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 pixie:  55 secs ago
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software Classic   software Classic : Pangomonium 2.0 released
   posted by softwarefailure on 21-Jul-2024 9:49:04 (660 reads)
Only four months after its initial release, Pangomonium, the Hollywood plugin that contains a state-of-the-art text and graphics engine including full support for color emojis and exotic scripts, is now available in a brand-new version 2.0. This is a major update which now adds SVG support to the plugin. In comparison to the dedicated SVG plugin which has been available for Hollywood for over a decade, Pangomonium's SVG renderer supports more SVG features because Pangomonium's text and graphics engine is much more powerful than the one used in the other SVG plugin for Hollywood. Pangomonium 2.0 is now available for free download for various platforms from the official Hollywood portal. Note that Hollywood 10 is strictly required by Pangomonium 2.0.

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