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News   News : 25 years of the Amiga Future Webpage
   posted by AndreasM on 9-Sep-2024 10:47:02 (80 reads)
On 9/9/99 the Amiga Future Webpage went online for the first time. That was exactly 25 years ago.

Initially intended as an information source for the print magazine, the homepage has grown to a huge size over the years.

A few small examples:

- News section with current news about the Amiga.
- 7,000 German and 2,000 English test reports, workshops, specials and so on
- Over 100 issues of Amiga Future to read online
- All old Amiga Joker issues to read online
- One of the most comprehensive event calendars for the Amiga.
- Several thousand downloads, including almost 1,000 full versions for the Amiga.
- One of the largest databases for the Amiga with cheats and solutions for 1,900 games.
- The ASD, one of the largest information collections for Amiga user software.
- A huge gallery... including pictures from 50 Amiga events.

Of course there is also a link collection, forum, FAQ and much more.

We are currently looking for support to keep the free content on the Amiga Future website up to date.

We would like to thank all users who have supported us with the homepage and of course with the print magazine.

And of course all visitors to the website. Without you the website wouldn't really have any meaning. ;)


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25 years of the Amiga Future Webpage
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