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software Classic   software Classic : SID plugin 2.0 released
   posted by softwarefailure on 21-Sep-2024 17:32:57 (163 reads)
Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are back on your screen with version 2.0 of the SID plugin for Hollywood. Once this plugin is installed, Hollywood will "automagically" be able to play SID files just like any other audio file. Version 2.0 is a major update which now uses completely different SID core. Version 1.x of the SID plugin was based on the rather outdated TinySID core whereas version 2 now uses the state-of-the-art cRSID replayer written by Hermit (Mihaly Horvath) which features a much more accurate SID emulation that also supports the RSID format (Real SID). Additionally, version 2.0 comes with several other new features like the possibility to set the SID model to emulate (6581 or 8580) and several convenience enhancements for users of Hollywood 10.

A demo applet which demonstrates the playback of a SID file is included. This applet can also be run using the freely available Hollywood Player so people who don't own the full version of Hollywood can check it out as well.

You can download the plugin from the official Hollywood portal. Thanks to Hollywood's cross-platform plugin system versions for AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS (x86), Linux (arm, ppc, x86, x64), macOS (arm64, ppc, x86, x64), Windows (x86, x64), Android and iOS are provided.

To download SID music visit the High Voltage SID Collection.

This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.

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SID plugin 2.0 released
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