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software Classic   software Classic : Heretic II 2024 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K)
   posted by AmigaPapst on 12-Aug-2024 9:51:00 (661 reads)
Hyperion is excited to unveil a brand-new port of Heretic II (2024) developed by Steffen Häuser, tailored specifically for high-performance 68K Amiga systems.

About Heretic II

Heretic II is the highly acclaimed conceptual sequel to the Hexen and Heretic series by Raven Software ®. Heretic II relies on a modified version of the Quake IITM engine by Id Software and plays from a behind-the-back third-person perspective as in the Tomb Raider series but still controls a lot like a first-person shooter.


  • Quake II TM 3D Engine from Id Software ®

  • Software renderer and MiniGL renderer (MiniGL renderer can only be used when 3D HW drivers are available for PiStorm). The software renderer runs 25 fps on 640x480 on Pi CM4, 21 fps on Pi4, 19 fps lowres on Pi3. For Pi3 there are also 480x270 and 640x360 resolutions.

  • Atmospheric game music via Ogg Vorbis Replay

  • Localization (both text and audio output) in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish

  • Improved quality of the video intro/extro

  • Multiplayer support (Internet or LAN for up to 32 players)

  • Impressive enemy AI

  • Excellent player control (mouse, keyboard, joystick), optional PSXPort support

  • Expandable with new mission packs such as Quake

Technical requirements

  • AmigaOS ® 3.x PiStorm (Pi3, Pi4 or CM4) or via emulation such as UAE

  • 64 MB RAM minimum, more recommended

  • Picasso96 with chunky 16 bit modes (no AGA)

  • AHI 4.18

  • mpega.library (game installer can install it)

  • 400 MB free hard disc space

This new version of Heretic II is available at the distributor Alinea Computer and other Amiga dealers.

Related Links
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· News by AmigaPapst

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Re: Heretic II 2024 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K)
Posted on 16-Aug-2024 15:55:16
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
Posts: 9621
From: Unknown


I only hope the OS3 version doesn't contain the same bugs in sw rendering as the OS4 version...

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Re: Heretic II 2024 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K)
Posted on 17-Aug-2024 12:44:29
#2 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 702
From: Unknown

What bugs do you refer to?

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Re: Heretic II 2024 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K)
Posted on 17-Aug-2024 13:57:57
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
Posts: 9621
From: Unknown


Remaining ammunition number is not visible (we talked about it already right here).

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Re: Heretic II 2024 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K)
Posted on 18-Aug-2024 17:34:28
#4 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
Posts: 3781
From: Belgrade, Serbia

Is Vampire V2-V4 eligible as powerful enough too or only Pi-WinUAE?

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: Heretic II 2024 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K)
Posted on 22-Aug-2024 9:56:48
#5 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 702
From: Unknown

No, Vampire is not powerful enough, not even V4.

V4 is around 6x slower than Pi4. In comparision to Pi3 V4 is around 2.5x slower (note this might be not so extreme on pure integer-using games, actually I currently work on a game without float-maths - a non-3D-game - and it runs in high resolutions even on Vampire V2. But for highend 3D Game the Vampire is too slow.

On Pi Cm4 2.2 GHz you get around 25 fps in 640x480, On Pi3 19 fps on Lowres. On Vampire V4 it is unplayable even on Lowres. Same will be for Sin most likely, but there will be at least one game from me which will be playable on the Vampire in the future (There is also already Gorky17 which is playable on the Vampire V4 though not the V2 - in case of Gorky the issue is the RAM requirements of the game).

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