Looks a nice site, pity I can`t speak Italian though
Do you think you would be up to making an english versionof the site as it looks mightily impressive and the forums look ace.
_________________Founder of NWAG - North West Amiga Group Night OperationsA1200 020/28MHz + 64Mb / 4Gb CF / OS / 1438S A500+ / 2Mb A600
Thx guys! i'm very happy to hear that! THX!I don't know if i'll make an english version bacause i am alredy busy with italian normal version!I could make a link to a translator that automatically make the text in english Thx to all
Even if you're not Italian join!;^)
_________________-- -=#Val#=-Valiant@CamelotAmiga 1000; Amiga 2000; Amiga 3000T; CD-TV; CD32;AmigaOne-XE 800Mhz G4;Sam400ep 666Mhz;AmigaOne X-1000 1.8Ghz PA6T-1682M