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Events : Omniscience Inc.'s 2004 CTIA Show Report |
posted by herewegoagain on 27-Mar-2004 4:04:24 (1673 reads) |
By Jim Wingard, Omniscience Inc.
March 24, 2004
I was able to attend the first day of the 2004 CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association) Conference in Atlanta Georgia, this past Monday. One word to describe it ? HUGE ? no make that OVERWHELMING ?
it doesn't matter, choose either one because, neither one begins to describe just how BIG this event is! Every vendor I had ever heard of in the electronics, hardware, software, or communications industry, was there. And for every name I recognized, there were at least three others that I never heard of before. In other words, there were a lot of companies there.
Add on top of that, the fact that you only have three days to see the multitude of companies' wares and attend the various educational classes that were available. I am telling you this just to give you an idea of the magnitude of the event, I was certainly impressed.
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| STORYID: 1335
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