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News : Amiga Future monthly News January 2022 |
posted by AndreasM on 29-Jan-2022 14:53:39 (1039 reads) |
5.1.2022 ******** Amiga Future issue 154 released
The English and German issue 154 (January/February 2022) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.
Mag Content:
Review Terrible Fire 1230 Review RGB-to-HDMI (RGB2HDMI) Review The Shadows of Sergoth
and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectable copy ordered today
A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.
Information: Orders:
Read more for more news of January...
8.1.2022+20.1.2022 ****************** Amiga Future: New full versions online
The download area of the Amiga Future was updated today. So, you can now find the following full versions online:
- Time - Oktalyzer - RAP!TOP!COP!
An overview of the recent uploads and changes to the download database of Amiga Future is also available from this link:
Of course we also want to be able to offer you many more full versions online, but to be able to achieve this, for you, we need your help, so ...
We are on the lookout for the Copyright holders for Amiga games and applications. Do you know of any such person or can you actively help us in our search? If so, then please contact us by email.
We are looking for extra support in order to revise the full versions download area of the Amiga Future webpage. In particular, to check whether all those full versions formats (ADF, IPF, WHDLoad, AGA, CD releases, etc.) are complete. In addition, a short description, in 2 sentences or less, about each of their system requirements and some screenshots need to be created. If you want to help us, then please send us an email.
13.1.2022 ********* LOAD issues 5 to 7 available again from APC&TCP
After a short time the issue 5, 6 and 7 of the German magazine Load from the "Verein zurhaltung Klassischer Computer e.V" in our online shop If these 3 issues were sold out, they are now available again from us.
13.1.2022 ********* Amiga Future magazine & AFA Viewer index update
The Amiga Future magazine index has been updated by Helmut Haake and now also contains the index of the latest edition of the Amiga Future.
The magazine index contains all article titles from the Amiga Future editions. This makes it easier to find a specific article in over 20 years of Amiga Future.
In addition, the magazine index can also be used with the AFA Viewer for AmigaOS 4.
Firstly, to find out in which edition an article was published.
But you can also read the articles published on AFA-DVD directly with the AFA Viewer. To do this, the AFA-DVD must be in the drive or installed on the hard disk.
It is also possible to partially access the files directly from the Amiga Future homepage.
Free download of the AFA Viewer:
Of course, Achim Pankalla would also appreciate feedback and ideas about the program.
16.1.2022 ********* Amiga Future is on the lookout for major re-inforcements in our 25th year
As our printed issues of the Amiga Future magazine has been in regular publication for almost 25 years, it is now time to massively increase our team that edits the magazine and webpage. The intention is to spread the workload of our entire team and to divide it over more shoulders, so the workload for each editorial team member involved gets reduced, though as a result of this staff increase, we also want to increase its overall quality.
So, that the next 25 years will be somewhat easier for everyone involved.
The list of personnel we are looking for is quite long:
* Editors for the print edition of the Amiga Future * Translators for the print edition of the Amiga Future * News editors for the Amiga Future homepage * Full commitment on the Amiga Future webpage * Advertising management for the magazine and website * Maybe offer some suggestions for how else you can assist us?
Editors for the printed issues of the Amiga Future **************************************************** We are particularly interested in coverage of these areas:
* Demo scene * Applications 68k * Games 68k, AmigaOS4, MorphOS * Hardware (all system areas)
Would you like to work on our print magazine for the Amiga that has been around for almost 25 years?
Then just get in touch with us.
The following requirements are these, but should go without saying:
* You should own an Amiga, which is logical! * You should not only own your Amiga, but use it. As in, you need to know the way your Amiga generally works. * Your spelling doesn't need to be perfect but reasonably OK. * It is of course ideal if you have already written reports. * Of course you should also have enough spare time to invest with us and interest in doing so.
Translator for the print edition of the Amiga Future **************************************************** The Amiga Future is in German and English. As a result, articles have to be translated into each respective language. We have sufficient translators for the Amiga Future. However, when it comes to submitting articles, many text files need to be translated in a relatively short time. This is our famous bottleneck that regularly creates undue and unwelcome stress to all. So, we want to permanently solve this problem.
To alleviate this problem, we are looking for more translators to bolster support for our printed issues of Amiga Future.
Our requirements are that you should possess good grammar and spelling in your own language (German or English) and also understand the German or English language as well.
That is so you are able to understand what you are translating. However, basic knowledge of the Amiga is necessary in all cases.
News editors for the Amiga Future homepage *********************************************** The news area of the Amiga Future webpage has grown a lot over the last few years, but that's not enough for our needs. In the long term it is our goal that all Amiga news can be found on the Amiga Future webpage, and of course we also want more in-depth news.
Some users already take care of the news on the webpage, but we still need to achieve our long-term goals as well, so major reinforcement in the news team is still required.
Full versions for the Amiga Future homepage ******************************************* We continue to publish full commercial versions on the Amiga Future webpage, as we have done for many years. The aim is to offer users improved free and legal download options.
The effort to enable this is now somewhat overwhelming:
As the rights holder for such software must be found. That alone is often very difficult. After that you need to have their permission to publish such software. In many cases, the software itself has to be searched around for. At the end of the day, a package has to be put together, which can then be published on our webpage.
So, we are looking for users who can support us as independently as possible.
Advertising in the magazine and on the website ********************************************** In our Amiga Future printed magazine we are currently quite well supported with advertisements. Nevertheless, we are constantly looking for other long term advertisers for the magazine.
It looks a little different on the Amiga Future webpage. We also have advertisements there, but not as much as we'd like. We are quite openly looking for long-term advertisers there.
Advertising is a very important benefit to us, as advertising greatly supports our costs.
Without advertising, a magazine like our Amiga Future, as well as our webpage, would not be possible in the long term.
How else can you help us? ***************************** - We look forward to each and every subscription and recommendation that is made for our magazine, both of which are greatly appreciated. We have a constantly increasing circulation, which is obviously good news for our magazine. However, for our goals to be achieved, a boosted content edition is required.
- Provided that we can supplement our editorial team for the magazine, one of our next goals is to permanently increase the number of pages in the Amiga Future. However, this will require additional subscribers as well as sufficient long-term advertising customers. A sponsor wouldn't be a bad thing either, but that is probably unrealistic.
- We also want to improve distributing messages about the Amiga Future magazine. Do you have a news page, a blog or something similar and would like to publish news reports about the Amiga Future? Then contact us. We are happy to add you into our News distribution list.
- We are continually looking for places where we could add meaningful (!) advertising for the Amiga Future.
- From the start of this year we have been getting to grips with using our new software to manage subscribers, bills and other data. Now, at last, it is possible to send Amiga Future subscription invoices via email. If someone wants to accept a subscription offer sent that way then please contact us directly, as it saves us a lot of work when placing the invoices.
- With our new software, it is now easier to manage subscription bills by direct debit, which also saves us more time. We hope that as many readers as possible will use the direct debit method of payment. You can find a PDF form for this purpose at the URL: Currently, direct debits are only possible within Germany.
16.1.2022 ********* Amiga Future 154 was released a few days ago
A few days ago issue 154 of the Amiga Future was published.
For everyone who overlooked the date, it would be a good time to order the magazine quickly.
Or maybe an annual subscription right away? Then you will always have the latest issue automatically delivered to your home and you don't have to go around take care of the publication dates of the individual issues. And you even save money in the process.
Issue information: Order:
19.1.2022 ********* APC&TCP online shop: Amiga Future 1-year-Subscription updated
The Amiga Future 1 year subscription from issue 155 - 160 can now be ordered in the APC&TCP online shop.
The expected publication date of the Amiga Future issue 155 is the 5th March 2022.
22.1.2022 ********* Please note our advertising partners
On the Amiga Future webpage we offer you a huge free content all about the Amiga.
Because the Amiga Future is a non-profit project, the Amiga Future homepage has to finance itself completely. The homepage, which is currently around 30 GB in size, is funded without exception through advertising, donations and our own private funds. Programming new extensions, databases or features really costs a lot.
At the top of the webpage there are several banners from our advertising partners. We also have advertising in the left navigation bar.
Through these web partners we finance the server and programming costs of the Amiga Future webpage.
We would be happy if you pay attention to this advertising and that will ensure that there is still enough advertising on the Amiga Future webpage to finance it adequately.
27.1.2022 ********* Amiga Future: Reshoot Proxima 3 Video online
World Premiere of New Amiga Game Reshoot Proxima 3 With The Devs!
Bill plays at the the new Amiga game Reshoot Proxima 3 with the devs Richard Löwenstein, Kevin Saunders & Martin Ahman! He also play the amazing Sonic the Hedgehog for the C64.
The Video release Original at the 19. December 2021 at
Reshoot Proxima 3 release at the 4. quarter 2022 by APC&TCP.
28.1.2022 ********* Amiga Future: cheats database Update
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn, even if at first sight that is not immediately apparent.
The cheat database on the Amiga Future webpage is probably the largest German collection for the Amiga.
This doesn't just cover cheats, as many solutions, tips and tricks, as well as Freezer addresses can be found in the collection.
Don't forget you can find more than 3400 Games Cheats and solutions in the database, and there are always more being added.
The database is currently entirely in German, but if we receive enough donations for the website, we have plans to integrate a full-blown online database, which will also be available in English.
Since our last report the following updates have been added:
28 Jan 2022 - Evil Tower - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft 28 Jan 2022 - Evil Tower - Lösung aktualisiert 28 Jan 2022 - Evil Tower - Download-Link aktualisiert 21 Jan 2022 - Erik - Software erfolgreich geprüft 21 Jan 2022 - Erik - Lösung aktualisiert 21 Jan 2022 - Erik - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft 21 Jan 2022 - Erik - Lösung aktualisiert 21 Jan 2022 - Erik - Download-Link aktualisiert 14 Jan 2022 - Erben der Erde - Die große Suche - Cheat aktualisiert 14 Jan 2022 - Eric the Warrior - Download-Link aktualisiert 14 Jan 2022 - Erben der Erde - Die große Suche - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft 14 Jan 2022 - Erben der Erde - Die große Suche - Lösung aktualisiert 07 Jan 2022 - Erben der Erde - Die große Suche - Lösung aktualisiert
| STORYID: 8716
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