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Snow Mountain Popular
Description: Another creation with Terragen, But with no sea this time ;-)

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 31-Dec-2004 18:55:21 Hits: 2061 Rating: 6.50 (2 votes)Comments: 1 post
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First Try Popular
Description: The title say it all. This is my first try at Bryce5.
Really simple...

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 12-Dec-2004 17:15:06 Hits: 2157 Rating: 4.33 (6 votes)
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GreenFlatTwist Popular
Description: I just wanted to try a few effects with PaintShop Pro...

I also uploaded a version of it in Amiga-IFF format on my web site at under the Amiga section.

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 1-Jan-2005 17:57:19 Hits: 2331 Rating: 3.25 (4 votes)
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Waterworld Popular
Description: I just upgraded my PSP 7 to PSP 9, so I decided to give it a go...
I hope you like the results, and start voting...
(also posted on
Let me know if you would like another format (like IFF)...


Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 17-Jan-2005 17:43:05 Hits: 2393 Rating: 6.00 (5 votes)
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Was it scotland ? Popular
Description: A quick test with Terragen... And I start to like it better than Bryce.


Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 27-Dec-2004 14:55:18 Hits: 2401 Rating: 7.50 (4 votes)Comments: 2 posts
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Mountain Popular
Description: Just my second try at Bryce5... I hope you like it.

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 12-Dec-2004 17:15:16 Hits: 2749 Rating: 5.00 (4 votes)Comments: 3 posts
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A Simple thing... Popular
Description: I used a piece of wood at first for the texture, then applied various PSP effects to it...

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 3-Sep-2005 18:16:34 Hits: 3098 Rating: 3.14 (7 votes)Comments: 1 post
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FinalWriter on AOS4Upd4 Popular
Description: FinalWriter, AminetRadio, SimpleMail... All working nicely on AOS4 Update 4 on a new background !

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 3-Jun-2006 16:44:28 Hits: 3524 Rating: 6.17 (6 votes)
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Dragon Popular
Description: My first screen grab since I rebuilt my new HardDisk.
Mixer, AminetRadio, AmgaAMP (from LaraCroft Theme on OS4Depot), dnetc, Samba (2 different wintel machines called Game1 and JerryDev).
The Misc Drive Icon was inspired from a NewIcon Set... But needs more work. The Notepad Icon came also from the same NewIcon Set... I just added Transparency...

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 2-Apr-2006 13:26:30 Hits: 3604 Rating: 6.22 (9 votes)
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AmiNetRadio and 6 Visual Effects Popular
Description: Even with dnetc, SGrab, WookieChat, AminetRadio and 6 Visual Effects, my system didn't slow down much and was still very usable !
More ScreenGrabs at

Submitter:  AmiGame - More Photos from AmiGame  
Last Update: 31-Mar-2006 10:20:23 Hits: 3960 Rating: 7.88 (8 votes)
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