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News : UPCHUG reborn! - Meeting on April 17 (fwd) |
posted by RobertB on 30-Mar-2011 22:34:30 (1657 reads) |
------------------ Original Message ---------------- Subject: [UPCHUG_Amiga_C64] Meeting April 17th 5:20pm - 11:00pm Date: Wed, March 30, 2011 12:57 pm
Good Afternoon, Commodore Users!
I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be starting up some super awesome Commodore meetings again on 3rd Sunday of every month. I've got April 17th, May 18th, and June 19th from 5:20pm-11:00pm reserved/scheduled at the Sumner, Washington Library located at the Pierce County Library, 1116 Fryar Ave, Sumner, WA 98390. Agenda will be forthcoming. If anyone has any ideas of contests we could do, or projects you would like to see happen, please feel free to let me know, and we can work it into the agenda. I hope everyone has a great week, and I look forward to hanging out.
Dave Frazer gencom64(at) ------------------------------------
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