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 billt:  3 mins ago
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software OS4   software OS4 : CleanDrawer script released on OS4Depot. (In kt_scripts archive)
   posted by ktadd on 30-Apr-2024 0:19:26 (421 reads)
CleanDrawer now available on OS4Depot in the kt_scripts archive.

Ever get tired of using the workbench windows menues, "Clean up by", then "resize to fit", then "Snapshot" just to arrange your drawers and windows?

Clean Drawers is an AREXX script that makes this task easy with one press of a key. You can configure variables in the script to your desired settings or set it to display a requester to pick your settings real-time.

You can find CleanDrawer is in the kt_scripts.lha archive on OS4depot Here!

Still not sure? Download the demo video from Mediafire using the links below and take a look.

CleanDrawer Demo 720p (10.5G)
CleanDrawer Demo 480p (8G)

Hope you find it useful!

Related Links
· More about software OS4
· News by ktadd

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