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software Classic   software Classic : Malibu 1.5 released
   posted by softwarefailure on 8-Oct-2024 20:00:38 (594 reads)
Version 1.5 of Malibu, the Hollywood plugin which can be used to show Scala scripts, has just been released. Version 1.5 contains several bug fixes so that it's now possible to run the Scala games Beyond a Steel Sky and Adventure 2 by Quantum Code Monk with it. This makes it possible to play those games on your Nextgen Amiga, on Windows, macOS, or on Linux. Furthermore, starting with version 1.5 Malibu is now also available in a version for macOS arm64 (Apple Silicon). Malibu 1.5 is now available for free download from the official Hollywood portal.

This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.

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Malibu 1.5 released
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Re: Malibu 1.5 released
Posted on 12-Oct-2024 8:59:42
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12901
From: Norway

Nice to see it improving, amazing the amount of work you put into this project,

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