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News   News : Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
   posted by simplex on 21-Oct-2003 18:06:40 (4403 reads)
The (Bush-Ashcroft) US Justice Department, and quite a few state attorneys general, have formally complained to a federal judge that Microsoft is violating the terms of its antitrust settlement.

The complaint focuses on Microsoft's ignoring the user's browser preferences when the user clicks to buy music online.

Link to the article in the Washington Post

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 21-Oct-2003 21:24:27
#1 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni

*sigh* .... No surprise.

They will, of course ... get away with it !! They'll argue that they are helping the RIAA to combat piracy and can only do that through the integrated use of M$ certified soft/hardware.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 21-Oct-2003 22:22:36
#2 ]
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From: Europe

@ The_Editor

There's alot we can learn from the US system though. For instance here are some quotes from the country's most famous and influential people:

Mr Gates on how he prepared himself to become a programmer (instead of studying computer science):
"In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and I fished out listings of their operating system."

Now we know how to become the wealthiest man in the world, but how to become one of the politically most powerful?

Some things we can learn from US President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dan Quayle, etc ...

1) Be well versed: "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" George W. Bush, Florence, SC, January 11, 2000).

2) Talk logic: "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." Former Vice President J. Danforth Quayle.

3) Be ambitious: "We're going to have the best educated American people in the world." Former Vice President J. Danforth Quayle.

4) Be insightful: "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it" George W Bush -Reuters, May 5, 2000.

5) Be straight: "We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made." Former Vice President J. Danforth Quayle.

6) Do your homework (especially the maths): "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared.' Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 12/6/93.

7) Be modest: "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future." Former Vice President J. Danforth Quayle.

8) But most of all be tolerant: "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully" George W. Bush, September 2000.

Only in the States dudes!

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 0:36:25
#3 ]
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From: tellus


Mr Gates on how he prepared himself to become a programmer (instead of studying computer science):
"In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and I fished out listings of their operating system."

Hmmm... Well that explains alot of things about MS-DOS/Windows/MS-Basic... the blue screen of death is probably a beer spill on that listing BG found.

and that also explains why we scrapped Windows from our high-security systems and went with linux.

MicroSoft Game Studios ==

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 5:26:39
#4 ]
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From: USA

Actually, MS-DOS was not written by Gates. He bought it off a company called Seattle Computer, it was called "QDOS" (short for, I kid you not, "Quick and Dirty Operating System"). He changed a few messages and licensed it to IBM for a substantial profit.

Do yourself a favour and do some web searches for the early history of home computers, it's really fascinating stuff. I really like the early history of Apple Computer: the interaction between Woz (aka "the uber-geek") and Jobs (aka "the uber-salesman with a vision") was interesting to say the least. Add an ex-Pepsi suit and Bill Gates into the mix and the current Amiga situation is pretty boring by comparison

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 12:25:08
#5 ]
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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 13:43:31
#6 ]
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From: tellus


Actually, MS-DOS was not written by Gates. He bought it off a company called Seattle Computer, it was called "QDOS" (short for, I kid you not, "Quick and Dirty Operating System"). He changed a few messages and licensed it to IBM for a substantial profit.

If you want historic accuracy...
1) MS-DOS was not based on QDOS it was based on DR-DOS this is well documented FACT in a documentary about the DR founders life -he was at the end of his life in a legal battle hower exactly this-.
Many actually thought that Bill Gates indirectly killed him.

I suggest you look up QDOS and what that actually was before you blurt out such... stupid things.

just beacause a pimple faced 14-year old writes it on a internet page does NOT make it historic fact

2) Bill Gates DID write parts of MS-DOS.

3) Please DON'T come here trying to teach me about computer history... looser.

if you want historical accuracy you should NEVER do a 'search on the web' just beacuse it says on some site on the internet DOES not make it true.

IF that was the case... Windows XP is the best thing since the invention of the wheel and there are no Amiga One's, OS 4.x etc. being developed.

go home to mommy and cry out.

MicroSoft Game Studios ==

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 14:20:43
#7 ]
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From: . . outside the Pod-bay; Australia

So trgse, you would rewrite computer history?

QDos was a port from CP/M and was indeed the OS that Gates modified (very slightly) so as to market MSDos. The gist is that Gates 'sold' it to IBM before he had the RIGHTS to do so.

THIS wasn't ascertained via a Web Search, but is knowledge gained before THE WEB (as such) was in existence.

Dr-Dos was a (later) competing product to run on PC-XTs, and PC-ATs.

-vortexau, who's A1 XE-G4 remains at half-RAM !
A2000HD (from 1991) 060 64Mb PicassoII with OS3.5 . . . still working.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 14:27:08
#8 ]
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From: West Midlands, England - sector ZZ9 plural Z alpha

who rattled his cage ??


/edit - apologies to Vortexau (allo m8 !) - I was responding to trgse, who seems to have contrived to fall out of bed the wrong side, putting his back out at the same time...

XH558 - the worlds last flying Vulcan.
ok, its actually XL426 in the picture but you know what I mean.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 14:39:38
#9 ]
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From: Mid Atlantic State USA


These gaffs are easy to find especially when virtually every thing a countries ?most
famous and influential people? say is recorded, Al Gore has hundreds of them and lies as
well , perhaps you remember Gore ?inventing the internet??

The implication seems to be saying, perhaps because you don?t like his politics,
President Bush is stupid, he is not ...but he is a graduate of Harvard and Yale.

Former President Bill Clinton was articulate, appealing and smooth (nick named Slick
Willie in fact) but also the most immoral man that has ever held the office of President
of the United States and much more as well, but then I don?t like his politics.

By of getting back on topic, I don?t like Microsoft and am hoping for another solution!

Bob C.


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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 15:11:28
#10 ]
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From: Europe

@ trgse

Wow trgse.. Where did all that come from? Please take a deep breath. I don't think CodeSmith meant his message as badly as you interpreted it.

Oh well, a little miscommunication happens to the best of us from time to time.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 15:21:54
#11 ]
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From: Europe

@ BobC.

My posting was solely intended to be funny and I'm neither pro-Democrat nor pro-Republican. IMO there's not so much difference between to two parties anyway. There are however great differences between the different candidates. But IMO in all cases you almost by default need to have a wealthy background (or supporters M$, oil companies, etc) to get a shot at Presidency, instead of having good ideas to make things better.

President Bush is stupid, he is not ...but he is a graduate of Harvard and Yale.

IMO going to Harvard does not per se make someone a smart person. For instance there are Doctors knowing exactly the risks of smoking cigarettes but yet do so everyday. When you know something is bad for you (and/or others), but still this person decides to do it anyway... now that in my book is stupid. More so than by a person who doesn't really know what he or she is dealing with.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 15:49:20
#12 ]
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From: Hattiesburg, MS

My posting was solely intended to be funny and I'm neither pro-Democrat nor pro-Republican.

In any case, your posting was totally off-topic, and rather sneering of men whom Americans have chosen as their leaders -- as if European politicians (the ones who survive, that is -- Pim Fortuyn, anyone? or that recent Swedish minister?) don't make similar gaffes.

You must not have enough to do, if this strikes you as at all appropriate to the topic.

I've decided to follow an awful lot of people I respect and leave AmigaWorld. If for some reason you want to talk to me, it shouldn't take much effort to find me.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 16:16:22
#13 ]
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geees chill out, this ain't ANN


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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 18:05:39
#14 ]
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From: Glasgow, UK

In any case, your posting was totally off-topic, and rather sneering of men whom Americans have chosen as their leaders -- as if European politicians (the ones who survive, that is -- Pim Fortuyn, anyone? or that recent Swedish minister?) don't make similar gaffes.

We Brits have a real good time sneering at our politicians have a look at private eye for an example or two.

Most politicians make gaffs, it's just that if your the president of the USA making a speach on TV then people will make more of an issue of it than if your a small time politician speaking in the local city chambers.


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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 19:41:43
#15 ]
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From: Europe

@ simplex

In any case, your posting was totally off-topic

I read Washington, Bush, Microsoft and just felt like joking around a little. I am sorry if I offended you or anyone else here. In the Netherlands we make alot of fun about our (and other country's) politicians. We mostly just laugh when someone makes fun of our prime minister (aka Harry Potter).

IMO without a healthy sense of humour things will get pretty boring quite easily. Including TV, your profession and even a website like this. Scientific research shows that a good laugh is very healthy for people. So IMO you shouldn't take most things too seriously.

and rather sneering of men whom Americans have chosen as their leaders

People make mistakes... Seriously I have nothing against American people or the states. In fact I will probably spend Christmas in San Fransisco and will be visiting some American friends and family living there.

the ones who survive, that is

Do you consider murders by the some rare lunatic to be funny?

Just about the whole of the Netherlands shared America's pain when JFK was murdered...

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 22-Oct-2003 21:08:59
#16 ]
Joined: 17-Mar-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway

Al Gore said he took the initiative in creating the internet. What he really did was to take the initiative in backing the WWW.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 23-Oct-2003 1:49:36
#17 ]
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From: Hattiesburg, MS

We Americans enjoy a good laugh at our political leaders just as well, and then some; two of my favorite comic strips are Boondocks and Doonesbury, which are well known for making light of American politics.

I read Washington, Bush, Microsoft and just felt like joking around a little.

It's rather ironic that, just a few days ago, this very site was discussing moderation when a discussion gets off-topic, a position which I support.
Seriously I have nothing against American people or the states.

Seriously I have nothing against Europeans or Europe. Matter of fact, I've visited family and friends three times in the past four years, and I've even considered moving to Europe.
Do you consider murders by the some rare lunatic to be funny?

No, and neither did I consider your post funny. I consider the European tendency to delight in mockery of American politicians as thought they're fools, and to sneer at American political culture as if it's backward and barbaric, to have gotten just a little out of hand. If you think I'm overreacting, maybe you should ponder two things: (1) the fact that this pops up constantly on computer-related sites; (2) your last line:
Only in the States dudes!

I've decided to follow an awful lot of people I respect and leave AmigaWorld. If for some reason you want to talk to me, it shouldn't take much effort to find me.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 23-Oct-2003 9:59:04
#18 ]
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@ simplex

It's rather ironic that, just a few days ago, this very site was discussing moderation when a discussion gets off-topic, a position which I support.

I believe I made a relevant tongue-in-cheeck comment, not to be taken too seriously.

No, and neither did I consider your post funny.

I am sorry that I misjudged the situation. But please don't try to extinguish sparks (or in your opinion fire) with a flamethrower.

The difference is that I simply felt like joking around and you (in your own opinion) weren't being funny.

(1) the fact that this pops up constantly on computer-related sites;

That probably has to do with the fact that Bush's presidential campaign was greatly funded by Microsoft and soon after his election the anti-trust lawsuit was starting to fall apart due to government involvement.

(2) your last line:

I included a smiley to emphasize that this all should not be taken too seriously. You probably know that the USA is often referred to as the land of endless oppertunity, that's what I was trying to refer to within this last (tongue-in-cheeck) sentence.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 23-Oct-2003 15:01:30
#19 ]
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From: Hattiesburg, MS

I believe I made a relevant tongue-in-cheeck comment, not to be taken too seriously.

You made a totally irrelevant remark. I have yet to see how quoting Dan Quayle's and George W Bush's speech flubs is at all relevant to the issue.

That probably has to do with the fact that Bush's presidential campaign was greatly funded by Microsoft and soon after his election the anti-trust lawsuit was starting to fall apart due to government involvement.

Either you are being inaccurate, or you don't know how the system works in the States. The US Justice Department is the government arm charged with enforcing the law; ordinarily, all prosecution by the US government is done by the US Justice Department. The US Justice Department was prosecuting the anti-trust lawsuit, the US Justice Department has been monitoring Microsoft's compliance, and the US Justice Department is now filing new complaints. That would be the very same "Bush" government that was "funded" by Microsoft.

In reality, the government's case partly fell apart largely because the (Reagan-appointed) judge who issued the ruling against Microsoft made some very, very unprofessional remarks during the course of the trial, also because the (Clinton) Justice Department chose for some bizarre reason not to go with what many people feel was the strongest example of misbehavior (ie, the active campaign against Be, Inc). The appeals court reassigned the case to another judge who took a less sympathetic view of the government's case.

The president, and any contributions to his campaign, had nothing to do with it.

I included a smiley to emphasize that this all should not be taken too seriously.

Looked more like a smirk to me.

I've decided to follow an awful lot of people I respect and leave AmigaWorld. If for some reason you want to talk to me, it shouldn't take much effort to find me.

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Re: Microsoft in hot water again for anti-trust activities
Posted on 23-Oct-2003 15:26:47
#20 ]
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From: UK

Walk away for a bit and then come back and look at the whole of this site, not just this thread. You'll find this site is quite light hearted and everyone cracks jokes and takes the piss out of each other. Stop taking it personally


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