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software Classic   software Classic : Worms: 30th Anniversary
   posted by spot on 14-Oct-2024 22:45:35 (271 reads)
Worms: 30th Anniversary

Three decades. That’s how long it’s been since the world first heard the explosive “Incoming!” and witnessed the mayhem of our beloved Worms. But time hasn’t dulled the legend - it’s only made it hungrier for a new battle. To mark this epic milestone, none other than the legendary Andy Davidson is back, ready to unleash Worms Directors Cut onto the Amiga once more. But this time, he’s not doing it alone.

We’re calling you - yes, YOU to leave your mark on gaming history. For the first time ever, we’re inviting demo groups from around the world to submit their very own Worms levels, proudly branded with your group’s name. Whether it’s a tribute to your legacy or a fresh design steeped in chaos, this is your chance to immortalise your art in Worms DC 1.5.

The best part? This grand re-imagining of Worms DC will launch for free at Gerp, January 2025.

So fire up Deluxe Paint and get ready to unleash your pixels. Because this is more than just a celebration - it’s a reckoning.

(Instructions available upon request along with a template level. Share your email in the comments section.)

//Rodney TBL

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