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News : New articles on Obligement |
posted by Daff on 1-Nov-2024 13:51:34 (597 reads) |
The following articles have been added to the website of the Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:
- News for September/October 2024. - Old articles from Génération 4 23 to 25: Review of Operation Stealth, Review of Wipe Out, File: Cabal, the movie, the video game, News: Disney turns to microcomputing, Review of Battlemaster, Reiew of Back To The Future Part 2, Review of Flood, File: Dick Tracy, the movie, the video game, Interview with Jim Walls, Review of Wings Of Fury, Review of Neuromancer, etc. - Interview with Cyril Houzé (Dune AGA graphic designer). - Interview with Steve Hammond (game designer from DMA Design). - The best of Byte from February to August 1990. - File: The "Who's who?" of Commodore and the Amiga. - File: David Plummer's biography. - File: Tracking routines in Graftgold's Amiga games. - Tutorial: Installing Odyssey 64-bit on AROS as a Linux host. - Tutorial: How to configure and use Synergy Server and Synergy Client on MorphOS. - Tutorial: How to create a Kickstart diskette for the Amiga 1000 with WinUAE. - DIY: Restoring two Amiga 4000s. - Programming: Assembler - Programming a cracktro on the Amiga. - Programming: Creating a demo - chapter 3, part 2, the sprites. - Special quiz about the A600GS.
Rendez-vous on for this nice reading. Our X page: Feel free to contribute. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.
| STORYID: 9109
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