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Amiga on green grass Popular
Description: I just found it in the archive... it's Christmas slowly, after all :)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 17-Dec-2007 20:46:53 Hits: 2126 Rating: 7.00 (1 vote)Comments: 1 post
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AOS - cubic 3 Popular
Description: another version of cubic ray-massacre ;)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 22-Mar-2005 8:09:58 Hits: 7167 Rating: 9.00 (4 votes)Comments: 2 posts
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AOS - cubic 4 Popular
Description: yet another version of cubic ray-massacre ;)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 22-Mar-2005 8:09:48 Hits: 3516 Rating: 8.67 (3 votes)Comments: 3 posts
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AOS4 - Daniken Popular
Description: Just a very freely realisation of mix of the scenes I remember from 1 episode of "classic" comic series based on Erich von Daniken theories ["War for the Planet" -translating from Polish] - a spherical insectoid spaceship burns "os4" mark on the desert surface :) [I know, I know - insectoids were the bad (?) guys ;)]

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 25-Mar-2005 14:56:22 Hits: 4027 Rating: 7.50 (6 votes)Comments: 1 post
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AOS4 - green pictogram Popular
Description: I painted this after watching "brand new" pictogram on the field near my city. Now we know what did these things! ;)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 25-Mar-2005 14:54:57 Hits: 9254 Rating: 8.00 (14 votes)Comments: 6 posts
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AOS4 - metal variations Popular
Description: Metalic Amiga os4 wallpaper with bball and few (very freely) variations on classic Amiga hardware design.

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 25-Mar-2005 14:48:33 Hits: 9312 Rating: 8.60 (10 votes)Comments: 6 posts
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AOS4 - metalc Popular
Description: metalic wallpaper

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 25-Mar-2005 14:54:54 Hits: 8838 Rating: 8.17 (6 votes)Comments: 2 posts
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AOS4 - pink Popular
Description: .. with another hammered BBall into wall ;)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 25-Mar-2005 14:48:39 Hits: 3374 Rating: 8.00 (3 votes)Comments: 2 posts
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AOS4 - pink 2 Popular
Description: ..with hammered BBall into wall

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 25-Mar-2005 14:48:42 Hits: 3180 Rating: 7.60 (5 votes)Comments: 2 posts
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AOS4 - wood os4 workbench Popular
Description: wooden workbench :)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 25-Mar-2005 14:22:00 Hits: 8606 Rating: 7.10 (10 votes)Comments: 5 posts
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cubic AOS Popular
Description: ;)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 13-Mar-2005 19:55:53 Hits: 3808 Rating: 6.56 (9 votes)
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cubic AOS part II Popular
Description: ;)

Submitter:  rolpho - More Photos from rolpho  
Last Update: 14-Mar-2005 3:05:35 Hits: 10067 Rating: 7.36 (22 votes)Comments: 15 posts
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