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News : New articles on Obligement |
posted by Daff on 1-May-2019 7:09:58 (782 reads) |
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:
- March/April 2019 news. - Old articles from Amiga News Tech n°28 to 31 : File: Cycles, registers et adressing modes of the 68030, Programming: ARexx - Screens, windows and messages, Programming : Assembler - RGB plasma, Tutorial: Utilization of Yacc, Programming: AMOS - Find a file without requester, File: C ANSI, Programming: C - BOBs, Programming: GFA Basic - timer.device, Tutorial: Utilization of Flex, Programming: AMOS - Plotter, etc. - Interview Denzil LOng (coauthor of Dune 2). - Review of AEROS 3.5. - Review of Amiga Forever 8. - Review of Atari++ 1.7.3. - Review of Icaros Desktop 2.2.5/2.2.6. - File: integrated circuit packaging. - File: Oxxi, Inc. - DIY: Pimp my Pegasos (update). - Tutorial: Make a backup of MorphOS on an external USB hard drive. - Tutorial: Mapping Kickstart 3.1.4 Rom using MapROM on an ACA500Plus. - Tutorial: Installing AmigaOS 3.1.4 on an ACA500Plus (or any Amiga). - Special quizz about Scala.
Rendez-vous on for this nice reading. The total of articles reach now 6000! Feel free to contribute. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.
| STORYID: 8368
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