Events : WK_Artworks present Wildfire at Classic Computing
posted by TrebleSix on 17-Mar-2006 11:22:49 (2155 reads)
Andreas Küssner from WK-Artworks (WK-Artworks) will present Wildfire at the Classic Computing 2006 (Amiga-Event 30. September - 01. October 2006) in Nordhorn/Germany.
Anyone interested in Wildfire and/or the Amiga demo scene group INFECT should take a look at Infect_Rules
Wild Fire/ YAFA player was used to sync animations, music and sfx. And was used in the cool DATA WORLD demos
I had little play about with the demo in 68k mode and it seemed to be good to go, although I did manage to get it to grim on me. I think I may have managed to make it GURU back on my 030 back in the day. Maybe I'll give it a bit of a go when I've got more time. Good to see the devs are still on the scene.
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Re: WK_Artworks present Wildfire at Classic Computing Posted on 18-Mar-2006 3:17:00