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News   News :  Amiga Future monthly News June 2022
   posted by AndreasM on 29-Jun-2022 13:13:24 (1344 reads)
The Amiga Future magazine #157 delayed by about a week
Amiga Future Ausgabe 157 verzögert sich um ca. eine Woche

Amiga Future monthly news to be discontinued

For many years we have had paged updates and other news related to the Amiga Future and APC&TCP in our published monthly news. The point of the matter was to offer good news updates for the Amiga, and not merely to flood you with just any kind of news message, which was well intentioned by us to save both time and effort. However, it was sadly often the case that many of those reports we released were already out of date.

So, we have decided to discontinue our monthly news with immediate effect.

In the future we will publish all such updates and news promptly and without any delay on these news channels, namely:

* APC&TCP website:
* Amiga Future webpage:
* Android App:
* AmigaOS 3.5 & 4.x Workbench Dockie:
* RSS Feed DE:
* RSS Feed EN:
* Twitter:
* Facebook:
* Instagram:
* email newsletters
* Though ... maybe something else will be added soon...

As you would expect, we will continue to publish any and all major reports we encounter on all well-known news websites, which also offer great service for news, and as a means to spread the news base of great breaking news stories throughout the Amiga community.
(Bear in mind that we also have a press mailing list)

Now follows on the latest monthly news June 2022:

Read more for more news

LOAD issues 5 to 6 available again from APC&TCP

After a short time the issue 5 and 6 of the German magazine Load from the "Verein zurhaltung Klassischer Computer e.V" in our online shop
If these two issues were sold out, they are now available again from us.

Amiga Future Wanted #2: CD32 editor

Note: regarding our Wanted #1: We have now filled the position of demoscene editor.

However, the Amiga Future print magazine is now looking for an editor for our CD32 corner.

You must:

- be really familiar with the CD32.
- have an overview of the software and hardware available for the CD32.
- also be fully aware of what is currently being developed for the CD32.
- though no-one is perfect - articles should contain as few spelling mistakes as humanly possible.
- be able to set aside time to focus on it, which is a factor you should not under estimate!
- Of course, most important of all: make what you write really fun to read!

Amiga Future 156 was released a few days ago

A few days ago issue 156 of the Amiga Future was published.

For everyone who overlooked the date, it would be a good time to order the magazine quickly.

Or maybe an annual subscription right away? Then you will always have the latest issue automatically delivered to your home and you don't have to go around
take care of the publication dates of the individual issues. And you even save money in the process.

Issue information:

Amiga Future 157 Member-Preview online

From today and applying to all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscribers you can find in the Member's Part of the Webpage the online Preview and Reading try-outs of Amiga Future magazine - Issue 157.


We ask all Amiga Future subscribers to check whether we have the current postal address and email address of you.
The Amiga Future will be packed and shipped a few days before the release date. We therefore need a change of address as soon as possible.
Important: Requests for forwarding normally do not work with magazines!

We also ask you to check whether any subscription bills have already been paid. Unfortunately, many subscription bills are currently still unpaid.

Announcement: Amiga Future's 'Special Edition' for the "Amiga 37" event

Intense planning for the project has been ongoing for many months, but we wanted to wait until everything was finalised before we announced it publicly.

That is, that there will be a 'Special Edition' of the Amiga Future for the Amiga 37 event.

This 'Special Edition' will contain all the information you need to know about the Amiga 37 event. Which includes the hall layout plan for the event, its schedule, some voucher codes (e.g. Amiga Forever, C64 Forever), background information on the Amiga 37, interviews with the organisers of the Amiga 37 event and much, much more.

All the articles to be published in the magazine will be in German and English.

The magazine will be available free of charge for all Amiga 37 visitors directly at the entrance to the event.

The 'Special Edition' is being provided by the Amiga 37 team in co-operation with our Amiga Future magazine editorial team.
The entire issue is financed through advertising and APC&TCP, and in this context we are still able to offer companies page-space to advertise in this 'Special Edition'.

If you are interested in your business being part of the 'Special Edition' Amiga 37 magazine, then please contact us without delay as page-space is limited, so we can advertise what you need to enhance your business at this fantastic event.

Please note our advertising partners

On the Amiga Future webpage we offer you a huge free content all about the Amiga.

Because the Amiga Future is a non-profit project, the Amiga Future homepage has to finance itself completely.
The homepage, which is currently around 30 GB in size, is funded without exception through advertising, donations and our own private funds.
Programming new extensions, databases or features really costs a lot.

At the top of the webpage there are several banners from our advertising partners. We also have advertising in the left navigation bar.

Through these web partners we finance the server and programming costs of the Amiga Future webpage.

We would be happy if you pay attention to this advertising and that will ensure that there is still enough advertising on the Amiga Future webpage to finance it adequately.

We are looking for news from you!

Maybe you are a programmer and have released some new software, that's news worthy?
Is it possible that you are currently working on some new Amiga software and you've released a new preview?
Have you by any chance just published an interesting article on your blog?
Or do you just want to tell the world that you've made something new for the Amiga?

The Amiga Future has one of the largest news pages for the Amiga which is connected to an Android app, forwarding to Twitter, etc..

So, if you have then just send us your news report so that we can publish it for you.
Enhancing your community reach by linking with the Amiga Future can add several thousand users to see your news item by just sharing with us your message(s).

Maybe, with a bit of luck, the message(s) will also appear in our printed magazine edition of the Amiga Future.

Just send your news message(s) to or use the "+Report message" form on our homepage.

We don't necessarily want exclusive reports, but we do want your news items in amongst our news. We're here to benefit us all. :)

Amiga Future 157 Member-CD-Cover online

From today, and available online to all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscribers, in the Member-Part of the Webpage are the CD Covers of Amiga Future magazine - Issue 157, so you can download them, and print them out if you wish to save you from cutting out those pages from our beloved magazine.

The Amiga Future magazine - Issue 157 preview is now available to view online

These comprise of the full colour preview and excerpts of our Amiga Future issue 157 (July/August 2022) which can also be viewed online on the Amiga Future website.

Some of the interesting articles in this issue are:

Review Juniors Great Adventure
Review Devil's Temple - Son of the Kung-Fu Master
Special Amiga 37

Of course there's actually so MUCH more in the magazine.

Needless to say you will often get other versions of software, some of which were commercially available, as well as some of the latest try-outs or freely released software applications and games for, hopefully, every Amiga variant of Operating system, so that's Amiga 'Classic', OS4, MorphOS, and AROS, including some PD software for these systems, all on the Readers' cover CD.

A detailed description of the varied content and excerpts of our current issue can be found at:

The Amiga Future magazine is available both as an English and German printed magazine - each issue is printed in FULL COLOUR - directly available from our magazine editorial office and from various other Amiga dealers.

Important Notice!

All our Amiga Future subscribers should check that both your current postal and email addresses for you are correct that has been supplied by you to us.
The Amiga Future gets packed and shipped a few days prior to its actual release date. So, we need any change/correction to your address to be passed to us before we dispatch it, and in any case as soon as possible.
Bear in mind that: Usually requests to forward on mail will not be handled with such mail items, i.e. magazines!

We also ask that you check that your subscription fee(s) are current and up to date, i.e. already been paid, as some, in fact quite a few, subscription fees are still not currently fully paid.


Amiga Future Promotion: Sample issue for 1 cent

Many Amiga users still don't know of the Amiga Future magazine. Sadly, all the events and fairs where you could have met magazine staff and looked through an Amiga Future issue have been cancelled this year. That's why we decided to offer you some sample issues.

We want you to become familiar with the magazine and feel the benefits it has to offer, so we hope you will consider ordering a subscription to the Amiga Future magazine.

Anyway, you can order a sample issue of the Amiga Future from our online shop for only 1 cent plus shipping costs. We are sure you understand that we need to charge shipping costs, as we're a hobby publisher.

The sample issue is merely an older regular issue of the Amiga Future.

Via the URL you can choose to receive either the German or English sample issue.

We cannot estimate how great the interest might be in these sample issues, but in any case there is no time limit on this offer, but once the sample issues are no longer listed in the shop, all sold, then the campaign and being able to buy one of these samples, will end.

Here is a link to the information about the Amiga Future:

In any case you can find and read, for free, more than 100 issues of the Amiga Future online:

You can also find us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and there is also a free Android app.

Pre-order the new Amiga Future issue now

The preview of the new Amiga Future has recently been online.

Now would be the ideal time to pre-order the new edition. Of course, only if you haven't already done so.

This is the fastest way to have the new Amiga Future magazine at home. The pre-orders are sent at the same time as the subscriptions.

Btw: Perhaps you'd prefer an annual subscription?

It couldn't be safer if you don't want to miss any issue of the magazine.
We only increased the print run of the Amiga Future some time ago, but at some point even this amount will no longer be sufficient.
Unfortunately, some users felt this shortly before the last increase in circulation. Of course that wasn't planned by us, but unfortunately there was no other way.

You can find the contents of the new Amiga Future and of course all of the already published booklets at the address ...

Single issues can be ordered here:
And for the sake of clarity, you can order the subscriptions here:

The Amiga Future magazine, issue 157, publication will unfortunately be delayed by about a week.

For almost 25 years we managed to send out our Amiga Future magazine on time.

However, our printers have just let us know that printing of our latest Amiga Future is delayed, by about a week.

Which means that we will only be able to send out our subscription and pre-order copies a week later.

As soon as we have an exact release date we will announce it on our Amiga Future webpage.

The new issue of our Amiga Future can still be pre-ordered, and of course we are always happy to receive each and every new subscription. :)

We apologise for this delay, which is sadly beyond our control.

Amiga Future special offer

So now we have another fantastic offer for any user that subscribes to the monthly newsletter for Amiga Future ... but you actually need to read on just a bit further.

If you follow the weblink you can order an Amiga Future magazine pack (which consists of 4 issues 148, 149, 150, 151 - and includes the cover CDs) for only 19.00 (EUR) plus VAT. the
purchase is plus/includes shipping costs.

Important! The English edition 150 is slightly damaged. (corner bent)

Direct link German Amiga Future package:

Direct link English Amiga Future package:

Amiga Future: cheats database Update

The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn, even if at first sight that is not immediately apparent.

The cheat database on the Amiga Future webpage is probably the largest German collection for the Amiga.

This doesn't just cover cheats, as many solutions, tips and tricks, as well as Freezer addresses can be found in the collection.

Don't forget you can find more than 3400 Games Cheats and solutions in the database, and there are always more being added.

The database is currently entirely in German, but if we receive enough donations for the website, we have plans to integrate a full-blown online database, which will also be available in English.

Since our last report the following updates have been added:

24 Jun 2022 - Formula One Grand Prix - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft
24 Jun 2022 - Formula One Grand Prix - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft
24 Jun 2022 - Formula One Grand Prix - Lösung aktualisiert
24 Jun 2022 - For President - Software erfolgreich geprüft
24 Jun 2022 - For President - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft
24 Jun 2022 - For President - Lösung aktualisiert
24 Jun 2022 - Flight of the Intruder - Lösung aktualisiert
17 Jun 2022 - Flight of the Amazon Queen - Software erfolgreich geprüft
17 Jun 2022 - Flight of the Amazon Queen - Lösung aktualisiert
17 Jun 2022 - Flight of the Amazon Queen - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft
17 Jun 2022 - Flight of the Amazon Queen - Lösung aktualisiert
10 Jun 2022 - Flight of the Amazon Queen - Lösung aktualisiert
03 Jun 2022 - Flight of the Amazon Queen - Lösung aktualisiert

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