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software OS4 : Sylpheed 3.0.3 for AmiCygnix released |
posted by CygnusEd on 30-Aug-2020 20:40:57 (1375 reads) |
Sylpheed is an email program based on the GTK+ GUI Toolkit. The design and the user interface are similar to many well-known e-mail programs from the Windows world, e.g. Outlook Express.
Why another mailer? Sylpheed has very good support for the IMAP4 protocol, which is only available with a few Amiga mailers. Sylpheed also has other interesting properties.
New in this package: New version 3.0.3 with many new features compared to the previous version 2.6.0.The program was linked with GTK+ 2.24.32. This means that drag 'n drop, among other things, now also works.A spell check with Aspell is now integrated. A German and an English language catalog are included. The catalogs available for AbiWord can also be used.Mail addresses and personal data can now be determined via LDAP. For this purpose, Sylpheed was linked with openldap 2.4.49.Spam filter function using "bogofilter". The program "bogofilter 1.2.5" is included in the package and is installed automatically.Now uses an icon set in the style of AmigaOS 4.1.New start scripts for the start on the desktop and the standalone start.
Supported protocols: POP3 / APOPIMAP4rev1SMTP / SMTP AUTHNNTP (News)SSL / TLSv1 (POP3, SMTP, IMAP4rev1, NNTP) Features: multiple accountsthread displayNews readerprintingaddress booktemplatepowerful filteringpowerful searchcustomization of toolbarmark / color labeland much more
Download: Homepage: Snapshot:

| STORYID: 8555
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