posted by Anonymous on 7-Apr-2004 3:14:46 (2025 reads)
The Queens Amiga Users Group (QAUG), in Ridgewood, NY, continues its ongoing demonstrations of the Amiga OS updates this Saturday, the 10th, at its April meeting. Lou Vidal's AmigaOne will be showing the latest version of Linux Debian running KDE 3.2 as well as MacOnLinux running Mac OS9.2. If all goes well we may even be able to show OSX and the newest UAE on this versatile machine.
Kurt Grach of Revanche, LLC will again be on hand to show the latest updates to OS4. Russ Norrby of Mr. Hardware promises to be there as well. Kurt has had much to do keeping up with the constant flow of updates from the Freiden brothers so we should be seeing a much more stable and capable setup to demo some cool applications. Go to the QUAG website...
Joined: 6-Apr-2004 Posts: 281
From: Gothenburg, Sweden
I'd love to come! It's a little far and a little too close upon AmiGBG, but we'll see about AmiWest though.. we'll send a delegation from Sweden ;)
_________________ It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena." Theodore Roosevelt, speech in Paris, 1910
Status: Offline
Re: OS4 Demos Continue in Queens, NY Posted on 8-Apr-2004 21:41:33