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News   News : New articles on Obligement
   posted by Daff on 1-Jul-2024 12:25:36 (321 reads)
The following articles have been added to the website of the Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

- News for May/June 2024.
- Old articles from Génération 4 16 to 18: News: Psygnosis prepares the successes of 1990, Review of Kick Off: Extra Time, Review of The Seven Gates Of Jambala, Review of The Untouchables, File: Cyberpunk, Review of Hard Drivin', Review of Toobin', Review of Wayne Gretzky Hockey, File: The Cinématique system, Review of Twinworld: Land Of Vision, Review of Chicago 90, Review of Oxxonian, etc.
- Interview with Carlo Spadoni (author of AROS One).
- Interview with Fumito Ueda (game developer).
- Interview with Thomas Hertzler (developer at Rainbow Arts).
- Review of wipEout.
- Review of AmiTranslate 0.3.
- Comparison: raylib versus SDL.
- The best of Byte from February to June 1987.
- File: Technical information on the Backslide To Arcanum demo.
- File: Hardware compatibility with AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and Linux on Amiga NG.
- DIY: Restoring an Amiga 1200.
- Point of view: Debugging over the years.
- Programming: Creating a demo - chapter 3, part 1, sprites.
- Special quiz about football games on the Amiga.

Rendez-vous on for this nice reading.
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Feel free to contribute. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.

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