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 agami:  30 mins ago
 Rob:  1 hr 36 mins ago
 amigakit:  1 hr 42 mins ago
 matthey:  1 hr 47 mins ago
 Karlos:  4 hrs 10 mins ago
 Mobileconnect:  4 hrs 45 mins ago
 Lou:  5 hrs ago
 mordock:  5 hrs 6 mins ago
 lionstorm:  5 hrs 24 mins ago
 etherius:  5 hrs 34 mins ago

Events   Events : Belgian Amiga Club Meeting - 10 March 2012
   posted by Simon on 1-Feb-2012 22:03:54 (1360 reads)
The Belgian Amiga Club's first club meeting for 2012 will be on 10/03/12. You can find us at the following adress from 18:00 till at least 24:00 -> John Tulpinckstraat 15, 2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium.

Aros-, MorphOS or AmigaOS ... you're all welcome with or without your machine and meet up with fellow Amiga survivors.

As always we try to give you a good reason to visit us:
- A key for WHDload can be purchased at a very special price ( thank you WEPL ! )
- There will be a soldering workshop, so don't forget your soldering iron !
- 1 if not 2 AmigaONE X1000's will be shown and also a SAM460EX.
- Classic gaming on the big screen

Related Links
· More about Events
· News by Simon

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