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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 2-Sep-2010 9:21:21
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 2026
From: Cheshire, England

One thing that I think has annoyed a lot of people is the fact that this company has got the Commodore Name and now the Amiga name so easily when companies that the community actually like and support Hyperion, A-cube, A-eon, Cloanto, bplan Genesi, the Aros team etc All have had either legal battles between Amiga Inc over copyrights or had to remove Amiga references from there platform.

I'm sure Acube would of loved to be able to call there machine Amiga440 / Amiga460, I'm sure bplan would of loved to been able to call MorphOS, the AmigaOS. And Aros I believe was called something Amiga but it had to removed due to legal issues.

Even Cloanto a great Amiga company that developed software and supported the Amiga for years recently had a legal battle over the use of the Amiga Forever name, to me they and all these other companies who have put money into the Amiga and the community have stayed with the community though the tough time and the hard time they all deserve the Amiga name a lot more than this start up company and I think this is why you are getting a lot more abuse and a tougher time than perhaps you deserve, it now time for CommodoreUSA to prove to us they deserve the name and let see what they do with it and I just hope they dont do damage to the name or to AmigaOS

One more thing now I think about how come CommodoreUSA dont do a deal with Cloanto on there C64 forever and Amiga Forever programs.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!DAX2-Sep-2010 9:37:49
          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour7-Sep-2010 19:20:55
              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie7-Sep-2010 19:35:46
                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Dandy8-Sep-2010 13:08:55
                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon8-Sep-2010 13:15:53
                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon8-Sep-2010 21:36:12
                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo9-Sep-2010 9:36:21
                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 12:02:49
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo16-Sep-2010 12:08:10
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!phoenixkonsole16-Sep-2010 12:14:14
                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!clusteruk16-Sep-2010 13:05:12
                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!phoenixkonsole16-Sep-2010 13:21:49
                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 13:55:05
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!bitman16-Sep-2010 14:04:04
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 14:09:27
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 14:13:01
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu16-Sep-2010 14:06:35
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 14:06:51
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu16-Sep-2010 14:11:43
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Birbo16-Sep-2010 14:08:53
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour16-Sep-2010 15:33:49
                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu16-Sep-2010 13:33:18
                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 14:21:59
                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu16-Sep-2010 14:29:24
                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 14:37:02
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu16-Sep-2010 14:42:59
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben16-Sep-2010 14:48:01
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 14:54:04
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Birbo16-Sep-2010 14:54:03
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 15:04:06
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Birbo16-Sep-2010 15:28:14
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben16-Sep-2010 15:55:33
                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pixie16-Sep-2010 15:22:00
                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 15:37:01
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Birbo16-Sep-2010 15:45:18
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo16-Sep-2010 15:47:55
                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 15:49:14
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Leo16-Sep-2010 15:52:08
                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 16:26:54
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 16:30:57
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben16-Sep-2010 16:49:10
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 16:32:16
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 16:43:45
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor16-Sep-2010 16:57:01
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 16:38:37
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 16:52:09
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 17:08:27
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor16-Sep-2010 17:15:50
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 17:20:05
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 17:28:50
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 17:39:51
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben16-Sep-2010 18:06:00
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 18:13:35
                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 18:20:51
                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 18:22:54
                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 18:28:19
                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 18:39:15
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 18:52:28
                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 19:15:37
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mikey_C16-Sep-2010 19:35:31
                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!CodeSmith17-Sep-2010 5:40:47
                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar17-Sep-2010 9:26:12
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nimrod717-Sep-2010 9:41:33
                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor17-Sep-2010 10:07:16
                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar17-Sep-2010 11:59:38
                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben17-Sep-2010 13:58:34
                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon17-Sep-2010 14:18:02
                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben17-Sep-2010 14:42:48
                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar17-Sep-2010 14:55:41
                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon17-Sep-2010 14:58:19
                                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben17-Sep-2010 15:08:04
                                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor17-Sep-2010 15:11:30
                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH19-Sep-2010 12:32:00
                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar17-Sep-2010 15:22:43
                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mechanic17-Sep-2010 15:43:32
                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number617-Sep-2010 15:48:09
                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon17-Sep-2010 15:50:19
                                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mechanic17-Sep-2010 16:08:42
                                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon17-Sep-2010 16:21:19
                                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mechanic17-Sep-2010 16:34:03
                                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number617-Sep-2010 16:39:37
                                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor17-Sep-2010 16:41:22
                                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben17-Sep-2010 16:31:10
                                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mechanic17-Sep-2010 16:45:40
                                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben17-Sep-2010 17:16:53
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J17-Sep-2010 17:25:43
                                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eniacfoa17-Sep-2010 19:07:34
                                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer18-Sep-2010 1:49:11
                                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J17-Sep-2010 17:04:11
                                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar17-Sep-2010 17:54:13
                                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour18-Sep-2010 3:27:17
                                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar18-Sep-2010 14:00:40
                                                                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number618-Sep-2010 14:45:26
                                                                                                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar18-Sep-2010 16:48:56
                                                                                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number618-Sep-2010 17:16:15
                                                                                                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar19-Sep-2010 0:03:40
                                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number617-Sep-2010 1:29:12
                                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number617-Sep-2010 1:27:10
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Mechanic16-Sep-2010 18:45:20
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!andres16-Sep-2010 18:51:47
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ruben16-Sep-2010 17:32:44
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor16-Sep-2010 17:23:48
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!amigang16-Sep-2010 17:31:53
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number617-Sep-2010 1:23:26
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour16-Sep-2010 19:53:12
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH16-Sep-2010 20:08:15
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Kronos16-Sep-2010 20:12:02
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Manu16-Sep-2010 20:15:11
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour16-Sep-2010 20:31:05
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!cicero79016-Sep-2010 20:57:02
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 21:00:37
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!cicero79016-Sep-2010 21:05:58
                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu16-Sep-2010 20:51:16
                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!ChrisH16-Sep-2010 21:08:23
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!WolfToTheMoon16-Sep-2010 21:14:25
                                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu16-Sep-2010 21:21:19
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!T-J16-Sep-2010 23:33:37
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!elatour17-Sep-2010 3:56:22
                                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!terminills17-Sep-2010 1:25:11
                                                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!eliyahu17-Sep-2010 1:36:43
                                                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!nrj120017-Sep-2010 1:41:22
                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!linnar16-Sep-2010 17:48:13
                                                                  Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!pavlor16-Sep-2010 17:54:25
                                                                      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number616-Sep-2010 18:13:42
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 16:14:19
                                                              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!number616-Sep-2010 16:25:35
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 16:23:55
                                                          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!BigBentheAussie16-Sep-2010 16:29:36
              Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Dandy8-Sep-2010 13:04:16
      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!CodeSmith2-Sep-2010 9:44:30
      Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!Hammer2-Sep-2010 12:16:30
          Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!djnick2-Sep-2010 13:11:46

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