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Hardware News : ACK Software Controls IRC Log |
posted by ssolie on 18-May-2006 21:16:56 (22828 reads) |
Below is my personal attempt to cleanup an IRC log between ackcontrols (ACK Software Controls Inc.) and some info. starved users. It was a spontaneous kind of thing. I did my best to match the questions to the answers which is why the time stamps differ here and there. Any errors are entirely your fault.
[23:53:47] ackcontrols: I hope you dont mind my thread.. just a pointer to your message! [23:54:02] I don't mind
[23:54:38] ackcontrols: wanna let people know what northbridge it uses? (I'm sworn to secrecy so I wont say) [23:55:05] or do you want to wait for the demo? [23:55:34] Going to wait until the demo.
[00:01:53] High end board: "A high end board will be demonstrated approximately one month after the CPUs are demoed. Period." [00:02:48] Yes, that is true. [00:03:54] The board uses the same CPU connector as the XE/ MicroA1
[00:04:57] The board is a new design? [00:05:11] yes, new design
[00:05:15] What for the graphics slot? [00:06:14] Still only makes sense for us to use AGP slot (in PCI mode) [00:06:25] Until we get docs on new PCI Express cards [00:07:43] It's not hard at all to put a PCI Express slot on a board, it's just we (we being Video driver developers) don't have docs on the newer PCI Express cards.
[00:07:28] Can you post a photo or something to make some rumors? :) [00:07:56] AmigaBlitter: I'm not into photos....never have been.
[00:08:57] ackcontrols!!! you are the reason i came here.. :) short question, will the power vixen have acceptable linux support? as in better than the a1.. [00:09:34] spot3AD: Linux runs fine on the board.
[00:09:59] ackcontrols: glad to hear that! will ubuntu be supported? [00:10:32] spot3AD: It's up to the user to pick a distro.
[00:10:53] ackcontrols so i take it we don't need custom made installers? [00:11:55] Regarding custom installers.....that's going to be more than likely to make it easier for everyone.
[00:13:04] how fast was the pv cpu again? g3@300? [00:13:25] 400MHz CPU for the PV
[00:12:38] How mutch it cost approximately? [00:13:35] AmigaBlitter: The new board?
[00:13:40] yes [00:14:30] Too early to give an exact cost, but can see the 1.7GHz CPU + board being in the $1,000.00 USD range.
[00:49:44] 1) what for the board size? atx, micro atx and so on... [01:05:52] MicroATX sized board.
[00:51:23] 3) is this the personal ack answer to the bbrv intention to provide us hardware? [01:06:11] Has nothing to do with bbrv....this has been in the works for a while
[01:06:53] A lot has changed in the last year for the PowerPC host bridge market. [01:07:25] Similarly, products that have been announced from Freescale (the 8641D) have been late in coming. [01:08:40] Tundra on the other hand has been the best in delivering their products in a timely fashion and are far more open with information than Marvell. [01:09:06] Tundra has also set a clear roadmap regarding their direction on the PowerPC host bridge side of things. [01:10:00] In order to bridge the XE products to the new boards, it was decided to make CPU modules compatible with the AmigaOne boards to increase the market size. [01:10:19] As well as provide an upgrade path with reduced investment by the customer.
[01:10:44] ackcontrols but, a microatx won't fit in a desktop a1200 will it? [01:11:23] spot3AD: The PowerVixxen products are for the A1200 users. [01:11:29] This is separate from that. [01:12:15] The PowerVixxen line of products are to bring the classics up to a point where they can use OS4.
[01:13:06] Hyperion has long known mine and other's intentions regarding new hardware. [01:13:47] The issue has been there has been a lot of change in the PowerPC side of things. [01:14:15] Tundra's Tsi108 and Tsi109 and their upcoming Tsi110/111 products. [01:14:23] ackcontrols has any hw been sent to hyperion yet? [01:14:52] Similarly, Marvell's Discovery V, which looks great on paper, but the timing isn't quite right for that product. [01:15:38] Even though the market is relatively small, it has been hard to create a single product that would make everyone happy. [01:17:59] In order to reduce complexity in the design of a new board, it will be primarily expanded using PCI cards.
[01:17:44] ackcontrols what's the situation with the a1200 connectors? [01:18:26] spot3AD: I've been working with Jens Schoenfield regarding the A1200 connectors. [01:18:40] Jens has access to some incredible pricing.
[01:19:43] i repeat a question... 4 )Did you plan in the future to provide us a Cell hardware? (my dream) [01:21:38] Plans for hardware are being based on chips and chipsets that are available. [01:21:57] Cell chips don't fall into that category, nor are chipsets that include PCI Express. [01:22:33] Keep in mind that the biggest issue regarding PCI Express is the lack of documentation regarding PCI Express based video cards. [01:22:50] AmigaBlitter: Sorry, but that is just being realistic.
[01:28:25] ackcontrols, so with the a1200 connector problem solved, has the power vixen finally gone into production? what is the estimated date of release? when will it hit the dealer shelves? will it be autographed by you? will it have your dogs/childrens footprints engraved on the back? [01:29:31] Any time there is a significant time lag between an expected release date and an actual date, it always makes sense to revisit the product. [01:30:41] The only thing that is holding up PowerVIxxen at this time is whether or not I should put a Radeon mobility 7500/9000 chip right on the board. [01:30:58] and remove the MiniPCI slot. [01:32:31] ATI isn't too quick to respond to small players. [01:33:38] choosing ATI is for driver availability.
[01:46:56] I rewrite the questions: When you plan to demo the board for the public? [01:47:32] AmigaBlitter: End of June.
[01:52:13] availability? end of June? [01:52:32] July time frame for availability. [01:55:09] PowerVixxen LT
[01:55:46] ackcontrols what does LT stand for ? [01:57:03] SlayerDK: LT is for Lite....
[01:58:15] Do I mess things upp? Isnt Powervixxen a classic Amiga powerboard? [01:59:11] The main intent of the PowerVixxen boards is to run OS4 on the classic machines. [01:59:31] The 680x0 capability is driven by the emulator within OS4. [01:59:51] Petunia is the JIT. [02:00:09] I'm not sure what they call the interpretive emulator....if it even has a name.
[02:00:22] After this step, Ack, Do you thing that there will be other obstacle to see the final version of os4 out? [02:01:14] I have no control over final release of OS4 and can't speculate.
[02:01:51] Returning to hardware related questions, What kind of ram use the new board? [02:02:03] The high end board? [02:02:14] DDR2
[02:02:56] when is the high end board going to come out? [02:03:15] 400MHz [02:03:20] 200x2 [02:03:55] Goal is to have several products available for AmiRevival show.
[02:05:16] What about licensing? How do you have obtained licensing? [02:18:57] I really don't expect any issues with the licensing. [02:19:37] Going to get the h/w working first and worry about that after.
[02:19:49] Any problem with u-boot? [02:20:12] Warts aside, u-boot does what it's supposed to do. [02:20:24] Also been testing OpenBIOS as well. [02:21:13] The MPC5200 doesn't like ROMs on PCI cards....bit of a PITA. [02:22:29] AmigaBlitter....most of the industry is going PCI Express for good reasons.
[02:22:45] Have you already tested the os4 on your new board? [02:23:17] If yes, could you give us your first impressions? [02:23:42] Faster than the CSPPC and slower than an A1.
[02:24:14] You are talkin about the new board or the powervixxen? [02:24:26] The mediator interface for Video is a bit kludgey...another reason to drive towards gfx chip on PV. [02:24:31] PV, yes
[02:37:40] Ack, can you give us more information about this question: And the new board? What about the speed? [02:38:22] The host bridge has a 200MHz FSB. [02:38:36] It will take full advantage of the 7448's throughput.
[02:39:31] what ethernet will the highend board have? [02:40:00] GB ethernet * 2
[02:41:18] ackcontrols you got a working prototype of the high-end board ? [02:42:10] Been working on a dev board and prototype is a 2-3 weeks away. Been focusing on the CPU modules at the moment.
[02:43:05] So you have not yet tested OS4 on the High End Board? [02:44:40] Dev board is to get OS4 ported, prototype is based on chipset, but pretty different in reality.
[02:46:04] thats confusing. so the northbridge you're using in the prototype isnt present in the dev board? [02:50:10] No, the Northbridge is on the devboard [02:51:00] to quicken the development time....a lot of features will be added with PCI cards.
[02:46:06] How many USB port have the board. Is the USB version 2.0? [02:52:09] The main board will likely be limited to 2 USB ports (for mouse and kb), serial ports (for debug), and ethernet. [02:52:25] The rest will be added by the dealer/customer.
[02:52:26] then hyperion can start porting with that board, and you will gradually move these chipsets on the pci cards onto the mobo?
[02:52:58] no parallel port? I've got a printer that needs parallel [02:53:03] I don't see a reason to. [02:53:17] there are PCI cards for that. [02:53:39] not going to see much by means of legacy ports [02:54:38] It's going to be a lean design that the user can add the appropriate PCI functionality that they need. [02:55:01] No sense putting SATA on the board and having people complain about having to buy new hard drives. [02:55:18] Similarly, if you want SATA, then it doesn't make any sense to have PATA ports on it. [02:55:39] Too many standards in flux at the moment to put the right things on the main motherboard.
[02:59:55] ackcontrols: are you saying theres not going to be any PATA on the mobo? or were you just using the above as an example? [03:03:57] Yes, neither....combo card for the desired type of IDE (or SCSI) connection. [03:04:42] Keeping the design simple...make the CPU -> Host -> memory fast....add the I/O with PCI cards.
[03:05:36] So no AGP/PCIe then. [03:06:10] There will be an AGP slot, due to the requirements of the Amiga market. [03:06:26] PCI Express won't be an option until the Tsi110 is available. [03:06:37] But that is likely in early 2007 [03:07:14] It all comes down to what is available without making the mobo a patchwork of bridge chips.
[03:07:37] how many PCI slots in your design? [03:08:06] 3 PCI + 1 AGP is the plan.
[03:08:16] sound on board ? [03:08:22] nope
[03:09:32] The chipsets used in most combo cards already appear to be supported. [03:10:01] USB + PATA/SATA cards already exist.
[03:10:04] what speed are the slots ? [03:10:17] slot speed depend on the cards plugged into them. [03:10:39] The AGP slot is PCI 66 and independent of the other 3 slots
[03:11:59] ackcontrols: is it too difficult to add PS/2 connections? .. USB keyboards and mice are a little expensive.. [03:12:31] Expensive...USB mice and keyboards are cheaper here. [03:14:52] The more stuff that gets put on the board...the more complex it gets. [03:15:13] This is going to be a fast, make equip it how you want type system.
[03:15:14] so by making the design simpler, you've cut down development time? [03:15:23] yeah
[03:15:37] how longs it taken you so far? :) [03:16:21] Not too long....a couple weeks total of time. Finishing off PCB layout.
[03:18:59] ackcontrols: you mentioned there being 2 USB ports... will there be headers on the mobo to connect up USB ports built into cases etc? [03:19:23] no headers....the purpose of the USB ports are for keyboard and mouse connections.
[03:20:25] The design was started a long time ago.....I haven't had time to work on it and wanted to see how things shook out with the flurry of product announcements by Marvell, Tundra, and Freescale. [03:20:45] Add to the mix the switch to Intel by Apple further complicated issues.
[03:27:11] ackcontrols: might be a good idea to have 3 usb ports though..... keyboard + mouse + something else..... usb gamepad, printer, mp3 player.... you know... [03:32:30] maybe I'll put six PCI slots on it and move it to a larger board.
[03:32:45] ackcontrols: would it still be ATX? [03:32:54] It would be ATX compliant.
[03:33:56] would the price increase be negliable? (sp) [03:34:09] PCB cost is proportional to size
[03:34:24] You said that the PCB is already done [03:35:38] The files haven't been released for making a pcb prototype.
[03:34:35] adding a bridge chip and 3 extra slots isn't that difficult. [03:34:59] I'm working on the PCB layout for the high end board. [03:37:43] Keeping it simple keeps the cost down and allows for users to customize their machine accordingly.
[03:37:53] ackcontrols: but doing 6 slots instead of 3 wont make the board much more expensive? [03:38:15] It would add around $50.00 of manufacturing cost. [03:38:42] The would include the incremental PCB cost, bridge chip, and extra components. [03:39:46] Keep in mind that manufacturing cost can turn into a 2.5 to 3 times retail cost.
[03:40:03] what speed for the agp bus? [03:40:08] pci 66
[03:40:15] well, I'd want a tv tuner, sata+pata, sound card, and a parallel i/o card... [03:41:01] Jahc, better don't talk of our desire... [03:41:43] the other aspect to consider is the length of time people typically keep their machines.....makes it hard to pick the right stuff that will be available for lengthy durations.
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Poster | Thread | sg2
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 7:23:29
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Regular Member |
Joined: 16-Jun-2004 Posts: 223
From: Lyon, France | | |
| Hi,
A word of personal opinion on the "high end" board : I like the approach of "zero legacy onboard". A couple of USB ports to be able to boot with keyboard and mouse, and thats all.
Make it a 6 PCI + 1 AGP solution and everybody will be happy on the long run. Why is that ? Putting anything on board and reducing the number of slots is just making choices in place of the user, and there will always be some complaining that this is not in line with their wishes, while favoring expansion slots allows for 100% matching (but then, 3 PCI ain't enough).
Regards, -- Stéphane Last edited by sg2 on 19-May-2006 at 07:24 AM.
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 7:33:14
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Super Member |
Joined: 21-Mar-2003 Posts: 1091
From: The Netherlands | | |
| @sg2
Yes, and you can take everything with you to the next board that may come out. I have about 15 soundcards, so I'd prefer to see a 6 PCI version as well...
I'd rather see 2 more USB ports and dropping one of the two GB ethernet ports though, as one is likely not to be used. _________________ Audio Evolution
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 7:49:01
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Elite Member |
Joined: 30-May-2003 Posts: 2959
From: Auckland, New Zealand | | |
| Quote:
Yes, and you can take everything with you to the next board that may come out. I have about 15 soundcards, so I'd prefer to see a 6 PCI version as well...I'd rather see 2 more USB ports and dropping one of the two GB ethernet ports though, as one is likely not to be used. |
2 ethernet ports is a feature of the northbridge they're using I think. (the comments from the irc log match a particular tundra chip).
I agree that 4+ PCI slots and 3+ USB ports is needed. Also I dont think the price is good enough. :( |
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 8:11:07
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 8:17:24
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Elite Member |
Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 3045
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| @pvanni
I don't think anyone is suggesting that Adam is out to rip anyone off, the problem is the actual price of the CPU. I mean, when a Mac website says that it's too expensive, that tells you something.
Still, I don't think the target market for these modules are new "converts", but rather hardcore existing owners who want the fastest they can afford. |
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Re: ack interviewed Posted on 19-May-2006 8:21:19
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Elite Member |
Joined: 26-Sep-2005 Posts: 3514
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| hehe
I become a journalist... who is the next?
Anyway, we forgot an important thing: thank you, Adam (ack) for the time you granted us.
Good work ssolie :) Last edited by AmigaBlitter on 19-May-2006 at 09:33 AM.
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 8:22:26
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Elite Member |
Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 3045
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| @jahc
2 ethernet ports is a feature of the northbridge they're using I think. |
Fair enough, but the circuitry that's needed to connect the second ethernet port to the ourside world, plus the ethernet socket itself, cost money. Since this cost is going to get passed on to me as a buyer, I would personally rather see it go towards something I would use, like more USB ports (seriously, who uses 2 ethernet ports on a desktop computer?) |
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 8:32:02
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Team Member |
Joined: 12-Mar-2003 Posts: 1457
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| And if you consider that a lot of keyboards/mice packs come wireless with a single connection to the computer you only use 1 usb port for both the mouse and the keyboard
Personally I think with this style its essential to have the 6 PCI slots, and then it will be a fine machine
I have always preferred adding cards rather than on-board gear, its more reliable that way (if something goes wrong you have to replace the whole motherboard or buy a card anyway)
Mark _________________ IceStar Media Ltd.
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 8:33:24
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Elite Member |
Joined: 12-Mar-2003 Posts: 2209
From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State) | | |
| @ack I see three problems with the board (if we don't take into account the price... keep in mind Genesi isn't sleeping and they are going to release a QuadG5 for the same price):
-3 pcis are not enough if you plan to avoid including stuff onboard. The 2 usb onboard ports will probably be semi-useless (just usb1), so you'll have to add a USB PCI card, a PATA/SATA PCI card, a PCI soundcard and an AGP gfx card... wow! we've ran out of PCIs! and we haven't put a TV card, an additional network card, a firewire card, etc... 3 PCIs are clearly not enough.
-If you put just everything in the pci bus we'll have a big bottleneck. IDE+USB can eat a lot of bandwitch and the computer will probably suffer that :-/ I would put Sound, Network and SATA onboard on different PCI busses.
-AGP cards are getting harder to find. Talk with Ole-Egil about the PCI-Express bridge chip he uses. You won't have driver problems with Radeon cards (the driver is kinda generic, p96 team simply have to add the card ID to make it work). I think that releasing a board in the year 2006 without PCI-Express lacks any sense.
With the PowerVixxen I think that it's better to put the chip onboard. That way you can be sure it will fit on standard cases and extra-minipci cards won't be hard to find. The downside is that if that rises the prices more than 50¤ it will mean less customers.
Any news about PowerVixxen for A4000? There will be any version for it? Last edited by Crumb on 19-May-2006 at 08:39 AM. Last edited by Crumb on 19-May-2006 at 08:38 AM.
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 8:37:57
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Cult Member |
Joined: 12-Nov-2004 Posts: 706
From: Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany | | |
| Thank you Adam!!!
hmm i am very interested in the mATX Mobo... maybe you can make 6 PCI Slots. I like the design you choose... make it simple and let the user deceide what he wants to use.. im gonna use my U160 SCSI Card with the mobo - hell yeah that will be my own speed daemon!!! _________________ Ei gude wie! I love my AMIGA Collection... 2x A500 (1x 1MB) OS1.3 1x A600 (40MB HDD) OS2.05 (broken joyport) 1x A1200 (68030/50, 32 MB Fast RAM) OS3.1 1x A4000D 040/40 (48 MB Fast), OS3.9, Fastlane Z3, CV64, Deneb, Indi AGA 1x CD³² 1x µAOn
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 8:41:20
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Elite Member |
Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 3045
From: USA | | |
| Quote:
With the PowerVixxen I think that it's better to put the chip onboard. That way you can be sure it will fit on standard cases and extra-minipci cards won't be hard to find. |
Totally agree on this. Plus you will have 100% known hardware on an A1200+PV, so things like demos can push the envelope safely.
The downside is that if that rises the prices more than 50¤ it will mean less customers. |
Not so sure about this. Sure, it's 50¤ more, but you don't have to buy the mini-PCI card which will probably be more than that. |
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 9:03:14
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Elite Member |
Joined: 19-Jun-2004 Posts: 5009
From: Sweden | | |
| Sounds good for me. I would be pleased to upgrade to SATA and removing of PS2 etc is what i like also. USB here we go. But we REALLY need more USB ports. 4-6 would be fine. And 2.0 is a must. 1 agp (too bad no express) is ok. 4 pci is ok too if not one is gone if its too near the agp like on A1. On A1 i cant put anything near the agp as the gfx card and its fan is taking the space.
I already have A1 but ill check how it goes for this highend card. DDR2 sounds just fine and the 200mhz.... 1.7ghz and ill be yours :) |
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 9:03:19
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Team Member |
Joined: 12-Mar-2003 Posts: 1457
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| @crumb
I agree 3 pci slots are not enough, however he does state in there that he is considering 6. Your calculations are a bit off though, as this card: Here gives you both USB and PATA on one card (and as a bonus firewire). Ack also mentions a bridge chip for the extra 3 PCI slots, I'm no expert, but presumably this is for a second bus?
Any of this discussion is fruitless though as until its demoed Im not sure Im gonna believe in it (and that includes the genesi Quad G5) ;)
Mark Last edited by Mark on 19-May-2006 at 09:23 AM.
_________________ IceStar Media Ltd.
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 9:10:17
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Super Member |
Joined: 13-Mar-2003 Posts: 1441
From: Somerset, UK | | |
| @ACK
If your reading.
I'd favour a 6 PCI ATX version which can be a direct swap for XE owners.
If only 2 USB ports are present at least put a standard USB header for more on the board, not like the back to front one on the micro.
I like the sound of this and I think it was Ikir who mentioned we can sell old XE's. Those who are on a budget can get on the OS4 wagon buy picking up second user XE's.
May be a post your old XE mobo+cpu trade in deal could be started by dealers or yourself.
I like the idea that every thing is moved over to PCI cards. So users can pick and choose and gets the product out quicker. Its very fresh, bit old school the use of expansion cards, but there is something very Amiga about it.
Plus this will give the Amiga dealers other products to sell along side the motherboards helping there margins slightly.
About the PV is there going to be a version for big box amigas like the A4K / A3K ?
Will the highend board be shipped with a bootable CD OS4pre4CD containing any modified / required kickstart modules ? Reason I ask is so migrating users who are moving from XE to a new mobo can boot from the CD first then make any required changes to there existing hardisc ie kicklayout / slb before booting from that.
I assume the existing model of board and OS4 bundle is going to be used. Does the estimated prices include OS4 ? _________________ A1200T 603e 330Mhz - Mediator TX OS4.1 F.E. CDTV 8MB Fast, OS3.1, SCSI, MicroSD SCSI & CD32 FMV X5000, X1000, A1XE with OS4.1F.E.
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 9:10:20
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Regular Member |
Joined: 25-Aug-2003 Posts: 470
From: Lecco, Italy | | |
| @CodeSmith
but we are talking about an high-end Amiga, we (ack) must use a 7448. Shure this board probabily is for hardcore but I don't think only existing, there are many potentially users that want an Amiga but they can't buy it because actually it doesn't exist.
Adam is giving us 2 products, an entry level board (PV) that can run standalone and an high-end one, maybe then we lack a middle one, but now we have none.
Regards, Paolo |
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 9:49:01
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OS4 Core Developer |
Joined: 14-Jul-2003 Posts: 3999
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| Quote:
I know I don't feel like waiting... |
There are other options for PCI Express than direct support in the northbridge. _________________ Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 9:57:41
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Elite Member |
Joined: 18-Dec-2002 Posts: 5647
From: Italy | | |
| For me 3 pci slots are fine but i understand what are you saying. _________________ ikir
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 10:18:38
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Regular Member |
Joined: 16-Jun-2004 Posts: 223
From: Lyon, France | | |
| Davy : I totally agree, more than 1 ethernet port is useless for most users (who would use that machine as a router when a DLink or Netgear or everyone's DSL modem or any recycled PC can do that...
Furthermore, I'd go for Eth100 if that can lower the cost. Who is in need of GbE with OS4... Can be added afterwards in a slot :)
Regards, -- Stéphane |
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 10:42:36
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Elite Member |
Joined: 20-Jun-2003 Posts: 2163
From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire | | |
| @ brotheris Quote:
Add gfx board, SATA/PATA board, soundcard to that 1000+$. What about case, hdd, etc ? :) Looks like it's gonna cost a fortune. Maybe it'll recoup it by beying a speed daemon |
My A1 system from Eyetech cost £1,400 (Pounds Sterling not US$), so it is comparable to an A1 with lot's more power. _________________ Peter Swallow. A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.
"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."
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Re: ACK Software Controls IRC Log Posted on 19-May-2006 10:47:08
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Elite Member |
Joined: 8-Jan-2003 Posts: 3270
From: Charlotte, NC | | |
| @Crumb
-AGP cards are getting harder to find. Talk with Ole-Egil about the PCI-Express bridge chip he uses. You won't have driver problems with Radeon cards (the driver is kinda generic, p96 team simply have to add the card ID to make it work). I think that releasing a board in the year 2006 without PCI-Express lacks any sense. |
I was thinking the same. If you are having to implement AGP via PCI mode, why not talk with Olegil, since he is doing the same (and has PCI-e running on an A1 via PCI). That would make this more in line with a "high end" board. In fact it would be almost perfect for my liking. Take that with the fact that you can get some good PCI-e cards in the ATI family for under $100 USD. I really hope this is a concideration over AGP.
One thing nobody else has mentioned is that the $1000 estimated price is for the 1.7GHz version, right. But shouldn't this board also be able to be fitted with the 800MHz version? (think middle-lower end version). |
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