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Events : Belgian Amiga Club Meeting - 13 November - Reminder |
posted by Simon on 10-Nov-2010 13:28:58 (1616 reads) |
Just to make sure you do not forget:
In a few days it's time again for a Belgian Amiga Club meeting... we don't really have plan this time but rest assured that there will be something to see for everyone.
We will have a visitor that brings his new IMICA running Aros, classics from the Amiga 500 upto A1200 with PPC, Emulation and ofcours various machines running OS4.x ...
And last but not least there will be various Powermacs and Macminis running MorhpOS 2.x
You are welcome with your Amiga or without it... and the only thing that will cost you money is the booze.
Our address:
John Tulpinckstraat 15 2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium
And your welcome Saturday evening from 18:00 till at least 24:00 but probably a lot later. |
| STORYID: 5711
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