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Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 0:22:58
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Feb-2003
Posts: 2531
From: Chicago, IL

Seems that Qt is open source and can be ported to other operating systems.

Has anyone attempted to port it to OS 4.0, MorphOS or AROS?

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 9:07:20
#2 ]
Joined: 21-Jan-2005
Posts: 87
From: Karlskrona, Sweden

Intresting question. And it would also be good to know what part of Qt that makes it problematic to port it to Amiga.


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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 10:12:39
#3 ]
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From: Norway


Yas in the same way as Cygnix.


We eventually concluded that Qt/Embedded would be the best starting point for doing a port to the L4 environment. Qt/Embedded is designed to run on Linux-based hand-held devices, such as PDAs or smartphones. The major difficulty we encountered was the dependency on an embedded Linux OS. However, choosing Qt/Embedded also had the advantage that it shipped with its own windowing system, the Qt Window System (QWS). Without the QWS, we would have had to rewrite about 10,000 lines of code just to make Qt's framework for Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) run on L4.

QT and GTK are where large projects.

I have recompiled 106 of 260 classes in GTK (as static objects), I have compiled all 108 objects of gdk,
I have worked on this sines January.

and I have not even started rewriting anything system dependent, I have not even started on cargo/pango yet,
I have skipped all objects that did not compile mostly printer stuff and filesystem stuff.

Basicly GTK needs ATK,GDK,PANGO and CARGO.

The problem is that bounties are not targeted is not split up on different Linux library's needed for the larger projects, so the projects becomes to large for one single individual or groups.

There are not technical reason way the we do not have x,y,z just the projects are extremely large.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 10:28:22
#4 ]
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From: Karlskrona, Sweden


I guess we first need to make a list of all different parts (as small ass possible) that we need to get ported. Then we need to come up with a roadmap so the different parts are made in the correct order. In this way the community gets small building blocks as time goes which can benefit other projects.

If we only put bountys (to start with) on the first part of the roadmap we can make the progress more efficient. Any input to the list of parts that needs to be done?

It would also be very intresting to know if Hyperion/OS4 could help out by implementing some feature in the OS to make the porting easier.


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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 10:36:12
#5 ]
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From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire


Is there a list of big projects which can be split down into their common dependencies, and then we could set up bounties for the component parts, rather than the whole project. Which seems to be the way it is at the moment.

Peter Swallow.
A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 10:47:33
#6 ]
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I would also be very interested in seeing a list of dependencies from larger projects.

I have always thought we should go this route doing many smaller bounties and actually see some progress being made (some of the dependencies might be usefull in other projects) even if we don't get OpenOffice ported the first 12 months :O)


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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 14:54:23
#7 ]
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From: Karlskrona, Sweden


If we would start making such a list... where can we put the information? A wiki?


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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 3-Feb-2008 16:34:15
#8 ]
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I have already done a pic, so 60% of the work is done!

Go go go !

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 8:53:44
#9 ]
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From: Karlskrona, Sweden


Ok thanks, then you have done your part ;)
What else input can we get? For sure it must be plenty of things to be done!


Last edited by xtergo on 04-Feb-2008 at 08:54 AM.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 15:15:25
#10 ]
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Has anyone attempted to port it to OS 4.0, MorphOS or AROS?

Instead of a toolkit we should think of which programs that are using it should / could (there are usually more dependencies) be ported. Toolkit itself is quite useless without programs using it

And also if there is a program using QT that people would like to see on amigas & alikes, then people could better concentrate mostly on those features of QT that the program actually uses.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 15:25:51
#11 ]
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From: Norway


But program X needs GTK or QT, so it not doable unless you port GTK or QT first, that way program X never get ported to AmigaOS.

We need bounties on low level API like QT and GTK , and maybe other libraries.
I suggest if like to know what program needs to be ported go to, also check out Linux commands ld and ldd,

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 17:01:26
#12 ]
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From: Chicago, IL


We were thinking of using it for cross development of Aladdin 4D, so the toolkit being ported might be important for us.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 17:17:27
#13 ]
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Don't count me in as a user if it ported, QT is a PITA, I have it on my mac and it just refuses to play files that DVPlayer handles with no problems. For example, I fed it a 750mb AVI file... 13 minutes later it decided it could play the video and started, feed the same file to DVPlayer and it starts instantly.
BTW. the mac wasn't running loads of apps or using vmem more than usual, there was only safari and QT running on 1gb of ram.

Another small thing against QT is it's size, the last update it insisted I download was over 80mb archived.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 17:59:54
#14 ]
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He's not talking about Quicktime, but a GUI toolkit called Qt. I'm not a big fan of Qt personally. Also, it may be open-source, but it's not free for commercial software (only for GPL software IIRC). This means that DiscreetFX had better check what the licensing costs are going to be.


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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 18:35:05
#15 ]
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Hi @koksa

AmiQT , really and 60% done?
I'd like to contribute, but I don't have confidence in an Amiga projects anymore. I put money into the Amizilla bounty and haven't saw a dimes worth for the last three years. There a few Morphzone bounties that haven't showed anything. Sorry, I'm not in investing any more in 'futures' in Amiga software.

Last edited by Snuffy on 04-Feb-2008 at 06:37 PM.
Last edited by Snuffy on 04-Feb-2008 at 06:36 PM.


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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 19:20:32
#16 ]
Joined: 21-Jan-2005
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From: Karlskrona, Sweden


If Qt was ported, Opera Software would maybe port the Opera for OS4 just because it would be easy for them and still make quite some fuss on internet. The Amiga community is good at making fuss ;)


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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 22:00:25
#17 ]
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not all bounties are failures....
the Allegro bounty is a good example. i know, it's not released yet, but it's very close to completion, hitman sent me a new beta last week.
i have had a very busy last few weeks, and i am in the middle of moving, so i haven't had any free time to check it out yet, but, don't loose faith in the amiga, some things do work out still! :D

QT for AOS would be VERY cool!

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 22:47:19
#18 ]
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QT for AOS would be VERY cool!

True, although since the licensing is still restrictive for commercial development GTK+ would likely be a better choice.

Where did the GTK+ effort end up?

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 22:55:02
#19 ]
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I'm working on GTK, things are going slowing and it's where boring.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-Feb-2008 at 10:55 PM.

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Re: Porting Qt to Amiga OS enviroments
Posted on 4-Feb-2008 23:58:26
#20 ]
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From: Up Rough Demo Squad


keep fighting chap!

AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM.

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