Events : AmigaOS4 the highlight at upcoming O.A.S.E. Show
posted by MikeB on 12-Oct-2003 19:07:56 (2374 reads)
On the 25th of October 2003 the Open Amiga Souteast Europe show will take place Graz, Austria. AmigaOS4 will be the highlight of the event and will be demonstrated on 5 to 8 systems. These will include the AmigaOne G4-XE, G3-XE, G3-SE, Amiga 4000 with Cyberstorm PPC and if everything goes well also on the Blizzard PPC. Also the AmigaOne Lite will be shown to the public.
I agree! Being a bit of a geek, I thought Linux would be interesting and I'd learn about Linux and PPC stuff along the way. However, I'm really fed up of Linux and don't switch on my A1 much at the moment, though I am going to try and get MOl back up and running after my re-install.
Whether it's because I haven't had enough time to spend on Linux I'm not sure but I can't wait for OS4!
It's certainly made me realise that Linux - at least on PPC isn't ready to be an end user alternative to Winblows. I wonder if X86 Linux is any different (easier setup etc) ?
Oh and nice to see more of OS 4 being shown :)
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Re: AmigaOS4 the highlight at upcoming O.A.S.E. Show Posted on 12-Oct-2003 21:36:52
and if everything goes well also on the Blizzard PPC. Also the AmigaOne Lite will be shown to the public.
The Blizzard version is that far along? We knew it was possibly forthcoming, but I had no idea that they were that close.... But then again, it only took a week and 1/2 to get it up and running on the AmigaOne hardware. Things are definitely looking up!
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Re: AmigaOS4 the highlight at upcoming O.A.S.E. Show Posted on 14-Oct-2003 6:18:43
The AmigaOne will be sold (if a batch of boards is on the way before) or can be ordered on a lower price at the OASE show, according to an E-mail from Jürgen Schober.
Damn! I can't attend the show, even if I'm currently in Austria! I will see OS4 in action! Now!!