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software OS4   software OS4 : AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
   posted by ChrisH on 1-Dec-2012 18:06:16 (2523 reads)
This is the fifth public beta of AmiSystemRestore:

* Restore points can now REALLY have a name of any length!
* Restoring now safely works with AmigaOS4.1 Update 6, thanks to a blacklist.
* Now able to monitor AmiUpdate when it has been run from the Shell.
* Fixed bogus empty backup files being created in certain rare circumstances, and the installer will automatically fix any such files.
* Fixed a few other small problems.

Click READ MORE for downloading instructions and more info:

Downloading it:
This is a public beta of AmiSystemRestore. Although I and a small number of testers have not noticed any stability problems in over 10 months of use, there is still a small possibility of crashes or lock-ups with untested programs or situations, due to the complexity of the OS patching done by AmiSystemRestore. Please report all problems to me.

You can download it from

Details of the changes:
* NEW: The length of a restore point name is now REALLY unlimited (I had overlooked restrictions in a couple of places).
* NEW: Added a Restore folder blacklist, so when Restoring it automatically unticks files inside blacklisted folders.
This was needed for AmigaOS4.1 Update 6, to prevent users accidentally restoring AmiUpdate's Rollback folder (which is now stored on SYS:).
* NEW: Now able to monitor AmiUpdate when it has been run from the Shell rather than the Workbench.
* CHG: Previous wrongly-stored empty backup files (see next item below) will be fixed by the installer, as they would create problems when restoring. (This will probably only affect a handful of people.)
* BUG: Fixed a bogus empty backup file being stored, when a file was created using a multi-assignment path that already existed but only in one of the later assignments. (phew!)
* BUG: Fixed empty restore points showing as 1KB in size.
* BUG: Fixed "Installer avoids creating empty restore points" not working.
* BUG: Fixed certain cases where writing to the debug log would hang the whole OS, although no-one reported such problems.

What is AmiSystemRestore?
AmiSystemRestore aims to give AmigaOS4 a similar ability to Window's very useful System Restore. What it does is create Restore Points, which act as snapshots of your SYS: partition (where the OS is stored). If anything changes on your SYS: partition, then you can roll it back to the time of the snapshot.

Why would you want to undo changes to your SYS: partition? Well, if you install a new program (or update an existing one), you have no idea if any new libraries (or other changes) will have problems that may break existing programs. A badly written installer might even replace libraries (etc) with older versions!

AmiSystemRestore allows you to undo all recent changes (whether or not they were done by the installer), and return SYS: to an earlier point in time. Knowledgable users can be more selective about which changes are undone, with the warning that they need to know what they are doing!

If you are installing something using AmiUpdate or the official Installer system, then AmiSystemRestore will automatically create Restore Points for you (and Ringhio messages should notify you of this).

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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 1-Dec-2012 19:38:09
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK

Me thinks another serious contender for bundled with AmigaOS.


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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 1-Dec-2012 19:42:36
#2 ]
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Joined: 13-Feb-2003
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From: Italy, Perugia




Sam440ep Flex 800 Mhz 1 GB Ram + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
AmigaOne XE G3 800 Mhz - 640 MB Ram - Radeon 9200 SE + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6

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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 1-Dec-2012 20:09:38
#3 ]
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Joined: 25-Dec-2007
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From: Uppsala, Sweden

Will try it. Thanks.

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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 1-Dec-2012 20:29:08
#4 ]
Team Member
Joined: 14-May-2003
Posts: 1941
From: Lake Charles, USA

Another "must have" program. I look forward to installing this. Currently I just copy the entire contents of my hard drive into a backup folder.

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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 1-Dec-2012 21:01:22
#5 ]
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Joined: 18-Apr-2009
Posts: 1275
From: Germany


And where can I configure the blacklisted drawers? I.e. my AmiUpdate configuration has no "Rollback" drawer, because I don't want to store CopyStore/Rollback stuff into my SYS:System drawer - so it is configured to another place.


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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 2-Dec-2012 0:59:22
#6 ]
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Joined: 8-Apr-2003
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


* NEW: Added a Restore folder blacklist, so when Restoring it automatically unticks files inside blacklisted folders.
This was needed for AmigaOS4.1 Update 6, to prevent users accidentally restoring AmiUpdate's Rollback folder (which is now stored on SYS:).
The Updates prefs program lets the user change the rollback directory to be anywhere, and I'd advise everybody to find a better place for it than on SYS: - whether you use AmiSystemRetore or not.

Best regards,


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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 2-Dec-2012 10:54:14
#7 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Jan-2005
Posts: 6679
From: Unknown

Another "must have" program. I look forward to installing this. Currently I just copy the entire contents of my hard drive into a backup folder.

Please note that AmiSystemRestore is *not* an alternative to backing-up your OS4 partition, as it can't protect against the OS4 partition being corrupted or formatted (nor your harddrive dying).

And for the Beta versions of AmiSystemRestore, I do specifically recommend having a backup of your OS4 partition anyway, just in case it does screw-up your OS in some fashion. (Hopefully unlikely, but do you really want to risk it?)

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 2-Dec-2012 10:57:27
#8 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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From: Unknown

@cha05e90 Quote:
And where can I configure the blacklisted drawers? I.e. my AmiUpdate configuration has no "Rollback" drawer, because I don't want to store CopyStore/Rollback stuff into my SYS:System drawer - so it is configured to another place.

As it currently stands, you CAN'T configure the blacklisted folders. This feature was added at the very last minute (due to Update 6's release), and I didn't have time to heavily test any configuration GUI, so I simply didn't add it.

Most likely I will add a configuration GUI to the next release.

You do NOT need to worry, unless you stored the "Rollback" folder somewhere else on SYS:. i.e. If you put it on a different partition, then there is nothing to worry about.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 2-Dec-2012 19:41:25
#9 ]
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Joined: 18-Apr-2009
Posts: 1275
From: Germany


No hurry - I can wait until it will be configurable one day. And, yes, indeed I have my AmiUpdate-Rollback drawer on a different partition since ages.


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Re: AmiSystemRestore r1 beta5 released
Posted on 3-Dec-2012 17:21:43
#10 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 20-Jan-2010
Posts: 664
From: Isselburg,Germany

It must be a part of AmigaOS4.1!


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