Events : French AmigaOS On Tour presentation sheets available
posted by MikeB on 7-Jul-2003 17:09:48 (2035 reads)
The sheets used for the French AmigaOS 4.0 presentation held last Saturday, can now be downloaded as a PDF, Powerpoint Presentation or as JPEGs. This French languaged presentation includes many example AmigaOS4 screenshots.
Update: Many pictures taken at the event can be viewed here.
I thought they had IBrowse . "Native" to me conveys the notion of a browser running natively on PPC. Oh well I'm probably reading waaaayyyy too much into a single point on a powerpoint slide .
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Re: French AmigaOS On Tour presentation sheets available Posted on 10-Jul-2003 15:55:48
Joined: 29-Jun-2003 Posts: 136
From: Vantaa, Finland
Interesting slideshow. I noticed that the USB section had nothing but the header... What kind of USB device support will be in OS 4.0? Reading the adverts of (relatively cheap) USB printers, scanners, digital still & video cameras makes one very restless...