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Events : Finnish Amiga Users Group Announces 2010 Christmas Meeting |
posted by jPV on 4-Nov-2010 15:36:50 (2485 reads) |
Finnish Amiga Users Group holds its Christmas meeting in Oulu, Finland on Saturday, November 13th. The event is free for anyone interested in the wide range of current Amiga compatible systems. Admittance is free of charge and refreshments will be available.
The event will start at 12:00 on November 13th at Oulu Vocational College (Oulun seudun ammattiopisto), Myllytulli unit at Uusikatu 2 (also found as Isokatu 1). Game competitions will commence from 14:00.
There will be several new generation Amiga compatible systems available for testing. AmigaOS4, MorphOS, AROS and Minimig will be demonstrated. Gaming is available on several classic Amiga systems. The event will also showcase a Commodore 64 with MSSIAH and 1541 Ultimate extensions.
Visitors can take part in raffles and a game competition to win some great prizes. Main prize for the combined game competition is a copy of the game BOH. The game, working on several platforms, will also be for sale at the event for a special discount price.
MorphOS Team has donated a MorphOS keyfile and A-EON Technology a signed Boing Ball tie and an AmigaOne X1000 poster. These will be raffled off at 17:00 between all visitors, as well as a surprise prize among all the user group members who have paid their membership fee in 2010.
Latest Amiga Future magazines are available for reading and visitors can also bring their used items for sale. At least AmigaOne, A600 ja PowerMac G4 systems have already been announced for sale at the event.
Please visit the users group's website at or Finnish discussion forum at for the latest details and Finnish Internet coverage of the event. Address search and maps for the city of Oulu are available at and E-mail inquiries may be sent to Anu Seilonen (
About Finnish Amiga Users Group
Finnish Amiga Users Group (officially Suomen Amiga-käyttäjät ry.) is a registered, non-profit organization dedicated to helping Finnish Amiga computer users by preserving and advancing the Amiga hobby and knowledge of the Amiga computing platform in Finland. The group aims to reach its goals through volunteer efforts such as maintaining a web site and discussion forum and organizing events. |
| STORYID: 5706
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