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software OS4 : Sodipodi 0.34r2 for AmiCygnix released |
posted by CygnusEd on 6-Sep-2020 14:54:28 (931 reads) |
The editor for vector graphics "Sodipodi" in the revised version 0.34r2 is now available on OS4 Depot. With Sodipodi, files in SVG format can be created and edited. Sodipodi is the forerunner of the well-known editor "Inkscape".
New in this release: The program was compiled with GTK+ 2.24.32. As a result, among other things, drag 'n drop now works. The new file requester, which is much more comfortable than the requester from GTK+ 2.6.9, is also useful.New start scripts for the start on the desktop and the standalone start.
Sodipodi features: Extensive set of features for editing vector images: - mirror - rotate - combine / disassemble - straighten - transparencies - and much more...Drawing modes: - freehand lines or Bezier curves - text - rectangle - ellipse - star - spiral - pen - pencil - calligraphyGradients (linear and radial).Grouping of objects.Printer support.Can export project into a PNG file. Additionally can export project to postscript and PDF format using the print requester.Import of graphics in the formats JPeg, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, XPM and SVG.XML editor to edit the SVG data directly.Intuitive GUI.High performance.and much more...
Download: Homepage: Snapshot:

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