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Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2
Posted on 28-Mar-2009 10:05:14
#1 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 14-Apr-2006
Posts: 829
From: Unknown


>If you are not rich enough for either, well, sorry, but you just have to get used to >being screwed unless something changes in the future.

I want a OS that is near 100% compatible with AOS to run 68k programs well and fast.
And i want a AOS that have modern features, nice skin system, truetype fonts with AA better MUI look and if a bug is find then i want a short time (1-2 weeks) a bugfix.

And it must run fast, allow multi Core support programs, native code, and hardware acceleratet opengl.

and this i have done in very few time, with new code i write, but mostly with existing code from opensource and the AOS binary

But it was much harder to do it, because there are no AOS sources out.when have sources, then there is much more progress possible and trolls cant say AFA is only a patch and no OS, because afa cant use original AOS sources.Dont understand that wrong, i dont want say, that i a good coder, i only want say, there is with opensource much more possible for Amiga.

same is with apps, mostly the best and biggest apps with most progress on amiga OS and OS4 are opensource apps.

if AOS source is here, then afa is same as OS4, both use AOS source.

Of course AFA can run then complete native on any hardware, is very compatible and if a Bug is know there come bugfxies soon.

So i have what i want, only 1 cosmetic problem but that doesnt matter to run not native is possible too, but unecessary more work, here i have no motivation to do, because a X86 with winuae is faster than any OS4 Hardware.I have a AMD 64 3000+ 1,8 GHZ real, openredalert do 60 fps and if thats not enough, i can for few money get a 2* faster X86.and if thats not enough, i can use native dualcore code and if thats too slow, i can use CUDA and a directx10.1 GFX Card.

the announces of Hyperion and slowness to reach them, have a good and a bad side.

In one case they avoid that other try to do it better or invest money, because other see the annonces Hyperion do are hard to reach and cost much money.

But on the other side many Users think Hyperion are losers, unable to do a good OS that is attractive for many user.
A loser is somebody that want reach a goal, but never reach it, or reach it too late.So many avoid also to buy OS4 or write programs for OS4.

so all in all the Amiga software lose mostly.There want near noone invest to do better as OS4 but also many dont want buy OS4.

nobody know what OS4 devs announce if AROS get better.
but if all is opensource, then amiga can grow more i think

Last edited by bernd_afa on 28-Mar-2009 at 10:11 AM.
Last edited by bernd_afa on 28-Mar-2009 at 10:06 AM.

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      Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2Leo28-Mar-2009 11:26:31
          Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2bernd_afa28-Mar-2009 14:44:55
              Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2ChrisH29-Mar-2009 12:54:28
                  Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2whose29-Mar-2009 13:28:57
      Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2Hammer28-Mar-2009 20:56:19
          Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2Leo28-Mar-2009 21:10:29
              Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2bernd_afa29-Mar-2009 10:23:36
      Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2Leo29-Mar-2009 13:38:50
          Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2bernd_afa29-Mar-2009 15:25:15
              Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2wolfe29-Mar-2009 15:38:51
              Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2Leo29-Mar-2009 17:02:37
                  Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2bernd_afa29-Mar-2009 17:42:47
              Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2itix31-Mar-2009 17:40:44
      Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2Leo29-Mar-2009 17:51:44
      Re: ...My dear Hyperion, is now the time to go to --> x86 ??? part 2Leo29-Mar-2009 20:25:26

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