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News : New Amiga Forever Facebook Page and Videos |
posted by mcb on 22-Dec-2008 17:14:40 (2198 reads) |
Just in time for the holidays, we set up a Facebook page dedicated to Amiga Forever, and uploaded a first set of two videos: Lemmings at Denver DevCon, and The Secret in Hangar AE. Please refer to the videos for full credits.
We plan to upload more footage and photographs soon. To join the Amiga Forever page just follow the Facebook link and select "Become a Fan" to receive automatic updates when new items are posted. You can also use the group to post questions. As the Amiga Forever site lacks a forum, we will use the Facebook page for public discussions.
Thank you for your support, and happy holidays from the Amiga Forever Team!
| STORYID: 4668
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