll".

Nobody forces you to buy it. Others buy it.


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Re: Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyp
Posted on 2-Apr-2024 21:25:36
#17 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2004
Posts: 530
From: United Kingdom


Here you can read what new things the OS4 port offers:

As you can see it is definitely worth it.

In your opinion, perhaps others, not mine.

Also you seem to misunderstand the options would have been "releasing it for money" and "releasing it for free".

No, the options for me were "releasing it for money" and "not doing it at all". A lot of people wanted me to do it. And yes, for money.

If I still had an OS4.1 system price would be too high for me, it is basically the same game albeit an improved port.

That's called "Supply and demand". And what you are called I guess is called "Troll".

Nobody forces you to buy it. Others buy it.

Calling someone a troll for expressing a less than positive opinion about a product is a bit much. It was hardly harassment or a personal attack.

Last edited by dan.hutch on 02-Apr-2024 at 09:26 PM.

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