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software Classic   software Classic : Amiga Future: New full versions online
   posted by AndreasM on 17-Oct-2024 10:34:25 (212 reads)
The download area of the Amiga Future was updated today. So, you can now find the following full versions online:

- Distant Suns
- Missle Command
- Sword of Sordan

An overview of the recent uploads and changes to the download database of Amiga Future is also available from this link:

Of course we also want to be able to offer you many more full versions online, but to be able to achieve this, for you, we need your help, so ...

We are on the lookout for the Copyright holders for Amiga games and applications.
Do you know of any such person or can you actively help us in our search?
If so, then please contact us by email.

We are looking for extra support in order to revise the full versions download area of the Amiga Future webpage.
In particular, to check whether all those full versions formats (ADF, IPF, WHDLoad, AGA, CD releases, etc.) are complete.
In addition, a short description, in 2 sentences or less, about each of their system requirements and some screenshots need to be created.
If you want to help us, then please send us an email.

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