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Events : Finnish Amiga Users Group's Christmas Meeting Showcases Past and Present |
posted by AF on 24-Nov-2006 10:16:13 (2771 reads) |
OULU, FINLAND - November 23rd, 2006 - Finnish Amiga Users Group holds its Christmas meeting in Oulu, Finland on Saturday, November 25th. The event is free for anyone interested in Amiga, the last great home computer. Admittance is free of charge and refreshments will be available.
The event will start at 14:00 on November 25th at Pakkahuoneenkatu 30 (corner of Pakkahuoneenkatu and Koulukatu). Demonstrations and other activities will commence from 15:00 to 16:30.
Timetable for the event (subject to change): 14:00 - Event opens, free time for discussion, testing and gaming 15:00 - AmigaOS4 and MorphOS demonstrations 16:00 - Demoshow 16:30 - Game competitions Rest of the evening is free to mingle and test the computers.
Demoshow: Da Jormas - Major Release (Assembly 2004, A500) Loonies - Planet Loonies (Breakpoint 2006, A1200) Iris - Kilofix (Breakpoint 2006, A1200) TBL - Starstruck (Assembly 2006, A1200)
Game competitions: WormsDC tournament WipeOut2097 hotlap competition
Computers on display: A500, 68000/28 MHz, A590 A600, 68000/7 MHz CD32, 68EC020/14 MHz, Full Motion Video module A1200, 68030/50 MHz A1200, 68060/66 MHz A4000, 68060/50 MHz, Picasso IV, Delfina Lite Pegasos I, G3/600 MHz Pegasos II, G4/1 GHz AmigaOne, G4/800 MHz
Please visit the users group's website at for the latest details and Finnish Internet coverage of the event. Address search and maps for the city of Oulu are available at
About Finnish Amiga Users Group
Finnish Amiga Users Group (officially Suomen Amiga-käyttäjät ry.) is a registered, non-profit organization dedicated to helping Finnish Amiga computer users by preserving and advancing the Amiga hobby and knowledge of the Amiga computing platform in Finland. The group aims to reach its goals through volunteer efforts such as organizing events and publishing an e-zine called Saku.
| STORYID: 3462
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