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software Classic : Adventure game "Ermentrud" is coming this year finally |
posted by Timo on 21-Feb-2021 17:57:30 (1542 reads) |

The point’n’click adventure "Ermentrud" was originally developed between 2001 and 2004 for Amigas with a graphics card, but then abandoned. It was set in a medieval world and offered an absurd plot with absurd humor. And the hero had a cardboard horse.
It will be released this year after all, even if not in the scope planned at the time. It will contain all the original graphics, sounds and music, but the storyline will be revised.
So far only a German version is planned. It is not yet clear whether there will be other languages. The game will be available for free.
Read more for more info...
More about the current state of development:
- All old scripts have been repaired and expanded and the game can now be played through completely. A revision of the dialogues and texts is planned.
- A completely new engine based on SDL2 was developed, which is 100% compatible with the old one. Development is complete and the game runs on macOS and Windows.
- The game also still runs on the old Amiga engine.
Amiga programmer wanted: The old engine is unfortunately not very stable and has graphic problems in emulators and on OS 4 (probably also on MorphOS). A release for Amiga systems would be very desirable, so a programmer is wanted who can help to fix the problems. It is system-compliant, but very unclean C code (with german function and variable names). Alternatively, the new SDL2-based engine can be used as a base. If you are interested, please get in contact. |
| STORYID: 8623
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