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News   News : New articles on Obligement
   posted by Daff on 1-Sep-2024 9:11:30 (527 reads)
The following articles have been added to the website of the Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

- News for July/August 2024.
- Old articles from Génération 4 19 to 22: News: Sales Curve launches Storm, Review of Dragon's Lair: Escape From Singe's Castle, Interview: Janine Pitot, Review of Castle Master, Review of Jumping Jack'Son, News: Les 4 D'Or 1989, Review of Rock Star, Review of Tennis Cup, Review of Austerlitz, Test of John Lowe's Ultimate Darts, etc.
- Interview with Kari-Pekka Koljonen (author of HippoPlayer).
- Interview with Gary Carlston (head of Brøderbund).
- Hardware: Amiga Mouse Pad.
- Review of AmiDream.
- The best of Byte from August 1987 to April 1989.
- File: The reasons for Escom's bankruptcy.
- File: Scrolling on the Amiga.
- Tutorial: CompactFlash AmigaOS under Linux with FS-UAE.
- Tutorial: Wi-Fi on Amiga 1200 (with Prism2 V2 and MiamiDX) (update).
- Tutorial: Common GUI design problems.
- DIY: Repairing an Amiga 1000 (black screen, WCS memory).
- DIY: Making your own Amiga arcade controller (improved model) (update).
- Point of view: My VD0 story, the invention of the recoverable RAM disk.
- Point of view: Beyond BBS - Internet solutions for 8-bit Commodores and my plans in this area.
- Special quiz about The Secret Of Monkey Island.

Rendez-vous on for this nice reading.
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