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software Classic   software Classic : Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06.2024
   posted by AmigaPapst on 26-Jun-2024 15:19:46 (2382 reads)
We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed by Hyperion Entertainment as distributor of another game and will soon be able to offer the game Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K).

Gorky 17 is a horror conspiracy game that combines strategy and RPG elements.
The game has a strategic combat system similar to the famous Amiga RPG Ambermoon - or the more recent Baldur's Gate 3 - and also utilises point-and-click adventure elements. The story is also driven forward by voice samples and atmospheric music.

Compared to the AmigaOS4 version, the videos have been updated to a higher resolution and further localisations have been added. The localisations will of course also be made available for the AmigaOS 4 version.
The game has been localised in English, German, French (French only with subtitles), Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish and Hungarian (via download).

System requirements
- PiStorm (Pi3/Pi4/PiCm4) or Vampire V4 or UAE
- At least 180 MB RAM on loaded Workbench
- Requires either CybergraphX or Picasso 96 installed, no support for AGA, requires Chunky 640x480 16 bit mode
- AHI required
- Requires approx. 1 GB free hard disc or SD card memory

- A captivating story with great characters
- Deep sci-fi horror atmosphere in an abandoned Polish town
- Original monster design and a great mix of turn-based battles and adventure elements

The game will be delivered in a bundle with the OS4 version. The retail price is 34.95 euros. The pure AmigaOS 4 version will only cost 29.95 euros from this date.
The game comes in the form of the OS4 version (DVD case, with printed manual), as well as a USB stick with the installer for the 68k version.

The release date is 28 June 2024 and can already be pre-ordered at the following link

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 4:29:23
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia

How ironic. The video is superior to the OS4 version. While needing less powerful hardware.

How am I not surprised? 68K wins the day.

Of course. This won't work on the average A500 or even A1200. This is one of those modern Amiga games, like we had in the later days, but doesn't support the Amiga chipset. So it's like those PPC games we had, but just more assessable, since the supported hardware is cheaper and more easily obtainable.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 6:13:05
#2 ]
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Joined: 11-Apr-2005
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From: .fi

I guess this version would run just fine on OS4 too, because it's using AHI and RTG. And it probably runs even better on that than on those 68k clones, so PPC wins again ;)

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 8:54:31
#3 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2004
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From: Athens

I presented both Gorky17 and Heretic 2 beta versions on my stream a few weeks ago, running on a Pistormed A1200. If you would like to have a look how they work, have a look at

Last edited by walkero on 01-Jul-2024 at 08:54 AM.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 10:32:24
#4 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 731
From: Unknown


Theoretically this could be added back to the OS4 version. It would just need a conversion of the MPEG1 Video used for the 68k version back to the "custom made" SMPEG-based videos Metropolis used for the PC version (which are also used for the OS4 version).

I lack enough knowledge on Video Formats to do this myselves (yes, OS4 version could be recompiled to use mplayer instead of smpeg custom stuff, but OS4 version was not done by me, and I did not get it compiled straight away and decided this is not important enough for the time needed... more important to invest that time to get Sin - OS4 and 68k - running, and further titles).

And you don't see any argument from me on the PiStorm being more obtainable, at a cheaper price. My favorite Amiga is still the x1000 (AmigaOS4 is just more modern and how I want my AmigaOS to look, I could get some of that adapted by 3rd party tools for my PiStorm system too but definitely not all) but yes, 68k systems are more obtainable.

This part "This won't work on the average A500 or even A1200. This is one of those modern Amiga games, like we had in the later days, but doesn't support the Amiga chipset"of your comment is a very interesting one and I want to give some answer to it.

I tried my best to get this working on "as low an Amiga as possible". It "sort of" works on a 100 MHz 060 (/maybe even on a 80 MHz one, but I would not go lower than that). Scrolling on big levels (combat levels won't be an issue!) is not as smooth as on Pistorm (thanks to Pistorm general hardware speed) or on Vampire V4 (thanks to AMMX optimization) but it "sort of works", if you don't have an issue in sometimes a bit of jerkiness on that 060 system.

But as you can see from my comment - there are limits of what is possible with this game. Why I didn't do an AGA version ? It would have been pointless. Pistorm and Vampire have chunky modes anyways, and on 060 even WITH chunky modes it is a bit jerky. Adding a HAM8 c2p would not do anything to speed up things on 060, quite the opposite...

For game ports where it is possible I *would* try to get an AGA version (I actually have a game in mind there...) but for Gorky17 and Heretic 2 - no chance.

If there is one thing (or actually two things) I am sad about these more obtainable systems - a) no 3D HW yet. b) no way to include custom ARM code into a PiStorm-using exe. I would love something like WarpOS contextswitches/Fat Binaries there ^^

BTW some numbers on the "more obtainable systems" even if it is H2 not G17. OS4 systems is with OS4 version, Cm4 is with 68k version)

640x480 Cm4 2.2 GHz -> 25 fps
Sam 440 -> 23 fps
Sam 460 -> 27 fps
MicroAmigaOne 800 MHz -> 19 fps (that one actually "destroys" the PiStorm in 3D HW with 39 fps though)
x1000 -> 42 fps
x5000 -> 63 fps

Personally I think 25 fps (or 23 fps ^^) is perfectly playable.

And I wonder what happens if a Warp3D.library appears for PiStorm. I have a MiniGL Renderer for H2 running already (but currently slower than sottware renderer, both with Wazp3D and Paraj Warp3D).

Sin runs on my 2.2 GHz PiStorm at around 30 fps timerefresh BTW (timedemo does not work yet with the Sin 68k Alpha Version).

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 10:44:35
#5 ]
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And convert the video to old Cinepack video format, I remember that this format works fine in the 2000 decade in AmigaOS 3.5-3.9, it isn't a good quality video but is a solution, the only problem is that current video editors/converters haven't support for this old format.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 11:55:51
#6 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2005
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From: No (R) Way

Very nice to finally see classic versions of newer games, thanks! This I must get :)

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 12:44:05
#7 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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I am using MPEG1 for the Videos in the 68k version, using a custom translation (can't say "compile", as the video player is in Assembly code ^^) of the Riva player (0.54 version). The custom version has several changes to make it "better usable" for replaying for a game (like all keypresses should quit the player, no fullscreen/wb window switch by pressing a key etc).

The speed of this way of replaying seemed to be optimal, even for lower-speed systems (like Vampire or 060).

BTW: Heretic 2 68k will use the same Solution as will Sin 68k (Sin 68k is running in an early alpha version since two days ago, H2 68k I expect to be released maybe late August).

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 2-Jul-2024 5:22:00
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway

So is it a game or a series of videos?


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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 2-Jul-2024 8:23:37
#9 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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A game. Most of the time in this game you spend in the strategic combat screen actually. It is a combat system similar to Ambermoon (or to Baldur's Gate 3). With better graphics than Ambermoon though definitely worse than BG3. And these fights are really hard (despite being a Pen&Paper RPG player I have to admit I still suck at it myselves, but of course recent projects did not really leave me much time to play - neither Gorky17 nor Baldurs Gate 3, which would be my recent gaming pasttimes ^^)

Actually I think for this game the videos are at most of minimal interest. Still I am of course trying to optimize things the best, and after the success of improving the H2 videos I immediately had the idea of doing the same with the G17 Videos (the original videos from PC version let's say "aged badly", the KI-improved videos Arkadiusz Hucko did for me could of course not completely change everything, but still they look impressively better.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 2-Jul-2024 16:26:27
#10 ]
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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 5-Jul-2024 14:56:10
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
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From: Belgrade, Serbia

Its really great to see Vampires and PiStorms can be put to a good use,
as well as that somewhat can parallel the PPC Amigas :D (with lower mem requirements)

Seems it will bring also more funds to Hyperion, which in turn can also mean OS4 might not end that dead, if funds are reinvested. Nice cycle.

Its also good to see SiN, promised long time ago will be back.

Last license unused is Worms I believe :D

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 5-Jul-2024 21:37:32
#12 ]
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From: .fi

Last license unused is Worms I believe :D

For games, but then Realsoft 4D and DOpus Magellan 2!

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 6-Jul-2024 11:02:47
#13 ]
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From: S.Wales


Last license unused is Worms I believe :D

They also had a licenses for Raven's Soldier of Fortune and a number of titles from IncaGold, although the IncaGold games don't look worth porting.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 6-Jul-2024 14:54:07
#14 ]
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If there was a SoF Licence or only the intent of doing one I do not know. I am pretty sure a licence for Worms exists (though haven't seen the document myselves).

As to IncaGold - yes, the stuff aged badly, and even Midnight Racing would probably not be interesting today (and would be extremely time-intense to port due to lots of Windows specifics in there, in a very non-portable way). The only reason these licences exist - back then I did some contract work for IncaGold (the company no longer exists) and talked them into giving Hyperion a licence (which did not cost any money - it was basically a favor towards me - there was also the hope back then the 3D Engine developed by IncaGold back then would have some importance in the future maybe, this never happened).

As to Sin I definitely know this has a licence as I negociated the licence myselves (and I know licences exist to H2 and G17 of course) - the legal wording and stuff of course later was done by Ben, as I lack the expertise to design a contract.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 9-Jul-2024 7:19:27
#15 ]
Elite Member
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From: Cheshire, England

Great work. It cool to see a dev willing to support this new high end classic Amiga range.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 9-Jul-2024 16:31:35
#16 ]
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Joined: 5-Jan-2006
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From: Port Hueneme, Ca.

Interesting release, but why a nearly 26 year old game? I would love to see some new original games get released. I will probably still pick it up even though I have it from past releases as well.

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 9-Jul-2024 16:47:56
#17 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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Why this game ? I had the source-code, noticed there was never a 68k version, thought I could port it and so I did port it

I am working on ports of other games. Though these are also ports (in this case ports from PC).

I am doing this in my freetime, so ports is what I am doing. But ports with a commercial quality.

Another reason for this game was I am a big fan of both the genre (round-based RPG fights - I am a Pen&Paper RPG gamer myselves) and this specific game.

Next game from me I am afraid is also an older game- Heretic 2 for 68k. But while it is old, it (H2) is probably the technically most challenging (okay, asides from Q3, but Q3 is not really playable on 68k) which was tried to get running on 68k systems. And different to Q3 my H2 port is absolutely playable (as is Gorky17 of course).

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 10-Jul-2024 21:51:44
#18 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway


And everything is a-ok with copyright owners of the games you happen to have source code for still?


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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 6:50:14
#19 ]
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Joined: 24-May-2005
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From: De Keistad, Netherlands

okay, asides from Q3, but Q3 is not really playable on 68k

With a proper Warp3D driver it should be very playable on PiStorm equipped Amiga's.

It seems I'll be receiving Gorky 17 68K version today, excited to play it on my A1200 with PiStorm32+CM4 setup

Last edited by Mr-Z on 11-Jul-2024 at 06:52 AM.

Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use

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Re: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 7:02:03
#20 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 731
From: Unknown

>And everything is a-ok with copyright owners of the games you happen to have source code for >still?

Yes of course.

Please be aware that defamation is a crime. And yes, even if you do it because of ideological differences or because I "support the other Amiga variant".

Please differentiate between your hatred towards certain people and what is right to do and what isn't. Defamation and something bordering defamation is definitely not right.

I never caused you any harm, so I do not deserve you starting lies or even "hinting at lies".

At the very least your answer implies I would take "lightly on copyright/contractual law". Which actually I don't.

Last edited by MagicSN on 11-Jul-2024 at 07:03 AM.
Last edited by MagicSN on 11-Jul-2024 at 07:02 AM.

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