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News : New articles on Obligement |
posted by Daff on 1-Mar-2016 14:20:22 (1051 reads) |
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:
- January/February 2016 news. - Old articles from Tilt 56 to 59 : Interview with John Phillips, Review of Summer Olympiad, Report: Personal Computer Show 1988, Interview with Franck Lanne, Review of Cybernoid, Report: Summer Consumer Electronics Show 1988, File: flight simulators in 1988, Review of Enlightenment: Druid 2, File: women and computers, Interview with Bruno Bonnell, etc. - Interview with Christoph Gutjahr (Aminet, - Hardware: MIST (update). - Hardware: presentation of AmigaOne 1222 (betatester). - DIY: connect and use an ACA 500 on an Amiga 1000. - File: Amiga Games List (update). - File: virus (update). - Tutorial: share files with NetFS revised on MorphOS. - Tutorial: Wi-Fi on Amiga 1200 (with Prism2 V2 and MiamiDX). - Programmation: AMOS - loops. - Special quizz about the year 2015 on Amiga.
Rendez-vous on for this nice reading. All translations are welcome. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info. |
| STORYID: 7672
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